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Экскурсия с гидом по Метрополитен-музею без очереди — получастная, макс. 8 чел.

Метрополитен-музей в Нью-Йорке привлекает почти столько же посетителей, сколько и другие ведущие галереи, такие как Лувр или Британский музей. В этом 2,5-часовом полу-частном (максимум 8 гостей) туре по музею с гидом вы сможете пропустить очередь и исследовать его самые известные экспонаты с помощью привлекательного гида, который проведет вас.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Mon 10 Feb
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $115.54
Mon 10 Feb
Начинается с $115.54
Что включено
Semi-Private Means Group Size Is Never More Than 8 Guests Maximum
Duration 2.5 Hours
Professional Guide
All Entrance Fees
Skip-the-Line Semi-Private Guided Museum Tour
Semi-Private Means Group Size Is Never More Than 8 Guests Maximum
Duration 2.5 Hours
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • li>
  • Максимум 8 человек на бронирование
  • Применяется минимальное количество. Этот тур не будет проводиться без минимум 2 гостей, соответствующих требованиям. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Примечания. Музей Мет может время от времени закрываться без предварительного предупреждения со стороны руководства музея. Когда это произойдет, мы предоставим гостям подходящую альтернативу, если время открытия музея задерживается более чем на 1 час с начала тура. В этих случаях мы не можем предоставить возмещение или скидки. Для входа на некоторые сайты в этом туре требуется соответствующая одежда. В музей не допускаются большие сумки или чемоданы, через службу безопасности пропускаются только дамские сумки или небольшие пакеты с тонкими сумками. Из-за усиленных мер безопасности на многих аттракционах могут образовываться очереди на экскурсии с пропуском без очереди или без ожидания. В некоторых определенных комнатах внутри музея действует очень тихое или ограниченное право говорить внутри, в этом случае ваш гид предоставит информацию об этих местах, прежде чем войти в определенные комнаты, где действует это правило. Некоторые коллекции могут меняться в течение года.
Что ожидать
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
Метрополитен-музей в Нью-Йорке привлекает почти столько же посетителей, сколько и другие ведущие галереи, такие как Лувр или Британский музей. Его около 2 миллионов произведений искусства и артефактов охватывают все, от древнего Египта до современного искусства. Из Большого зала вы увидите самые важные галереи музея. Пройдите через галерею Средневековой Европы на пути к Студиоло из Герцогского дворца. Исследуйте арсенал средневековья, в том числе предметы, которые носил Генрих VIII. В американском крыле находится лестница Чикагской фондовой биржи, а также знаменитый портрет Вашингтона, пересекающего Делавэр. Множество европейских художников, включая Вермеера, Пикассо и Ван Гога, ждут вас, когда вы узнаете об их беспокойной, но захватывающей жизни. Все это время ваш гид будет объяснять, чем этот культовый американский музей отличается от своих более старых европейских аналогов, тем более что он начал свою работу еще до того, как Соединенным Штатам исполнилось 100 лет. Основные моменты обычно включают: (если произведение искусства не предоставлено во временное пользование или не реставрируется) Доспехи Генриха VIII, Осенний пейзаж Тиффани, Лестница Чикагской фондовой биржи, Мадам X, Поп-культура тогда и сейчас, Школа реки Гудзон, Вашингтон, пересекающий Делавэр, Ян Вермеер, Мадонна с младенцем, Пикассо, Сера, Ван Гог и многое другое.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (112)
Dec 2022
Our tour guide Matt was great, and he did a great job making it very easy on us at the start. Great review of the highlights but this museum is huge so plan on spending an additional 1-2 hours on your own seeing things not covered by the tour.
Dec 2022
Fantastic guide in Mark. His enthusiasm was infectious!! I contacted him early in the day to say an injury to my foot was aggravated, and only my husband would be coming. He encouraged me to come and use a wheelchair readily available inside the MET. It worked out perfectly and the others in the group generously accommodated us.
Dave C
Dec 2022
The tour guide, Matt, was fabulous. We learned a lot more than we would have reading plaques all day. We got to see a lot of key items that would have taken us days to see on our own.

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