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Обилазак Метрополитен музеја уметности без реда – полуприватно, 8 особа, макс.

New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. On this 2.5 hour semi-private (8 Guest Maximum) guided museum tour, you’ll be able to skip the line and explore it's most famous pieces with the help of an engaging guide who will lead the way.

Skip-the-Line NOTE: Initial security line cannot be bypassed and may vary in size depending on congestion.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Fri 28 Mar
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Са почетком у $132.50
Fri 28 Mar
Са почетком у $132.50
Шта је укључено
Полуприватно значи да величина групе никада није већа од максимално 8 гостију
Трајање 2,5 сата
Стручни водич
Све улазнице
Полуприватни обилазак музеја са водичем без реда
Semi-Private Means Group Size Is Never More Than 8 Guests Maximum
Skip-the-Line Semi-Private Guided Museum Tour. Security line still mandatory for guests and may vary
Додатне информације
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • A maximum of 8 people per booking
  • Minimum numbers apply. This tour will not run without a minimum of 2 guests to meet requirements. In the event of this occurring, you will be offered an alternative or full refund.
  • Notes: The Met museum may be subjected to occasional closures without previous warning from the museum management. When this occurs, we will provide guests with an appropriate alternative if the museum opening time is delayed more than 1h from the tour starting time. In these cases we are unable to provide refunds or discounts. Appropriate dress is required for entry into some sites on this tour. No large bags or suitcases are allowed inside the museum, only handbags or small thin bag packs are allowed through security. Due to increased security measures at many attractions some lines may form on tours with 'Skip the Line' or 'No Wait' access. Some specific rooms inside the museum are subjected to a very quiet or restricted right to speak inside, in this cases your guide will provide the information about this places before entering the specific rooms where this rule applies. Some collections may vary along the year.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee – Important Details We stand by our commitment to providing the best tour experience. If for any reason your experience did not meet expectations, we offer a 100% Guarantee under the following conditions: 1. Contact Us Within 24 Hours – To qualify for any potential refund or resolution, you must reach out to us within 24 hours of your tour. 2. Give Us a Chance to Make It Right – Before posting any negative reviews online, please allow us the opportunity to address your concerns. We take pride in our customer service and are committed to finding a fair solution. To request a resolution, please contact us at after tour. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to ensuring every guest has an amazing experience!
Шта да очекујете
Музеј уметности Метрополитен
Музеј уметности Метрополитен у Њујорку привлачи скоро исто толико посетилаца као и друге водеће галерије попут Лувра или Британског музеја. Његових отприлике 2 милиона уметничких дела и артефаката покривају све од древног Египта до модерне уметности. Из Велике сале видећете најважније галерије музеја. Прођите кроз галерију Средњевековне Европе на путу до Студиоло из Кнежеве палате. Истражите оружарницу из средњег века, укључујући комаде које је носио Хенри ВИИИ. У америчком крилу налази се степениште са Чикашке берзе, као и чувени портрет Вашингтона који прелази Делавер. Мноштво европских сликара, укључујући Вермера, Пикаса и Ван Гога, чека вас док сазнате о њиховим проблематичним, али узбудљивим животима. Све време, ваш водич ће вам објаснити по чему се овај легендарни амерички музеј разликује од својих старијих европских колега, посебно пошто је почео пре него што су Сједињене Државе навршиле чак 100 година. Најважније углавном укључују: (ако уметничко дело није позајмљено или се рестаурира) Оклоп Хенрија ВИИИ, Јесењи пејзаж Тифанија, степенице на чикашкој берзи, Мадаме Кс, Поп култура некад и сад, Школа реке Хадсон,  Вашингтон прелази Делавер, Јан Вермер, Мадона са дететом, Пикасо, Серат, Ван Гог и још много тога.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art attracts nearly as many visitors as other leading galleries like the Louvre or the British Museum. Its roughly 2 million works of art and artifacts cover everything from ancient Egypt to modern art. From the Great Hall, you’ll see the museum’s most important galleries. Pass through the Medieval Europe gallery on your way to the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace. Explore armory form the Middle Ages, including pieces worn by Henry VIII. The American wing hosts the staircase from the Chicago Stock Exchange as well as the famed portrait of Washington crossing the Delaware. A host of European painters including Vermeer, Picasso, and Van Gogh await you as you learn about their troubled yet exciting lives. All the while, your guide will explain how this iconic American museum differs from its older European counterparts, especially since it began before the United States was even 100 years old. Highlights generally include: (if artwork is not on loan or being restored) Henry VIII armor, Tiffany Autumn landscape, Chicago Stock Exchange Stairs, Madame X, Pop culture then and now, Hudson River School,  Washington Crossing the Delaware, Jan Vermeer, Madonna with Child, Picasso, Seurat, Van Gogh, and more.
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For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (310)
Mar 2025
We had a fabulous tour of the Met today with Charlie. We challenged him with an 11 and 13 year old as well as 3 adults. He was able to keep the kids entertained and engaged as well as the adults! Not an easy job. He was knowledgeable of the museum contents and layout and was able to guide to several highlights and provide insight into the history and artistic detail. I would highly recommend.
Mar 2025
Katherine was very kind and personalized the tour to our needs and interests. She was very mindful of our pace and of other visitors. Would go on a tour with her again!
Mar 2025
We had a wonderful tour of the MET with Katherine. We were lucky to be the only guests that day so she really tailored the tour to our interests and made sure to show us as much as possible. She was very personable, fun, informative and had super interesting stories! Thank you Katherine! :)

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