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Природный центр Ривер-Бенд (RBNC) представляет собой некоммерческий экологический образовательный центр площадью 20 акров. River Bend связывает людей с их естественной средой посредством образовательных мероприятий, осведомленности об окружающей среде и примеров сохранения. Наши самые популярные достопримечательности — Пейтонс-плейс, наполненный цветущими растениями и сотнями великолепных живых бабочек. Учебный центр Брайанта Эдвардса содержит более 30 живых экспонатов, таких как черепахи, саламандры, насекомые и лягушки. Всегда есть на что посмотреть и что посмотреть! Консерватория бабочек и природы Руби Н. Придди представляет собой единственную в своем роде ультрасовременную стеклянную конструкцию площадью 7000 кв. футов. Это дом для луговых собачек, рыб, черепах и бабочек, а также ландшафт с луговыми травами, деревьями, кустарниками и полевыми цветами холмистых равнин. RBNC имеет более 17 акров пойменных лесов, троп, садов и водно-болотных угодий. Выходите и посмотрите природный центр Ривер-Бенд, это действительно особенное место для изучения и обучения.
Город: Техас
Mon 09 Sep
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Mon 09 Sep
Начинается с $6.16
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River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
Природный центр Ривер-Бенд
Учебный центр Брайанта Эдвардса - Выставочный зал В выставочном зале множество живых экспонатов, от амфибий до паукообразных, есть на что посмотреть и понаблюдать! Сезонные выставки гарантируют, что в RBNC всегда есть что открыть для себя! Руби Н. Придди Оранжерея бабочек и природы Консерватория бабочек и природы Руби Н. Придди представляет собой единственную в своем роде ультрасовременную стеклянную конструкцию площадью 7000 кв. футов. Он заселен местными бабочками и украшен степными травами, деревьями, кустарниками и полевыми цветами Холмистых равнин. Посетители могут найти множество увлекательных занятий в этой закрытой природной лаборатории. Здесь представлено более 100 местных видов растений и местная дикая природа, включая луговых собачек, богато украшенных коробчатых черепах, белого перепела Боба и многих других! Посетители могут даже наблюдать за местной водной жизнью в крытом пруду! Естественные циклы растений разворачиваются на территории оранжереи в течение всего года. Место Пейтона Выходите и посмотрите на вольер для бабочек RBNC! Peyton’s Place наполнен цветущими растениями и сотнями великолепных живых бабочек. Эти красивые, изящные существа будут радовать вас, когда они порхают среди растительности, останавливаются, чтобы глотнуть нектара, и время от времени приземляются на удачливых посетителей. Природные тропы и водно-болотные угодья RBNC имеет более 17 акров пойменных лесов и водно-болотных угодий. Выходите и посмотрите, сможете ли вы обнаружить местных птиц, таких как кардиналы, голубые сойки, дятлы, пересмешники, малиновки, крапивники и краснокрылые дрозды. У нас также есть семьи скунсов, серых лисиц, енотов, опоссумов и многих других! Библиотека Ротари-Норт Библиотека содержит множество ресурсов, в том числе полевые справочники, детские рассказы и компьютеры. Магазин подарков природы Ваш источник природных и экологически чистых подарков для всех возрастов! Павильон Элизабет Протро и Терраса Дж. С. Бридуэлла Павильон Элизабет Протро занимает площадь 7000 кв. футов. открытая крытая площадка с видом на 15 акров лесистого леса. Дж.С. Bridwell Terrace — это открытая территория, засаженная местной растительностью. Оба места — отличные места для отдыха и пикника! Объединенный детский сад Детский сад кипит жизнью, прогуляйтесь по извилистой тропинке и откройте для себя водопад и пруд, цветы, бабочек, отыщите кости динозавров и многое другое!
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Отзывы (7)
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Sep 2020
Very friendly. How they different variety of animals that came from either different county or state. And the butterfly’s were gorgeous. And our Guide toward was very in detail.
Aug 2020
What an amazing place! We went here in the heat of the Texas summer but enjoyed an afternoon walk through nature in a wooded area. The tour given by the employees inside was awesome as well. The butterfly area was a special experience. Everyone coming to town should visit Riverbend.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2020
Thank you so much for visiting! Please come back and see us next time you are here.
Aug 2020
We took our two grandsons there. (6 and 8) Before we even went through the door they told us it was going to be “boring”. Boy did they change their minds. They loved looking at all the snakes and turtles. Then we took a 20 minute hike in the woods. It was a great way to break up our long car drive.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2020
Thank you for your kind words! Please come back and see us soon!

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