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Наша миссия в Музее индейцев чероки - увековечить историю, культуру и истории народа чероки. Ваш общий входной билет предоставит вам доступ ко всем различным экспонатам, включая «Историю чероки».
Город: Национальный парк Грейт-Смоки-Маунтинс
Fri 20 Sep
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Начинается с $12.31
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $12.31
Что включено
Admission ticket to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Admission ticket to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Admission ticket to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Admission ticket to the Museum of the Cherokee Indian
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Что ожидать
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Learn about the Cherokee people at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Your general admission ticket includes access to the museum and the following exhibits. Story of the Cherokees: 13,000 Years Voted Top Ten best Native American Experiences by USA TODAY, you'll experience 13,000 years of Cherokee history, from the time when mastodons roamed the southern Appalachians to present day. This story is told through computer generated animation and special effects, life-sized figures, artwork and priceless artifacts. Emissaries of Peace: 1762 Cherokee & British Delegations Travel with Henry Timberlake to the Cherokee world in 1762 and see London through the eyes of Cherokee leaders who met with King George III. Timberlake’s Memoirs come to life through artifacts, archaeological treasures, period artwork, music, video and life-sized figures. Two contrasting cultures emerge from war and make peace. Special pop-up books and graphic panels help tell the story for children. The museum also hosts many traveling exhibits such as We the People. This exhibit has been featured not only at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian but also the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the McClung Museum at the University of Tennessee. It shows the perspectives of Cherokee culture and colonial British culture through the narrative of Henry Timberlake¹s Memoirs, illustrated with artifacts, artwork, reproductions, video, and life size figures. All exhibits, restrooms, Museum Store and Education Wing are ADA accessible.  Service animals are permitted.  Handicapped parking available in front of entrance.
Музей индейцев чероки
Узнайте о народе чероки в Музее индейцев чероки. Ваш общий входной билет включает посещение музея и следующих экспонатов. История чероки: 13 000 лет Вы проголосовали за десятку лучших индейских впечатлений от USA TODAY, вы испытаете 13 000 лет истории чероки, со времен, когда мастодонты бродили по южным Аппалачам, до наших дней. Эта история рассказывается с помощью компьютерной анимации и спецэффектов, фигур в натуральную величину, произведений искусства и бесценных артефактов. Эмиссары мира: делегации чероки и британцев 1762 г. Путешествуйте с Генри Тимберлейком в мир чероки в 1762 году и посмотрите на Лондон глазами лидеров чероки, которые встречались с королем Георгом III. Мемуары Тимберлейка оживают благодаря артефактам, археологическим сокровищам, историческим произведениям искусства, музыке, видео и фигурам в натуральную величину. Две противоположные культуры выходят из войны и заключают мир. Рассказывать детям истории помогают специальные всплывающие книги и графические панели. В музее также проходит множество передвижных выставок, таких как Мы люди. Этот экспонат был представлен не только в Музее индейцев чероки, но и в Смитсоновском национальном музее естественной истории и в Музее МакКланга в Университете Теннесси. Он показывает перспективы культуры чероки и колониальной британской культуры через повествование мемуаров Генри Тимберлейка, иллюстрированное артефактами, произведениями искусства, репродукциями, видео и фигурами в натуральную величину. Все экспонаты, туалеты, музейный магазин и образовательное крыло доступны для лиц с ограниченными возможностями. Разрешается размещение со служебными животными. Возможна парковка для инвалидов перед входом.
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Отзывы (75)
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Gaye H
Aug 2022
This was a great museum experience of the Cherokee Indian people. There was an organized path with beautiful and informative paintings, Indian relics and structures. The gift shop had a lot to offer with true handmade crafts, T shirts, books, etc.
joshua j
Jul 2022
Wonderful walk through the history of the Cherokee People. Me and my son loved it. Must visit for anyone staying in the area.
Perri K
Jul 2022
Overall, we enjoyed the museum. It was very informative. We opted to pay an additional $2 each for the audio tour. Some of the sensors did not work but we managed to figure it out.

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