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Однодневный тур Apache Trail для небольших групп на пароходе Dolly из Феникса

Проведите день, следуя по исторической тропе апачей, в настоящем приключении в дикой природе с гидом. Наслаждайтесь посещением города-призрака Голдфилд, Тортилья-Флэт и катанием на лодке по озеру Каньон. Это идеальный день в пустыне Сонора. Выберите между небольшой группой или частным вариантом. Если вы выберете частный вариант, вы также можете выбрать время отправления.
Город: Скоттсдейл
Sat 19 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $159.00
Sat 19 Oct
Начинается с $159.00
Что включено
Bottled water
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Professional guide
Hotel pickup and drop-off from select Phoenix area hotels
Bottled water
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Professional guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Применяется минимальное количество. Существует возможность отмены после подтверждения, если пассажиров недостаточно для выполнения требований. В этом случае вам будет предложен альтернативный или полный возврат средств.
  • Закон штата Аризона требует, чтобы дети в возрасте до 8 лет имели либо детское кресло, либо бустер. Детские сиденья не предоставляются, пожалуйста, привозите свои собственные.
  • Минимальный возраст – 3 года.
  • В туре допускается использование складных инвалидных колясок.
  • Для путешественников доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук. и персонал
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Apache Trail Scenic Drive
Only minutes from the city, the Apache Trail is the perfect way to experience the beauty of the Sonoran desert. Arizona’s first designated “Historic Highway” and a scenic byway, the original Apache Trail was a footpath by which the local Apache Tribe traveled through the Superstition Mountains.
Superstition Mountains
View these stunning desert mountains as you drive along the Apache Trail
Canyon Lake
During your tour along the Apache Trail, you will also be treated to a steamboat cruise on Canyon Lake by the famous Dolly Steamboat.
Lost Dutchman State Park
Tortilla Flat has become a fixture of the Apache Trail since its inception in 1904. Not fire, drought, or bandits could destroy this hearty stage stop which holds onto its rich tradition through its architecture and unique decorating sense. If you get too warm, you can quite literally “saddle up” to the bar and enjoy a cold beverage to cool you down. This rugged landscape in the Sonoran Desert has been the jewel that some men were looking for with the most famous involving the Lost Dutchman Mine. Rumored to have found the largest gold vein in the west, German immigrant Jacob Waltz trusted his newly found gold deposit to no one and the secret of its location was buried with him. If you have the “golden eye” maybe you can spot it while on tour!
Tortilla Flat
Two of the more colorful stops along the Apache Trail are Goldfield Ghost Town and Tortilla Flat.
Goldfield Ghost Town
Goldfield, aptly named after the precious metal found in the area, was incorporated in 1892. For five long years this town was a gold miner’s paradise, however, soon after the vein stopped producing Goldfield quickly turned into a gold mining ghost town. During the tour you will have a chance to spend time in this restored ghost town practicing your gold panning techniques, marveling at the original mining gear, or even spending some time at Lu Lu’s Bordello if you dare.
Apache Trail Scenic Drive
Only minutes from the city, the Apache Trail is the perfect way to experience the beauty of the Sonoran desert. Arizona’s first designated “Historic Highway” and a scenic byway, the original Apache Trail was a footpath by which the local Apache Tribe traveled through the Superstition Mountains.
Superstition Mountains
View these stunning desert mountains as you drive along the Apache Trail
Canyon Lake
During your tour along the Apache Trail, you will also be treated to a steamboat cruise on Canyon Lake by the famous Dolly Steamboat.
Lost Dutchman State Park
Tortilla Flat has become a fixture of the Apache Trail since its inception in 1904. Not fire, drought, or bandits could destroy this hearty stage stop which holds onto its rich tradition through its architecture and unique decorating sense. If you get too warm, you can quite literally “saddle up” to the bar and enjoy a cold beverage to cool you down. This rugged landscape in the Sonoran Desert has been the jewel that some men were looking for with the most famous involving the Lost Dutchman Mine. Rumored to have found the largest gold vein in the west, German immigrant Jacob Waltz trusted his newly found gold deposit to no one and the secret of its location was buried with him. If you have the “golden eye” maybe you can spot it while on tour!
Tortilla Flat
Two of the more colorful stops along the Apache Trail are Goldfield Ghost Town and Tortilla Flat.
Goldfield Ghost Town
Goldfield, aptly named after the precious metal found in the area, was incorporated in 1892. For five long years this town was a gold miner’s paradise, however, soon after the vein stopped producing Goldfield quickly turned into a gold mining ghost town. During the tour you will have a chance to spend time in this restored ghost town practicing your gold panning techniques, marveling at the original mining gear, or even spending some time at Lu Lu’s Bordello if you dare.
Apache Trail Scenic Drive
Only minutes from the city, the Apache Trail is the perfect way to experience the beauty of the Sonoran desert. Arizona’s first designated “Historic Highway” and a scenic byway, the original Apache Trail was a footpath by which the local Apache Tribe traveled through the Superstition Mountains.
Superstition Mountains
View these stunning desert mountains as you drive along the Apache Trail
Canyon Lake
During your tour along the Apache Trail, you will also be treated to a steamboat cruise on Canyon Lake by the famous Dolly Steamboat.
Lost Dutchman State Park
Tortilla Flat has become a fixture of the Apache Trail since its inception in 1904. Not fire, drought, or bandits could destroy this hearty stage stop which holds onto its rich tradition through its architecture and unique decorating sense. If you get too warm, you can quite literally “saddle up” to the bar and enjoy a cold beverage to cool you down. This rugged landscape in the Sonoran Desert has been the jewel that some men were looking for with the most famous involving the Lost Dutchman Mine. Rumored to have found the largest gold vein in the west, German immigrant Jacob Waltz trusted his newly found gold deposit to no one and the secret of its location was buried with him. If you have the “golden eye” maybe you can spot it while on tour!
Tortilla Flat
Two of the more colorful stops along the Apache Trail are Goldfield Ghost Town and Tortilla Flat.
Goldfield Ghost Town
Goldfield, aptly named after the precious metal found in the area, was incorporated in 1892. For five long years this town was a gold miner’s paradise, however, soon after the vein stopped producing Goldfield quickly turned into a gold mining ghost town. During the tour you will have a chance to spend time in this restored ghost town practicing your gold panning techniques, marveling at the original mining gear, or even spending some time at Lu Lu’s Bordello if you dare.
Apache Trail Scenic Drive
Only minutes from the city, the Apache Trail is the perfect way to experience the beauty of the Sonoran desert. Arizona’s first designated “Historic Highway” and a scenic byway, the original Apache Trail was a footpath by which the local Apache Tribe traveled through the Superstition Mountains.
Superstition Mountains
View these stunning desert mountains as you drive along the Apache Trail
Canyon Lake
During your tour along the Apache Trail, you will also be treated to a steamboat cruise on Canyon Lake by the famous Dolly Steamboat.
Lost Dutchman State Park
Tortilla Flat has become a fixture of the Apache Trail since its inception in 1904. Not fire, drought, or bandits could destroy this hearty stage stop which holds onto its rich tradition through its architecture and unique decorating sense. If you get too warm, you can quite literally “saddle up” to the bar and enjoy a cold beverage to cool you down. This rugged landscape in the Sonoran Desert has been the jewel that some men were looking for with the most famous involving the Lost Dutchman Mine. Rumored to have found the largest gold vein in the west, German immigrant Jacob Waltz trusted his newly found gold deposit to no one and the secret of its location was buried with him. If you have the “golden eye” maybe you can spot it while on tour!
Tortilla Flat
Two of the more colorful stops along the Apache Trail are Goldfield Ghost Town and Tortilla Flat.
Goldfield Ghost Town
Goldfield, aptly named after the precious metal found in the area, was incorporated in 1892. For five long years this town was a gold miner’s paradise, however, soon after the vein stopped producing Goldfield quickly turned into a gold mining ghost town. During the tour you will have a chance to spend time in this restored ghost town practicing your gold panning techniques, marveling at the original mining gear, or even spending some time at Lu Lu’s Bordello if you dare.
Apache Trail Scenic Drive
Only minutes from the city, the Apache Trail is the perfect way to experience the beauty of the Sonoran desert. Arizona’s first designated “Historic Highway” and a scenic byway, the original Apache Trail was a footpath by which the local Apache Tribe traveled through the Superstition Mountains.
Superstition Mountains
View these stunning desert mountains as you drive along the Apache Trail
Canyon Lake
During your tour along the Apache Trail, you will also be treated to a steamboat cruise on Canyon Lake by the famous Dolly Steamboat.
Lost Dutchman State Park
Tortilla Flat has become a fixture of the Apache Trail since its inception in 1904. Not fire, drought, or bandits could destroy this hearty stage stop which holds onto its rich tradition through its architecture and unique decorating sense. If you get too warm, you can quite literally “saddle up” to the bar and enjoy a cold beverage to cool you down. This rugged landscape in the Sonoran Desert has been the jewel that some men were looking for with the most famous involving the Lost Dutchman Mine. Rumored to have found the largest gold vein in the west, German immigrant Jacob Waltz trusted his newly found gold deposit to no one and the secret of its location was buried with him. If you have the “golden eye” maybe you can spot it while on tour!
Tortilla Flat
Two of the more colorful stops along the Apache Trail are Goldfield Ghost Town and Tortilla Flat.
Goldfield Ghost Town
Goldfield, aptly named after the precious metal found in the area, was incorporated in 1892. For five long years this town was a gold miner’s paradise, however, soon after the vein stopped producing Goldfield quickly turned into a gold mining ghost town. During the tour you will have a chance to spend time in this restored ghost town practicing your gold panning techniques, marveling at the original mining gear, or even spending some time at Lu Lu’s Bordello if you dare.
Живописная дорога Apache Trail
Всего в нескольких минутах от города Тропа Апачей — это идеальный способ познакомиться с красотой пустыни Сонора. Первоначальная тропа апачей, первая в Аризоне, обозначенная как «Историческое шоссе» и живописный переулок, была тропой, по которой местное племя апачей путешествовало через Горы суеверий.
Горы суеверий
Посмотрите на эти потрясающие пустынные горы, когда вы едете по тропе Апачей.
Каньон Лейк
Во время вашего тура по тропе Апачей вас также ждет круиз на пароходе по озеру Каньон на знаменитом пароходе Долли.
Государственный парк «Потерянный голландец»
Тортилья-Флэт стала неотъемлемой частью Тропы Апачей с момента ее основания в 1904 году. Ни огонь, ни засуха, ни бандиты не могли разрушить эту сердечную сценическую остановку, которая сохраняет свои богатые традиции благодаря своей архитектуре и уникальному чувству декора. Если вам станет слишком жарко, вы можете буквально «подъехать» к бару и насладиться холодным напитком, чтобы охладиться. Этот суровый ландшафт пустыни Сонора был жемчужиной, которую искали некоторые мужчины, самая известная из которых связана с шахтой «Пропавший голландец». По слухам, он нашел самую большую золотую жилу на западе, немецкий иммигрант Якоб Вальц никому не доверял свое недавно найденное месторождение золота, и тайна его местонахождения была похоронена вместе с ним. Если у вас есть «золотой глаз», возможно, вы заметите его во время тура!
Тортилья Флэт
Две из наиболее ярких остановок на Тропе Апачей — это Город-призрак Голдфилд и Тортилья-Флэт.
Город-призрак Голдфилд
Голдфилд, метко названный в честь драгоценного металла, найденного в этом районе, был зарегистрирован в 1892 году. В течение долгих пяти лет этот город был раем для золотодобытчиков, однако вскоре после того, как жила перестала добывать золото, Голдфилд быстро превратился в город-призрак золотодобытчиков. Во время тура у вас будет возможность провести время в этом отреставрированном городе-призраке, отрабатывая свои методы промывки золота, восхищаясь оригинальным оборудованием для добычи полезных ископаемых или даже проведя некоторое время в борделе Лу Лу, ​​если вы осмелитесь.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (97)
Julien A
Mar 2017

The landscapes are great, but the tour could have been much better.

First of all, pickup was 20 mns late, and we accumulated another 30 mns while waiting the others: They shown up with a I just woke up face 30 mns after the bus arrived to their hotel. As a consequence, we skipped Tortilla Flat and Fish Creek. Unacceptable, I paid for it and didn't get it.

We started the tour with 2 stops, one in the Apache trail on a small walk that goes inside the desert to learn about the vegetation. That was great watch out for the jumping cactuses!. Another stop above the lake with a great view.

Then we arrived at the lake, and embarked for the boat tour. To be honest, the landscapes in the canyon are great, but the boat is boooooooooooooooooooring. Only elderly people, 30's music, clichés everywhere I felt like I was watching the typical humoristic US TV shows. The boat tour lasts really too long 1h30, it eats half of your journey.

Then we headed to the Goldfield ghost town. That was the best place of the journey, unfortunately due to the late we had only 1 hour there to visit and to eat This is where we skipped the Flat Tortilla, because we were supposed to eat at Tortilla and have a full, real, hour to spend in the ghost town. 1 hour and really short, we spent half of this time to eat and the remaining to visit. There are many things to do there, but we didn't have the time to gold prospecting, mine tour, snakes tour, etc....

Then we came back to the hotels. As a conclusion, the boat was the worse part and I would have preferred more adventure, more trail you don't even walk any trail and less seating in a boat or a van.

Linda G
Feb 2017

This is a must trip for anyone traveling to Phoenix. Our guide David had a great knowledge of the Apache Trail, Superstition Mountain and the lore surrounding the area. The boat ride on Canyon Lake was spectacular. We were lucky enough to see bald eagles and mountain goats.

Apr 2016

The tour guide was great. The tour van was terrible! I've never heard a vehicle rattle that much. It was really a substandard vehicle. My son had to move to the front seat because the noise in the back was giving him a headache.

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