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Винная тележка долины Сонома с обедом

Откройте для себя винодельческий регион Сонома уникальным способом — на винной тележке долины Сонома. Поднимитесь на борт этой исторической копии канатной дороги Сан-Франциско и займите место в специальном приключении с дегустацией вин, которое вы никогда не забудете. Эта тележка под открытым небом позволит вам насладиться живописными виноградниками, как никакой другой тур. В этом туре ваш дружелюбный и знающий гид проведет вас по трем винодельням для дегустации. Вы посетите главные исторические достопримечательности Сономы и насладитесь обедом во время одной из живописных остановок. Экскурсия начинается в 10:00 и заканчивается около 4:30.

Для участия в этой экскурсии вам должно быть не менее 21 года.
Город: Napa & Sonoma
Mon 23 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $125.00
Mon 23 Sep
Начинается с $125.00
Что включено
Charter Fee and taxes (Gratuity not included)
Charter Fee and taxes (Gratuity not included)
Charter Fee and taxes (Gratuity not included)
Charter Fee and taxes (Gratuity not included)
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, одевайтесь соответственно. В зимние месяцы рекомендуется носить куртки и защиту от дождя.
  • Минимальный возраст – 21 год.
  • Во время бронирования НЕОБХОДИМО сообщить о каких-либо конкретных диетических требованиях.
  • Не употреблять Алкогольные напитки разрешены в тележке
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры обязаны регулярно мыть руки
Что ожидать
Sonoma Valley
Your day in California wine country starts as you hop aboard the Sonoma Wine Trolley, modeled after the famous historical cable cars of San Francisco. Enjoy the breeze as your knowledgeable tour guide whisks you off to four outstanding Sonoma-area wineries, known for both their wines and their hospitality. Each wine tasting takes place at the winery and a representatives at each winery will explain the different varietals you’ll sample and the background of the wineries (wine tasting fees are not included and you can expect fees of $30 to $40). There will be wonderful photo opportunities on this tour and your friendly guide will be happy to take a photo or two of your group so you can document your memorable day in wine country.
Sonoma Valley
Your day in California wine country starts as you hop aboard the Sonoma Wine Trolley, modeled after the famous historical cable cars of San Francisco. Enjoy the breeze as your knowledgeable tour guide whisks you off to four outstanding Sonoma-area wineries, known for both their wines and their hospitality. Each wine tasting takes place at the winery and a representatives at each winery will explain the different varietals you’ll sample and the background of the wineries (wine tasting fees are not included and you can expect fees of $30 to $40). There will be wonderful photo opportunities on this tour and your friendly guide will be happy to take a photo or two of your group so you can document your memorable day in wine country.
Sonoma Valley
Your day in California wine country starts as you hop aboard the Sonoma Wine Trolley, modeled after the famous historical cable cars of San Francisco. Enjoy the breeze as your knowledgeable tour guide whisks you off to four outstanding Sonoma-area wineries, known for both their wines and their hospitality. Each wine tasting takes place at the winery and a representatives at each winery will explain the different varietals you’ll sample and the background of the wineries (wine tasting fees are not included and you can expect fees of $30 to $40). There will be wonderful photo opportunities on this tour and your friendly guide will be happy to take a photo or two of your group so you can document your memorable day in wine country.
Долина Сонома
Ваш день в винной стране Калифорнии начинается с того, что вы садитесь на винную тележку Sonoma Wine Trolley, созданную по образцу знаменитых исторических канатных дорог Сан-Франциско. Наслаждайтесь бризом, пока ваш знающий гид проведет вас по четырем выдающимся винодельням в районе Сонома, известным как своими винами, так и своим гостеприимством. Каждая дегустация вин проводится на винодельне, и представители каждой винодельни объяснят различные сорта, которые вы будете пробовать, и предысторию виноделен (плата за дегустацию вин не включена, и вы можете рассчитывать на сборы в размере от 30 до 40 долларов). В этом туре будут прекрасные возможности для фото, и ваш дружелюбный гид будет рад сделать пару фотографий вашей группы, чтобы вы могли запечатлеть свой памятный день в винной стране.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (614)
Tina H
Apr 2014
I'm sorry, but that last sour review was all wet. What a great tour! The weather was wet and cold that morning so our guide called my cell an hour before tour to let us know our day would be spent on a heated, leather seated party bus! Would have loved to see the trolley but the bus was comfy, cozy, very nice and perfect for the day! Jill, our guide, was pure joy! Never have I had a guide go so far out of her way to make our experience fun, informative, comfortable and memorable. She supplied us with umbrellas when we had none. She was extremely knowledgable about area history and the wineries. We were novices to the whole "wine tasting thing" and she put us at ease with her instructions and suggestions. Catered picnic lunch was wonderful! They thought of everything. Jill served as the perfect hostess to lunch, even hunting down salt for a needy member of our tour. We have already recommended the Trolley tour to friends. Great way to experience a day of tasting and fun!
Mar 2014
Perhaps we caught them on an off day, but if my experience is the metric used I implore you to not go. Although having someone drive you around on a cute trolley so that you can drink sounds amazing, the ride did not meet expectations. 'Before we begin I would like to remind you that the wineries tastings are not included in the price, and neither is drive gratuity. ' --not what you would call professional. The speakers lacked the necessary volume to be heard, and the drive checked the volume while we were parked (the trolley is 10x louder when traveling at 50mph). And although the driver had a few funny stories, they lacked depth. Now, the wineries tours told great stories, and directly contradicted things that I know to be true from my own personal travels. I tend to believe my own experiences, and felt as though the person giving the tours were miseducating the public in a similar way to how a creationist would. I paid 100$ for the trolley, and then 30$ for the tour--I expect some pretty good education for 30 minutes of walkie talkie. To have someone boldly lie to me with 'facts ' that I could get off of a wine bottle, and stories that were clearly faked was not only ridiculous, but insulting. I've heard around the town that the trolley used to be free. Unfortunately, given that level of knowledge and customer service, free is what that trolley ride is worth. Wanna have a better time? Go visit sterling wineries, Kendall Jackson, or safari west. All are less cost and better in every way that I mentioned above.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2014
We are happy that you enjoyed the look and “Logic” behind our Trolley Tour. However, I am personally very sorry that you did not enjoy your recent Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley tour. You indicated that you did not know that tasting fee’s and the driver’s gratuity was not included in your ticket price. The fact that these fees are not included, are true. We do indicate this information on our website, on our tickets and even when you call us to book. Additionally, before you depart from the Historic Sonoma Plaza, the driver also indicates that tasting fees and gratuity are not included. If you check with our competitors, you will note that tasting fees and gratuity are not included in their tour pricing either. For that type of experience, you’re looking to spend upwards of $250.00 pp plus; which makes our $99.00 plus some modest (negotiated) tasting fees, a real value. Our Trolleys are built on truck chassis and are not actually cable driven Trolley cars. However, even with an actual cable driven trolley, the sounds of the rails and street are louder than an enclosed coach. When our Trolley cars are running on local surface streets, the vehicle noise levels are not unrealistic. The drivers discuss the factual information while touring around the local areas. When the vehicle hits the open road, noise levels can go up. The wineries we visit are almost all Sonoma County Harvest Fair award winners. Their rankings are from 90 to 98 point award winners. If anyone has a product and story that is factual, I personally would believe them. I am sorry that you feel that our award winning winery partners were not up to your expectations . You also indicate there was a tasting fee of $30.00. We do not have any Sonoma winery partners that charge $30.00. We negotiated all the fees with each of our partners. For example, if you were to drive into the Benziger Family Winery on your own, you would expect to paid $25.00 pp for the same thing that you would have paid $20.00 with our guests on the Wine Trolley. The entire days tasting fees on the Wine Trolley, are $45.00. This is the fee for all four stops. That is about $11.45 per stop. As for being a free Trolley, we are not a Public Transit service. The City of Napa used to have a free trolley service and then the service moved north to Yountville. You may have spoken to someone from either Napa (City) or the town of Yountville. And that service is actually on a bus that is designed to look like an actually Trolley. Ours is built from original blue-prints of a Trolley . The Kendall Jackson property is a lovely location! Their wine and food pairings as well as gardens are beautiful! And, Safari West is also a fun property, with wild animals wandering around a awesome animal preserve. But Kendall Jackson is a winery that is located in Santa Rosa (The Russian River Appellation) and Safari West (Mark West District) is located in between Santa Rosa and Calistoga. We are located in the Historic Sonoma Valley - Growing Region. Our job is to entertain our guests, teach the history of the Sonoma Valley and spotlight the award winning wineries in the Sonoma Valley. Perhaps you should consider charting a private vehicle and experience a higher end luxury tour that visits wineries that you select and that will meet your expectations. Please keep in mind, you will also be paying more for the vehicle and winery tasting fee’s than you did with our Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley tour . Please feel free to contact me directly and I will do whatever I can to assist you further.
Mar 2014
Having previously toured vineyards in the Napa Valley, my husband and I decided to visit Sonoma Valley on a trip to California early in March 2014. We were surprised to find we had the trolley entirely to ourselves, and our guide/driver, Jill, took excellent care of us. Only my husband was tasting, and Jill decided which vineyards to visit based on his wine preferences. I am interested in viticulture, and learned lots during the day. Some vineyards also have gift shops where you can purchase wine-related items as well as snacks and drinks. The vineyards and wine tasting venues we visited (4 in total) were welcoming and helpful. My husband found several new wines he really liked, and purchased bottles to take home with us. The picnic lunch from the "Girl and the Fig" in Sonoma was delicious. Jill provided ideas on where to eat in Sonoma (definitely worth taking time to explore this fascinating town), and where to visit during the rest of our vacation and based on that, we went to Jenner on the Pacific Coast and to the Armstrong Redwood Forest. We look forward to returning to explore more of Sonoma and the Sonoma Valley in the future. Whether you are on your own on the trolley, or with a group of other visitors; whether you drink wine or not, this is a very relaxing and informative day out.

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