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Круиз по истории Тампы

Одна из самых живописных гаваней Флориды, Тампа-Харбор изобилует историей со всех сторон. На набережной есть музеи, верфи и дома за миллион долларов. Посмотрите вблизи пиратский корабль «Габриэлла», осмотрите самое красивое здание в Тампе «Отель растений» и узнайте, как Тампа стала городом.
Город: Тампа
Tue 22 Oct
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $30.77
Tue 22 Oct
Начинается с $30.77
Что включено
History Cruise
Bottled water
History Cruise
Bottled water
History Cruise
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровни физической подготовки
  • Детский тариф применяется только при совместном проживании с 2 платящими взрослыми
  • Дети должны сопровождаться взрослым
  • Операция Covid-19 Health для наших туров. Мы уменьшили вместимость наших судов с 45 до 15, чтобы обеспечить социальное дистанцирование каждой группы на лодке. Наши лодки будут дезинфицироваться между каждым отплытием. ВСЕ гости должны постоянно носить маски для лица (носа и рта). В посадке будет отказано любому гостю без покрытия для лица без возмещения стоимости. Мы заботимся о вашем здоровье и здоровье наших сотрудников. Так что спасибо за сотрудничество, мы ценим это.
  • Маски для лица необходимы для путешественников в общественных местах
  • Маски для лица необходимы для гидов в общественных местах
  • Доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук для путешественников и сотрудников
  • Социальное дистанцирование на протяжении всего опыта
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Гиды необходимо регулярно мыть руки.
  • Гости будут рассаживаться в групповых секциях только при наличии группы.
Что ожидать
Henry B. Plant Museum
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Tampa Water Taxi Company
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Henry B. Plant Museum
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Tampa Water Taxi Company
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Henry B. Plant Museum
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Tampa Water Taxi Company
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Henry B. Plant Museum
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Tampa Water Taxi Company
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Henry B. Plant Museum
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Tampa Water Taxi Company
With 4,000 years of people living in Tampa on this cruise, you will learn about how this this city grew from a Spanish outpost to the fastest growing city in Florida. This tour takes you step by step through the evolution of the city and as you cruise along the waters, the history unfolds all around you. Your guides will divulge little known facts about this city and share them with you. Many locals have said "I have lived here all my life and never knew that about Tampa!" When you leave this tour, you will know more than locals! Learn more than you image possible about Pirates and their history in Tampa. See the Pirate ship “Gabriella” up close and be sure to ask your guide "what's a Pirate beard in Tampa?" You will be surprised at the answer!
Музей растений Генри Б.
С 4000-летними людьми, живущими в Тампе в этом круизе, вы узнаете о том, как этот город вырос из испанского аванпоста в самый быстрорастущий город во Флориде. Этот тур шаг за шагом проведет вас через эволюцию города, и пока вы путешествуете по водам, история разворачивается вокруг вас. Ваши гиды расскажут малоизвестные факты об этом городе и поделятся ими с вами. Многие местные жители говорят: «Я прожил здесь всю свою жизнь и никогда не знал такого о Тампе!» Когда вы покинете этот тур, вы будете знать больше, чем местные жители! Узнайте больше, чем вы себе представляете, о пиратах и ​​их истории в Тампе. Посмотрите вблизи пиратский корабль «Габриэлла» и обязательно спросите своего гида: «Что такое пиратская борода в Тампе?» Вы будете удивлены ответом!
Компания водного такси Тампы
С 4000-летними людьми, живущими в Тампе в этом круизе, вы узнаете о том, как этот город вырос из испанского аванпоста в самый быстрорастущий город во Флориде. Этот тур шаг за шагом проведет вас через эволюцию города, и пока вы путешествуете по водам, история разворачивается вокруг вас. Ваши гиды расскажут малоизвестные факты об этом городе и поделятся ими с вами. Многие местные жители говорят: «Я прожил здесь всю свою жизнь и никогда не знал такого о Тампе!» Когда вы покинете этот тур, вы будете знать больше, чем местные жители! Узнайте больше, чем вы себе представляете, о пиратах и ​​их истории в Тампе. Посмотрите вблизи пиратский корабль «Габриэлла» и обязательно спросите своего гида: «Что такое пиратская борода в Тампе?» Вы будете удивлены ответом!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (269)
Mar 2021
Customer service was answered by a very rude man and the boat wasn’t there at time of departure and waited for others to show about 20 some minutes after that. Larry was rude and uninteresting! Even though we left 20 to 25 minutes late, we still got back on original schedule. Boring and the fumes on this boat gave us a headache and the noise made it so hard to here him. Was a waste of time.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2021
In the past week we only left late once 7 min (according to the ships log) . We ask all guests if they can hear us so we adjust the volume. We also tell our guest to ask whatever subjects about Tampa they want to know as we have 5 hours of information to share and we will answer any questions you ask so that all guests find out what they want to know. If you TRULY had an issue you should call our office and they would be glad to address and issues you have. Or maybe this was the wrong subject of our tours for your liking. Most guest thank us when leaving the tour saying it was the best tour they had ever been on. (and they reflect that with there tips)
Mar 2021
First of all, the meeting place is a trick to find and the customer service person was RUDE as heck. Once we arrived, the boat was not there!!! I called Mr. Wonderful and he said I will be there soon!! Finally he got to the docking area and we got on only to find a lady coming and said it was so hard to find and the rest of the group was coming!! Mr. Wonderful (Larry) said to her he’d wait - now 20 minutes later we left. The boat engine about knocked me out with the fumes and Mr. Wonderful was not talking loud enough for us to hear him. The history tour was seriously not worth taking. He hardly talked and asked us if we all had questions, but he was not interesting - why bother!!! Believe or not, we left 20 minutes late and arrived at the same time originally given to us!!!! No way I’d recommend this tour to anybody. Just stand over a bridge and look down the river and you’d about see what we did and that would be free!!!
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2021
You have not been on one of our tours. our guides leave little time without talking about the wonderful city of Tampa. You are taken to places in the city that cannot be seen from bridges.
Mar 2021
Nothing to share.trip was cancelled with not informing customer. No clear direction to location..our day was wasted. Operator rude
Ответ от хоста
Mar 2021
I am sorry for your experience. When weather issues arrive quickly in Tampa we do our best to inform guests quickly. Many of the companies we receive bookings from use a relay system for us to communicate with guests. We need to email them and then they forward to you the guests as they do no give us contact information to contact you directly. Unfortunately some take over 4 hours to forward the message. Leaving you to travel for nothing. I agree it is bad, And I would not be happy..

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