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Салемский ночной тур

Самый увлекательный тур Салема. Во главе с местными жителями, знающими историю и места Салема. Присоединяйтесь к 75-90-минутному приключению, пока местный гид ведет вас через легенды, истории о привидениях, историю и печально известную истерию 1692 года — испытания Салемских ведьм. Это пешеходная экскурсия по центру Салема в удобном темпе, поэтому, пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответственно. Тур в основном посещается, и оговорки настоятельно рекомендуется.
Город: Салем
Fri 20 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $26.00
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $26.00
Что включено
Experience a walking ghost tour through the haunted and historic areas of downtown Salem
75 minute Salem Night Tour
Hear amazing stories of Salem's history
Professional/Local Licensed City of Salem Tour Guide
Experience a walking ghost tour through the haunted and historic areas of downtown Salem
75 minute Salem Night Tour
Hear amazing stories of Salem's history
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Октябрьская регистрация: Зарегистрируйтесь по адресу 127 Essex St. (помните о Салемских подарках) за 30 минут до начала тура. Присоединяйтесь к очереди на регистрацию, когда присутствует вся ваша группа. Когда вы зарегистрируетесь, вы отправитесь, возможно, раньше, чем время вашего билета. Последний экскурсовод уйдет точно в назначенное время. Гости, которые опаздывают (даже всего на минуту), не могут быть зарегистрированы. Пожалуйста, перепроверьте с вашей группой и убедитесь, что у вас достаточно билетов, дополнительные билеты НЕ МОЖЕТ быть куплены при регистрации. Делитесь информацией о регистрации со ВСЕМ участниками вашей группы. так как опоздание не может и не будет принято, не будет возмещено, не сможет «наверстать упущенное» и не будет допущено к перемещению в другой слот тура.
  • Регистрация с ноября по сентябрь: регистрация за 15 минут до начала тура по адресу 127 Essex St. (Remember Salem Gifts)
Что ожидать
Salem Night Tour
Take a spooky stroll through downtown Salem, Massachusetts on this haunt and history, night walking tour. Join the adventure Friday and Saturday at 8pm or Sunday through Thursday at 6pm. Starting April 1st, we will be running every night at 8pm! Licensed guides lead the way through legends, history, and the infamous hysteria of 1692 — the Salem Witch Trials. This is a walking tour of historic downtown Salem that lasts about 90 minutes. Hear amazing stories of Salem's past and discover why Salem is one of the most beloved, historic, and haunted towns in America. The route goes at a comfortable pace, rain or shine. This Salem night tour is typically well attended, so reservations are highly recommended. In October we require guests to be early. Late arrivals (even by just a minute) are not accepted under any circumstances. Guest that cannot arrive early should not book this tour in October.
Salem Witch Trials Memorial
Salem Witch Trials memorial featuring a series of inscribed stones throughout the burial ground.
Salem Old Town Hall
guests will hear about Salem's movie history and see one of the iconic filming locations of the movie Hocus Pocus
Old Burying Point Cemetery
Pass by the cemetery and look into it from the gates as you hear about Salem's most spooky ghosts
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church
enter the back garden area of one of Salem's oldest churches, and walk on the unmarked Puritan graves beneath as you hear about the dark history and ghost stories associated with the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.
Essex Street Pedestrian Mall
Pass through the epicenter of historic Salem filled with shopping, sightseeing and history.
Salem Night Tour
Take a spooky stroll through downtown Salem, Massachusetts on this haunt and history, night walking tour. Join the adventure Friday and Saturday at 8pm or Sunday through Thursday at 6pm. Starting April 1st, we will be running every night at 8pm! Licensed guides lead the way through legends, history, and the infamous hysteria of 1692 — the Salem Witch Trials. This is a walking tour of historic downtown Salem that lasts about 90 minutes. Hear amazing stories of Salem's past and discover why Salem is one of the most beloved, historic, and haunted towns in America. The route goes at a comfortable pace, rain or shine. This Salem night tour is typically well attended, so reservations are highly recommended. In October we require guests to be early. Late arrivals (even by just a minute) are not accepted under any circumstances. Guest that cannot arrive early should not book this tour in October.
Salem Witch Trials Memorial
Salem Witch Trials memorial featuring a series of inscribed stones throughout the burial ground.
Salem Old Town Hall
guests will hear about Salem's movie history and see one of the iconic filming locations of the movie Hocus Pocus
Old Burying Point Cemetery
Pass by the cemetery and look into it from the gates as you hear about Salem's most spooky ghosts
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church
enter the back garden area of one of Salem's oldest churches, and walk on the unmarked Puritan graves beneath as you hear about the dark history and ghost stories associated with the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.
Essex Street Pedestrian Mall
Pass through the epicenter of historic Salem filled with shopping, sightseeing and history.
Salem Night Tour
Take a spooky stroll through downtown Salem, Massachusetts on this haunt and history, night walking tour. Join the adventure Friday and Saturday at 8pm or Sunday through Thursday at 6pm. Starting April 1st, we will be running every night at 8pm! Licensed guides lead the way through legends, history, and the infamous hysteria of 1692 — the Salem Witch Trials. This is a walking tour of historic downtown Salem that lasts about 90 minutes. Hear amazing stories of Salem's past and discover why Salem is one of the most beloved, historic, and haunted towns in America. The route goes at a comfortable pace, rain or shine. This Salem night tour is typically well attended, so reservations are highly recommended. In October we require guests to be early. Late arrivals (even by just a minute) are not accepted under any circumstances. Guest that cannot arrive early should not book this tour in October.
Salem Witch Trials Memorial
Salem Witch Trials memorial featuring a series of inscribed stones throughout the burial ground.
Salem Old Town Hall
guests will hear about Salem's movie history and see one of the iconic filming locations of the movie Hocus Pocus
Old Burying Point Cemetery
Pass by the cemetery and look into it from the gates as you hear about Salem's most spooky ghosts
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church
enter the back garden area of one of Salem's oldest churches, and walk on the unmarked Puritan graves beneath as you hear about the dark history and ghost stories associated with the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.
Essex Street Pedestrian Mall
Pass through the epicenter of historic Salem filled with shopping, sightseeing and history.
Salem Night Tour
Take a spooky stroll through downtown Salem, Massachusetts on this haunt and history, night walking tour. Join the adventure Friday and Saturday at 8pm or Sunday through Thursday at 6pm. Starting April 1st, we will be running every night at 8pm! Licensed guides lead the way through legends, history, and the infamous hysteria of 1692 — the Salem Witch Trials. This is a walking tour of historic downtown Salem that lasts about 90 minutes. Hear amazing stories of Salem's past and discover why Salem is one of the most beloved, historic, and haunted towns in America. The route goes at a comfortable pace, rain or shine. This Salem night tour is typically well attended, so reservations are highly recommended. In October we require guests to be early. Late arrivals (even by just a minute) are not accepted under any circumstances. Guest that cannot arrive early should not book this tour in October.
Salem Witch Trials Memorial
Salem Witch Trials memorial featuring a series of inscribed stones throughout the burial ground.
Salem Old Town Hall
guests will hear about Salem's movie history and see one of the iconic filming locations of the movie Hocus Pocus
Old Burying Point Cemetery
Pass by the cemetery and look into it from the gates as you hear about Salem's most spooky ghosts
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church
enter the back garden area of one of Salem's oldest churches, and walk on the unmarked Puritan graves beneath as you hear about the dark history and ghost stories associated with the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.
Essex Street Pedestrian Mall
Pass through the epicenter of historic Salem filled with shopping, sightseeing and history.
Salem Night Tour
Take a spooky stroll through downtown Salem, Massachusetts on this haunt and history, night walking tour. Join the adventure Friday and Saturday at 8pm or Sunday through Thursday at 6pm. Starting April 1st, we will be running every night at 8pm! Licensed guides lead the way through legends, history, and the infamous hysteria of 1692 — the Salem Witch Trials. This is a walking tour of historic downtown Salem that lasts about 90 minutes. Hear amazing stories of Salem's past and discover why Salem is one of the most beloved, historic, and haunted towns in America. The route goes at a comfortable pace, rain or shine. This Salem night tour is typically well attended, so reservations are highly recommended. In October we require guests to be early. Late arrivals (even by just a minute) are not accepted under any circumstances. Guest that cannot arrive early should not book this tour in October.
Salem Witch Trials Memorial
Salem Witch Trials memorial featuring a series of inscribed stones throughout the burial ground.
Salem Old Town Hall
guests will hear about Salem's movie history and see one of the iconic filming locations of the movie Hocus Pocus
Old Burying Point Cemetery
Pass by the cemetery and look into it from the gates as you hear about Salem's most spooky ghosts
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church
enter the back garden area of one of Salem's oldest churches, and walk on the unmarked Puritan graves beneath as you hear about the dark history and ghost stories associated with the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.
Essex Street Pedestrian Mall
Pass through the epicenter of historic Salem filled with shopping, sightseeing and history.
Салемский ночной тур
Совершите жуткую прогулку по центру города Салем, штат Массачусетс, во время этой ночной пешеходной экскурсии с историей и привидениями. Присоединяйтесь к приключениям в пятницу и субботу в 20:00 или с воскресенья по четверг в 18:00. С 1 апреля мы будем работать каждую ночь в 20:00! Лицензированные гиды проведут вас через легенды, историю и печально известную истерию 1692 года — Салемский суд над ведьмами. Это пешеходная экскурсия по историческому центру Салема, которая длится около 90 минут. Услышьте удивительные истории о прошлом Салема и узнайте, почему Салем является одним из самых любимых, исторических и посещаемых призраками городов Америки. Маршрут проходит в комфортном темпе, в любую погоду. Этот ночной тур по Салему, как правило, очень популярен, поэтому настоятельно рекомендуется бронирование. В октябре мы просим гостей приходить пораньше. Опоздания (даже всего на минуту) не принимаются ни при каких обстоятельствах. Гость, который не может прибыть раньше, не должен бронировать этот тур в октябре.
Мемориал суда над салемскими ведьмами
Мемориал Салемского суда над ведьмами с рядом камней с надписями по всему могильнику.
Старая ратуша Салема
гости узнают об истории кино Салема и увидят одно из знаковых мест съемок фильма «Фокус-покус».
Старое кладбище места захоронения
Пройдите мимо кладбища и загляните на него из ворот, когда услышите о самых жутких призраках Салема.
Епископальная церковь Святого Петра
войдите в задний сад одной из старейших церквей Салема и прогуляйтесь по безымянным пуританским могилам внизу, когда вы услышите о темной истории и историях о привидениях, связанных с судебными процессами над салемскими ведьмами 1692 года.
Пешеходный центр на Эссекс-стрит
Пройдите через эпицентр исторического Салема, наполненный покупками, осмотром достопримечательностей и историей.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Dec 2022
Bobby was AMAZING! Such a knowledgeable tour guide. He was very engaging and had such a great sense of humor. If you care anything about the history of the original inhabitants of Salem and the history surrounding the witch trials this tour is a must. An hour and 15 minutes so wear comfortable shoes and bundle up I’m the winter.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
We are haunted by your kind words!!!! Bobby works his butt off SNT
Dec 2022
The tour guide was very funny, polite and entertaining! Salem is a charming little town and I cannot wait to go back. Definitely recommend doing this tour to get the know the infamous history.
Dec 2022
We were given an excellent tour by Bobby Kerrigan, who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic to share his community's past and present. The nighttime atmosphere is a great setting to learn about the witch trials, especially the cemetery by late fall moonlight! Many of the original buildings have since been replaced or converted to condos, but there are enough surviving buildings to get a feel for the colonial era and to put into perspective how much the town has changed. We went a few weeks after the Halloween madness, so our tour group was small and allowed for much more personal interaction. We would recommend this to any history enthusiast visiting Salem!
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
We are so glad Bobby haunted you with his love for sharing all Salem has to offer!!! SNT

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