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Салемская прогулка ведьмы

Присоединяйтесь к нам в Салемской прогулке ведьм во время единственного волшебного тура Салема. Вас встретят настоящие Ведьмы и вы поучаствуете в настоящем Волшебном Круге. Вы будете сидеть в нашем Волшебном саду, и мы расскажем вам о современном колдовстве и истории обвиняемых ведьм 1692 года. Вам будет предоставлена ​​волшебная сумка со скидочными купонами, образовательной информацией и брошюрами, а также о каждой жертве, включая особое благословение. это мы сделаем в Мемориале Суда над ведьмами, куда вы также можете позвонить своему начальству. Все наши гости получают Волшебный Дар, благословленный известной ясновидящей любви Салема Лорелей, владелицей Прогулки ведьм Салема и Уголка Вороньей гавани - старейшего магазина ведьм Салема! У нас также есть вода и немного конфет для вашей прогулки. Ваши хорошо осведомленные лицензированные гиды с нетерпением ждут встречи с вами для этого уникального опыта!
Город: Салем
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $30.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $30.00
Что включено
Professional guide
Professional guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске.
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри.
  • Поблизости есть общественный транспорт.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественники с травмами позвоночника
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослых
  • li>
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, одевайтесь соответственно
Что ожидать
The Salem Witch Walk
At the start of the tour we will be casting a Witches Magic Circle to show what real Witches do and raise energy for a blessing. We will then embark on a walk through historic Salem Massachusetts. We will stop at Salem's Old Burying Point Cemetery where we will be preform a blessing for the wrongly accused. We then make several stops in the City to discuss the real Witches of Salem and their practices. We will cover the Witches Sabbats (holidays), and Esbats (full moon rituals), the core principles of the beliefs and practices of the Salem Witch. All of those who take the tour will be given a discount to at Crow Haven Corner, which is the Oldest Witch Shop in North America.
Салемская прогулка ведьмы
В начале тура мы создадим Магический круг ведьм, чтобы показать, что делают настоящие ведьмы, и собрать энергию для благословения. Затем мы отправимся на прогулку по историческому Салему, штат Массачусетс. Мы остановимся на кладбище Old Burying Point в Салеме, где произведем благословение для ошибочно обвиненных. Затем мы делаем несколько остановок в городе, чтобы обсудить настоящих ведьм Салема и их практики. Мы рассмотрим шабаши ведьм (праздники) и эсбаты (ритуалы полнолуния), основные принципы верований и практик Салемской ведьмы. Всем, кто примет участие в туре, будет предоставлена ​​скидка в Crow Haven Corner, самом старом магазине ведьм в Северной Америке.
Политика отмены
Все продажи являются окончательными. Возврат средств при отмене невозможен.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Nov 2020
Really disappointed. I’m in Salem for my birthday with my mother; and she booked the Witch Walk on Tuesday evening for yesterday morning, 11/18/2020 at 11am. Website took the $53.00 for our tickets, and sent confirmation email. We show up to Crow Havens Corner at 10:45am and stand around outside a closed business until 11:35am. Called 3 times- got no answer. Voicemail inbox full. Employee next door was very nice said they’re usually punctual and on time for daily tour. Well not this time. No one even showed up. We got no courtesy call or email to say if someone was running late or if the tour was cancelled- NOTHING. We stood there in the cold for over 40 minutes. When we first got there, we saw a younger male who went inside with bags of items. When he came out we asked if this is where we meet for the witch walk. The gentleman, who looked stoned out of his mind, muttered something that sounded like he didn’t know anything about the walk sorry- and then got into his car and sped away. Towards the end of our wait, that same gentleman returned- refused to make eye contact and went into the building, and never came out. This is completely unprofessional. My mother has sent multiple emails and also reached out on Facebook messenger and is currently awaiting a response from the owner, requesting a refund. As of today 11/19/2020 at 10:30pm- no one from Crow Haven Corner has returned our email, or refunded us our money. We know that they are aware of their error and they are refusing to rectify it. We went on the Salem night tour this evening, and when speaking with the owner of that establishment, he informed us that an employee of Crow Haven Corner had attempted to lie, and said they were there at 11am. Thankfully, he stood up for us. The neighboring establishments owner saw us waiting all that time...and he saw that young gentleman from yesterday walk by and ignore us. (Who turns out to be the Crow Haven Corner owners SON). After which, the Crow Haven Corner employee admitted they were aware of the two women that were waiting for the tour that never happened. Sadly based on this experience, and the lack of communication, I would never recommend this business or service to anyone visiting Salem. It’s a total sham.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2020
Hi There , I am so sorry you came to a Tour and we were not opened .My Manager and I came were sick and I shut the store down to be careful and took the cover test . My Admin said he would contact anyone who booked . I don't blame you for being upset . I would like to refund you and apologize once again. Please email me your number and I will over see this my self. Many Blessings , Lorelei
Nov 2020
I booked a tour for my daughter and myself as part of our birthday celebration. We were excited to go on the walking tour and were really looking forward to going. We showed up 15mins as requested. No one showed up!! We stood in the cold for 30 mins more. In that time we tried to call 3x's. No answer or ability to leave a message. We couldn't get into the shop because there were boxes piled up to the top of the door. What else could we do? Stand there all day? We left. I reached out to The Witch Walk for a refund and have yet to get a response to my emails and messages. I DO NOT RECOMMEND using any of the services by Lorilei, The Crows Haven Corner or The Salem Witch Walk. You will be screwed! Avoid!! There are plenty of shops in Salem open, honest and happy to sell you the same stuff!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2020
Hi , Im so sorry and don't blame you for being mad ! My Manager and I got sick and I closed down until O got our test results . 'My Admin said he shut down the tour as well so again I am sorry .I have owned this store well over twenty years and this has never happened ! Please let me refund you and again I am sorry ! Please email [email protected] and leave a number so I can at refund and send a magical gift . I am on the phone with my Admin trying to find out how you could have booked as he said he shut it down. Many Blessings ,Lorelei
Oct 2020
After reading the reviews, was SO excited to find we had PJ (green hair) as our guide. The tour felt very casual while still being super informative. My boyfriend isn't into witchcraft at all but thought it was really interesting and had way more fun than he was anticipating. It was also relieving to take part in an activity where everyone kept their masks up/appropriately distanced so I felt I could actually enjoy myself instead of worrying about COVID. Does a great job of sharing lots of information while still keeping it conversational and not feeling scripted, will definitely be back to do another tour with them!

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