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Круиз на лодке Тики - Пляж Клируотер

Наши единственные в своем роде плавучие тики-бары — это новейший и лучший способ испытать воду. Эти тики-лодки доставляют массу удовольствия и должны быть в списке желаний каждого!

Полюбуйтесь видом на пляж Клируотер из Мексиканского залива и полюбуйтесь множеством потрясающих домов и лодок, стоящих вдоль гавани, потягивая кофе. любимый напиток. Наши туры предполагают близкое знакомство с дельфинами, ламантинами и другими дикими животными.

Принесите свои собственные напитки, еду или закуски. Мы предоставляем сертифицированных USCG капитанов, кулеры со льдом и Bluetooth-радио для воспроизведения ваших любимых мелодий.

Зачем платить за напитки по завышенной цене в наземном баре, если вы можете принести свои напитки в плавучий Tiki Bar!
Город: Чистая вода
Wed 05 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $59.95
Wed 05 Mar
Начинается с $59.95
Что включено
Cooler with ice and bluetooth radio
Cooler with ice and bluetooth radio
Cooler with ice and bluetooth radio
Cooler with ice and bluetooth radio
Полностью экскурсионный тур
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
Что ожидать
Clearwater Beach
Cruise around Clearwater Beach day or night on a floating tiki bar. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar!
Clearwater Beach
One Tree Island Tour! Are you ready to experience moments that will last a lifetime? Nothing will compare to the smiles and waves you'll get cruising through Clearwater Beach on a Tiki Bar on your way to local Sand Bars! Party with the locals at One Tree Island, a small sand island in the middle of Clearwater Harbor. Once there your Captain will drop the anchor and the swim ladder for you to enjoy a truly amazing experience. We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
How can you possibly improve a Clearwater Beach Sunset? With a Tiki boat! Our 2 Hour Sunset Cruise can't be beaten! Cruise around Clearwater Beach on a floating tiki bar as you take in our amazing sunsets. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar! We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
Cruise around Clearwater Beach day or night on a floating tiki bar. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar!
Clearwater Beach
One Tree Island Tour! Are you ready to experience moments that will last a lifetime? Nothing will compare to the smiles and waves you'll get cruising through Clearwater Beach on a Tiki Bar on your way to local Sand Bars! Party with the locals at One Tree Island, a small sand island in the middle of Clearwater Harbor. Once there your Captain will drop the anchor and the swim ladder for you to enjoy a truly amazing experience. We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
How can you possibly improve a Clearwater Beach Sunset? With a Tiki boat! Our 2 Hour Sunset Cruise can't be beaten! Cruise around Clearwater Beach on a floating tiki bar as you take in our amazing sunsets. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar! We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
Cruise around Clearwater Beach day or night on a floating tiki bar. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar!
Clearwater Beach
One Tree Island Tour! Are you ready to experience moments that will last a lifetime? Nothing will compare to the smiles and waves you'll get cruising through Clearwater Beach on a Tiki Bar on your way to local Sand Bars! Party with the locals at One Tree Island, a small sand island in the middle of Clearwater Harbor. Once there your Captain will drop the anchor and the swim ladder for you to enjoy a truly amazing experience. We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
How can you possibly improve a Clearwater Beach Sunset? With a Tiki boat! Our 2 Hour Sunset Cruise can't be beaten! Cruise around Clearwater Beach on a floating tiki bar as you take in our amazing sunsets. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar! We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
Cruise around Clearwater Beach day or night on a floating tiki bar. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar!
Clearwater Beach
One Tree Island Tour! Are you ready to experience moments that will last a lifetime? Nothing will compare to the smiles and waves you'll get cruising through Clearwater Beach on a Tiki Bar on your way to local Sand Bars! Party with the locals at One Tree Island, a small sand island in the middle of Clearwater Harbor. Once there your Captain will drop the anchor and the swim ladder for you to enjoy a truly amazing experience. We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
How can you possibly improve a Clearwater Beach Sunset? With a Tiki boat! Our 2 Hour Sunset Cruise can't be beaten! Cruise around Clearwater Beach on a floating tiki bar as you take in our amazing sunsets. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar! We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
Cruise around Clearwater Beach day or night on a floating tiki bar. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar!
Clearwater Beach
One Tree Island Tour! Are you ready to experience moments that will last a lifetime? Nothing will compare to the smiles and waves you'll get cruising through Clearwater Beach on a Tiki Bar on your way to local Sand Bars! Party with the locals at One Tree Island, a small sand island in the middle of Clearwater Harbor. Once there your Captain will drop the anchor and the swim ladder for you to enjoy a truly amazing experience. We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Clearwater Beach
How can you possibly improve a Clearwater Beach Sunset? With a Tiki boat! Our 2 Hour Sunset Cruise can't be beaten! Cruise around Clearwater Beach on a floating tiki bar as you take in our amazing sunsets. Our one of a kind tiki boats are the best way to experience the beautiful waters of Clearwater Beach. This tour has it all; take in views of Clearwater Beach from the Gulf of Mexico and admire the many stunning homes and boats which line the harbor, all while sipping your favorite drink. Our tours offer up-close encounters with dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. Bring your own beverages of choice, food or snack. We provide USCG certified captains, coolers with ice, and Bluetooth radio to play your favorite tunes. Why pay for over priced drinks at a land bar, when you can bring your own drinks on a floating Tiki Bar! We provide a cooler and Ice, Bring Your Own Beverages and snacks.
Круиз по пляжу Клируотер днем ​​или ночью на плавучем тики-баре. Наши единственные в своем роде лодки тики - лучший способ испытать прекрасные воды пляжа Клируотер. В этом туре есть все; полюбуйтесь видом на пляж Клируотер из Мексиканского залива и полюбуйтесь множеством потрясающих домов и лодок, стоящих вдоль гавани, потягивая свой любимый напиток. Наши туры предлагают близкое знакомство с дельфинами, ламантинами и другими дикими животными. Принесите свои собственные напитки на выбор, еду или закуски. Мы предоставляем сертифицированных USCG капитанов, кулеры со льдом и Bluetooth-радио для воспроизведения ваших любимых мелодий. Зачем платить за напитки по завышенной цене в наземном баре, когда вы можете принести свои напитки в плавучий Tiki Bar!
Экскурсия на остров одного дерева! Готовы ли вы испытать моменты, которые будут длиться всю жизнь? Ничто не сравнится с улыбками и волнами, которые вы получите, путешествуя по пляжу Клируотер в тики-баре по пути к местным песчаным барам! Вечеринка с местными жителями на острове Уан-Три, небольшом песчаном острове посреди гавани Клируотер. Оказавшись там, ваш капитан бросит якорь и спустится по лестнице, чтобы вы могли насладиться поистине удивительными впечатлениями. Мы предоставляем кулер и лед, напитки и закуски можно принести с собой.
Как вы можете улучшить закат в Клируотер-Бич? С лодкой Тики! Наш 2-часовой круиз на закате не может быть лучше! Совершите круиз по пляжу Клируотер на плавучем тики-баре, любуясь потрясающими закатами. Наши единственные в своем роде лодки тики - лучший способ испытать прекрасные воды пляжа Клируотер. В этом туре есть все; полюбуйтесь видом на пляж Клируотер из Мексиканского залива и полюбуйтесь множеством потрясающих домов и лодок, стоящих вдоль гавани, потягивая свой любимый напиток. Наши туры предлагают близкое знакомство с дельфинами, ламантинами и другими дикими животными. Принесите свои собственные напитки на выбор, еду или закуски. Мы предоставляем сертифицированных USCG капитанов, кулеры со льдом и Bluetooth-радио для воспроизведения ваших любимых мелодий. Зачем платить за напитки по завышенной цене в наземном баре, когда вы можете принести свои напитки в плавучий Tiki Bar! Мы предоставляем кулер и лед, напитки и закуски можно принести с собой.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (117)
Dec 2022
Our tour guide was very knowledgeable about the area! The ride was smooth and the weather was perfect!
Nov 2022
Beautiful sunny, windy day with family and friends and great time with the Captain… Just very relaxing!!!!
Nov 2022
We wound up taking Clearwater Tiki Boat because it was an open bar for 90 minutes, I had a Groupon and also Groupon credit to use. We saw dolphin and had a great time!

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