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Железнодорожное приключение в каньоне Верде

Поднимитесь на борт железной дороги Верде-Каньон и совершите 3,5-часовое путешествие по нетронутой и нетронутой долине Верде. С креслами класса люкс вы сможете насладиться закусками, шампанским и беспрепятственным видом на геологические чудеса Аризоны, дикую природу и археологические находки древних людей Синагуа , которые когда-то жили в этом районе.
Город: Седона
Sun 29 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $111.55
Sun 29 Sep
Начинается с $111.55
Что включено
Bottled water
Restroom on board
Champagne toast
Bottled water
Beginning in 2023, all tickets include Cafe Voucher
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Младенцы должны сидеть на коленях у взрослых
  • Все зоны и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • li>
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Обратите внимание: специальные диетические варианты не предусмотрены.
  • Для детей от 0 до 1 года. С любого гостя в возрасте от 1 года взимается плата по взрослому тарифу. Гости не могут сесть в поезд без оплаченного билета
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Все бесплатные первоклассные закуски будут индивидуально- упаковано для клиентов.
Что ожидать
Verde Canyon Railroad
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey! Enjoy a luxurious train ride through a 20-mile wilderness area, along a wild and scenic river, only accessible by rail. For 3.5-hours, enjoy comfort and style, exceptional amenities and outstanding service in vintage rail cars on a century-old route. Wind your way through a red rock paradise, with tracks that hug the curves of the Verde River. Every season offers a different reason to ride! Astonishing views of a wild and vibrant frontier, historic trestles, bridges and a 7000-foot tunnel are just a few of the highlights tucked into unusual rock formations, red rock pinnacles and towering crimson cliffs. Majestic bald eagles and hawks float effortlessly on the breeze above Javelina, wild burros, jackrabbits and many other Canyon creatures, peacefully coexisting with this heritage railroad for more than 100 years.
John Bell Railroad Museum
At the depot, be sure to visit the John Bell Museum, home to the railroad's history and artifacts from its early days, as well as a wealth of information on Clarkdale, Jerome and the Yavapai-Apache Nation.
Verde River
The train runs on the same tracks that were created following the Verde River back in 1911. The river is visible for most of your journey.
Perkinsville Ghost Town
Discover the history of Perkinsville Ghost Town through on-board commentary on your train journey. This is the turn-around point of your trip.
Verde Canyon Railroad
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey! Enjoy a luxurious train ride through a 20-mile wilderness area, along a wild and scenic river, only accessible by rail. For 3.5-hours, enjoy comfort and style, exceptional amenities and outstanding service in vintage rail cars on a century-old route. Wind your way through a red rock paradise, with tracks that hug the curves of the Verde River. Every season offers a different reason to ride! Astonishing views of a wild and vibrant frontier, historic trestles, bridges and a 7000-foot tunnel are just a few of the highlights tucked into unusual rock formations, red rock pinnacles and towering crimson cliffs. Majestic bald eagles and hawks float effortlessly on the breeze above Javelina, wild burros, jackrabbits and many other Canyon creatures, peacefully coexisting with this heritage railroad for more than 100 years.
John Bell Railroad Museum
At the depot, be sure to visit the John Bell Museum, home to the railroad's history and artifacts from its early days, as well as a wealth of information on Clarkdale, Jerome and the Yavapai-Apache Nation.
Verde River
The train runs on the same tracks that were created following the Verde River back in 1911. The river is visible for most of your journey.
Perkinsville Ghost Town
Discover the history of Perkinsville Ghost Town through on-board commentary on your train journey. This is the turn-around point of your trip.
Verde Canyon Railroad
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey! Enjoy a luxurious train ride through a 20-mile wilderness area, along a wild and scenic river, only accessible by rail. For 3.5-hours, enjoy comfort and style, exceptional amenities and outstanding service in vintage rail cars on a century-old route. Wind your way through a red rock paradise, with tracks that hug the curves of the Verde River. Every season offers a different reason to ride! Astonishing views of a wild and vibrant frontier, historic trestles, bridges and a 7000-foot tunnel are just a few of the highlights tucked into unusual rock formations, red rock pinnacles and towering crimson cliffs. Majestic bald eagles and hawks float effortlessly on the breeze above Javelina, wild burros, jackrabbits and many other Canyon creatures, peacefully coexisting with this heritage railroad for more than 100 years.
John Bell Railroad Museum
At the depot, be sure to visit the John Bell Museum, home to the railroad's history and artifacts from its early days, as well as a wealth of information on Clarkdale, Jerome and the Yavapai-Apache Nation.
Verde River
The train runs on the same tracks that were created following the Verde River back in 1911. The river is visible for most of your journey.
Perkinsville Ghost Town
Discover the history of Perkinsville Ghost Town through on-board commentary on your train journey. This is the turn-around point of your trip.
Verde Canyon Railroad
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey! Enjoy a luxurious train ride through a 20-mile wilderness area, along a wild and scenic river, only accessible by rail. For 3.5-hours, enjoy comfort and style, exceptional amenities and outstanding service in vintage rail cars on a century-old route. Wind your way through a red rock paradise, with tracks that hug the curves of the Verde River. Every season offers a different reason to ride! Astonishing views of a wild and vibrant frontier, historic trestles, bridges and a 7000-foot tunnel are just a few of the highlights tucked into unusual rock formations, red rock pinnacles and towering crimson cliffs. Majestic bald eagles and hawks float effortlessly on the breeze above Javelina, wild burros, jackrabbits and many other Canyon creatures, peacefully coexisting with this heritage railroad for more than 100 years.
John Bell Railroad Museum
At the depot, be sure to visit the John Bell Museum, home to the railroad's history and artifacts from its early days, as well as a wealth of information on Clarkdale, Jerome and the Yavapai-Apache Nation.
Verde River
The train runs on the same tracks that were created following the Verde River back in 1911. The river is visible for most of your journey.
Perkinsville Ghost Town
Discover the history of Perkinsville Ghost Town through on-board commentary on your train journey. This is the turn-around point of your trip.
Железная дорога Верде-Каньон
Это не пункт назначения, это путешествие! Наслаждайтесь роскошной поездкой на поезде по дикой местности протяженностью 20 миль вдоль дикой и живописной реки, куда можно добраться только по железной дороге. В течение 3,5 часов наслаждайтесь комфортом и стилем, исключительными удобствами и превосходным обслуживанием в старинных вагонах на вековом маршруте. Проложите свой путь через райскую красную скалу с тропами, огибающими изгибы реки Верде. Каждый сезон предлагает разные причины для катания! Удивительные виды на дикую и оживленную границу, исторические эстакады, мосты и 7000-футовый туннель - это лишь некоторые из достопримечательностей, скрытых в необычных скальных образованиях, красных вершинах скал и возвышающихся малиновых утесах. Величественные белоголовые орланы и ястребы легко парят на ветру над Джавелиной, дикими осликами, зайцами и многими другими существами каньона, мирно сосуществующими с этой исторической железной дорогой уже более 100 лет.
Железнодорожный музей Джона Белла
В депо обязательно посетите музей Джона Белла, где хранится история железной дороги и экспонаты с первых дней ее существования, а также множество информации о Кларкдейле, Джероме и нации явапаи-апачи.
Река Верде
Поезд курсирует по тем же путям, которые были проложены по реке Верде еще в 1911 году. Река видна на протяжении большей части вашего путешествия.
Город-призрак Перкинсвилля
Откройте для себя историю города-призрака Перкинсвилля с помощью бортовых комментариев во время вашего путешествия на поезде. Это поворотный пункт вашего путешествия.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (1000)
Apr 2022
Beutiful view and impressive service of the attendents. What a wonderful gift of the naure!. I hope keep it well maintaing
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2022
Joon, thanks for your great review!
Apr 2022
Seeing wildlife, seeing the real of the train, seeing Snake River. Getting great info from the staff as we traveled. Just how calm and friendly everyone was while Being able to sit outside on a beautiful day. Even the snacks were great.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2022
Thanks for joining us, Roy!
Apr 2022
The railroad as well as the recent history of the.entire area is all based on copper and copper mining. Before that it was ranching and cattle…which in some way still continues. In addition there's a history of of indigenous people. as you ride the train you certainly can understand why indigenous people wanted to settle in this area. For about 12,000 years hunters and gathers roamed the Verde Valley. The Valley has an important indigenous person's history. It's not hard to understand with the river here. Some indigenous people have the saying "the river is everything' and another " water is life" There are several groups who have had influence here that archeologists recognize. It was a different group identified as Sinagua that came around AD 600 than the Hohokam who settled In central and South Arizona although there was trade between groups. Also two distinct groups of Apache people came around AD 1200. The Pueblo like structures built at Tuzigoot, Palatki, Honanki and Monument Castle were built by Sinagua people. No one knows for sure why they migrated away from the Pueblo's in the early 1400s. The Hopi people feel It was part of their planned return to the Hopi Homeland and main Mesas. I've certainly seen hope influence in several petroglyph sites In the Verde Valley. They produce their own cotton made their own cloth, and there's evidence trade with faraway groups. Macaw parrot feathers have been found from Mexico and decorated pottery from the north. I recommend a visit to the Museum at Tuzigoot National Monument and the Verde Valley Archaeological center and museum. The tracks on which the Verde Canyon Railroad runs were opened in 1912 as part of a north–south branch line linking a copper smelter at Clarkdale and the copper mines at Jerome to Santa Fe Railway tracks passing through Drake. The Santa Fe Railway owned and operated the 38-mile (61 km) branch line from 1912 to 1988 Even though the big copper boom is over the track to Drake is still used for hauling freight even though the excursion line stops at Perkinsville ghost town. The tracks follow the Verde River north and west of Clarkdale, Arizona. The route is approximately 20 miles to the ghost town of Perkinsville. The train follows the same route from Perkinsville back to Clarkdale. The ride crossing bridges and trestles, and passes through a 680-foot-long (210 m) curved tunnel. You also can see some indigenous ruins and some historical telegraph lines that are still along the line. There are still a few historical homes and ranches along the river, I think they're grandfathered in by the US Forest Service service some of them have been there a long long time. You are going through the Prescott National Forest and the Coconino National Forest is across the river where the homes and ranches are, There is a dirt road that connects to a county highway. The river is lined with cottonwood trees. The canyon walls are impressive and you go through some massive copper slag walls, near the old smelter, which gives you a sense of how massive the mining operations were. Of course part of the problem is that for the actual amount of copper ore that is generated the amount of trailing piles or waste is huge In my reading I've seen that it's about 200 tons to one ton of usable ore and that is a conservative estimate. As you can imagine the waste is toxic. They are dealing with this problem even today exchanging soil from homes and and montering the river and local water for toxicity. but 99% of the walls are beautiful red rock Canyon walls. The Perkinsville ghost town is named for A. M. Perkins, who established a cattle ranch here in 1900. I believe it's still owned by the same family and a cattle ranch operation. I've heard some thoughts about making it a guest ranch and a hunting operation. In 1912, the shortline, financed by William A. Clark to service his copper smelter in Clarkdale and his copper mine in Jerome, opened a station in Perkinsville. You can still see including a depot, a water tower foundation and part of the tower and some housing used by railroad workers. You can also see a limestone quarry and kiln for producing lime, used as a flux in the Clarkdale copper smelter. There are also remnants of cattle Gates where they loaded cattle into I'msome of the cars and shipped it out The copper smelter closure in the early 1950s eliminated the need for the quarry and kiln, and the advent of diesel locomotives eliminated the need for the Perkinsville water stop. The hamlet soon became a ghost town, used in the 1960s as a filming location for scenes in How the West Was Won. The train ride was beautiful and relaxing but I do love trains. It's about a 4 hour round trip can run a little shorter or a little longer. The seats in the cars are living room style and very comfortable. I was in last passenger car before the caboose, which is for private group rental. The next car up from me was a viewing platform with bench seats and a sun roof but mostlyin the open, The platform is where i spent the majority of my time taking pictures and enjoying the air. Some people may have needed to eat lunch from the depot but I felt that the freshly-prepared appetizer tray included in your ticket was more than enough for me. The tray included fruit, cheeses, lunch meats, crackers and dessert, all individually packaged and distributed upon boarding. Bottled water and sodas are available throughout the journey. These appetizers, tasty and abundant, because I am a certain age were enough food for the trip. I would recommend this trip and certainly would go again. You are also near the Copper museum and a wonderful French style bakery called "Violettes Bakery café " in Clarkdale as well as Tuzigoot National Monument.
Ответ от хоста
Apr 2022
Thank you so much for joining us and for expounding on this experience that we are very proud to share with visitors. There is so much history that went on in this canyon but we are honored to be able to protect it going forward and ensure that future generations can have the same opportunity you so enjoyed with us.

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