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Прогуляйтесь по мосту Джорджа Вашингтона, прогуляйтесь по Палисейдам и посмотрите на Гудзон!

Мы пройдем по самому оживленному автомобильному мосту в мире (более 110 миллионов автомобилей в год), пересядем на Палисейды — одно из самых ценных наших природных богатств — и прогуляемся по лесу. .

Вы услышите историю региона, включая сам Палисейдс, а также несколько личных историй, ведь мы идем пешком в мой родной город!

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В этой прогулке минимум 2 человека!
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $45.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $45.00
Что включено
One bottle of water per person
Профессиональный гид
One bottle of water per person
One bottle of water per person
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым заболеванием.
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри.
  • Доступны варианты общественного транспорта. рядом
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого
  • Минимальный возраст употребления алкоголя – 21 год
  • Работает в большинстве погодных условий, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
  • Социальное дистанцирование на протяжении всего периода эксплуатации
Что ожидать
George Washington Bridge
We shall walk the length of the most heavily trafficked bridge in the world, and learn its history and marvel at the views.
Palisades Interstate Park
After crossing the George Washington Bridge, we will enter the Park at the head of the Long Trail. We shall walk along this wooded trail, viewing the Hudson River at many dramatic points, and learn its fascinating history.
Greenbrook Sanctuary
This sanctuary is actually in Tenafly, but for us it's the end of our walk along the Palisades. It's a special preserve, and we shall hear a bit of its history as we pass by it.
Tenafly Nature Center
Once we leave the entrance of the Greenbrook Sanctuary, we shall cross over Route 9W and proceed up to the first left turn and walk into the woods - and the Tenafly Nature Center, and hear about how this preserve had its beginnings.
After the Nature Center, we shall walk into the East Hill of Tenafly, and down this hill into the Highwood Park Historic District. We shall see many charming homes, including the home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. We lunch at the Classic Diner in downtown Tenafly.
On our way back from the Classic Diner and our lunch, we shall take a bus that travels along the top of the Palisades in Guttenberg, NJ, giving us a great view of Manhattan before taking us through the Lincoln Tunnel to the Port Authority Bus Terminal
George Washington Bridge
We shall walk the length of the most heavily trafficked bridge in the world, and learn its history and marvel at the views.
Palisades Interstate Park
After crossing the George Washington Bridge, we will enter the Park at the head of the Long Trail. We shall walk along this wooded trail, viewing the Hudson River at many dramatic points, and learn its fascinating history.
Greenbrook Sanctuary
This sanctuary is actually in Tenafly, but for us it's the end of our walk along the Palisades. It's a special preserve, and we shall hear a bit of its history as we pass by it.
Tenafly Nature Center
Once we leave the entrance of the Greenbrook Sanctuary, we shall cross over Route 9W and proceed up to the first left turn and walk into the woods - and the Tenafly Nature Center, and hear about how this preserve had its beginnings.
After the Nature Center, we shall walk into the East Hill of Tenafly, and down this hill into the Highwood Park Historic District. We shall see many charming homes, including the home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. We lunch at the Classic Diner in downtown Tenafly.
On our way back from the Classic Diner and our lunch, we shall take a bus that travels along the top of the Palisades in Guttenberg, NJ, giving us a great view of Manhattan before taking us through the Lincoln Tunnel to the Port Authority Bus Terminal
George Washington Bridge
We shall walk the length of the most heavily trafficked bridge in the world, and learn its history and marvel at the views.
Palisades Interstate Park
After crossing the George Washington Bridge, we will enter the Park at the head of the Long Trail. We shall walk along this wooded trail, viewing the Hudson River at many dramatic points, and learn its fascinating history.
Greenbrook Sanctuary
This sanctuary is actually in Tenafly, but for us it's the end of our walk along the Palisades. It's a special preserve, and we shall hear a bit of its history as we pass by it.
Tenafly Nature Center
Once we leave the entrance of the Greenbrook Sanctuary, we shall cross over Route 9W and proceed up to the first left turn and walk into the woods - and the Tenafly Nature Center, and hear about how this preserve had its beginnings.
After the Nature Center, we shall walk into the East Hill of Tenafly, and down this hill into the Highwood Park Historic District. We shall see many charming homes, including the home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. We lunch at the Classic Diner in downtown Tenafly.
On our way back from the Classic Diner and our lunch, we shall take a bus that travels along the top of the Palisades in Guttenberg, NJ, giving us a great view of Manhattan before taking us through the Lincoln Tunnel to the Port Authority Bus Terminal
George Washington Bridge
We shall walk the length of the most heavily trafficked bridge in the world, and learn its history and marvel at the views.
Palisades Interstate Park
After crossing the George Washington Bridge, we will enter the Park at the head of the Long Trail. We shall walk along this wooded trail, viewing the Hudson River at many dramatic points, and learn its fascinating history.
Greenbrook Sanctuary
This sanctuary is actually in Tenafly, but for us it's the end of our walk along the Palisades. It's a special preserve, and we shall hear a bit of its history as we pass by it.
Tenafly Nature Center
Once we leave the entrance of the Greenbrook Sanctuary, we shall cross over Route 9W and proceed up to the first left turn and walk into the woods - and the Tenafly Nature Center, and hear about how this preserve had its beginnings.
After the Nature Center, we shall walk into the East Hill of Tenafly, and down this hill into the Highwood Park Historic District. We shall see many charming homes, including the home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. We lunch at the Classic Diner in downtown Tenafly.
On our way back from the Classic Diner and our lunch, we shall take a bus that travels along the top of the Palisades in Guttenberg, NJ, giving us a great view of Manhattan before taking us through the Lincoln Tunnel to the Port Authority Bus Terminal
Мост Джорджа Вашингтона
Мы пройдем по самому оживленному мосту в мире, узнаем его историю и полюбуемся видами.
Межгосударственный парк Палисейдс
После пересечения моста Джорджа Вашингтона мы войдем в парк в начале Длинной тропы. Мы пройдем по этой лесистой тропе, полюбуемся рекой Гудзон во многих драматических точках и узнаем ее увлекательную историю.
Святилище Гринбрук
Это святилище на самом деле находится в Tenafly, но для нас это конец нашей прогулки по Palisades. Это особый заповедник, и мы услышим немного о его истории, когда будем проходить мимо.
Природный центр Tenafly
Как только мы покинем вход в заповедник Гринбрук, мы пересечем шоссе 9W, дойдем до первого левого поворота и войдем в лес - и в природный центр Tenafly, и узнаем о том, как этот заповедник возник.
После Природного центра мы пройдем по Восточному холму Тенафлай и спустимся по этому холму в исторический район Хайвуд-Парк. Мы увидим много очаровательных домов, в том числе дом Элизабет Кэди Стэнтон. Мы обедаем в Classic Diner в центре Tenafly.
На обратном пути из Classic Diner и нашего обеда мы сядем на автобус, который следует по вершине Палисадов в Гуттенберге, штат Нью-Джерси, откуда открывается великолепный вид на Манхэттен, прежде чем мы проедем через туннель Линкольна к автовокзалу Port Authority.
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