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Когда зовет природа - исследование пустыни Сонора

Испытайте богатую культуру и красоту пустыни Сонора. Здесь больше растительности, чем в любой пустыне, и естественная среда обитания кактусов сагуаро.
Город: Тусон
Fri 14 Mar
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Начинается с $135.00
Fri 14 Mar
Начинается с $135.00
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  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
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Что ожидать
Gates Pass
Drive through the beautiful Pass, acquaint yourself with the beauty of the historic pass
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Walk through and take in the culture of the flora and fauna of the World Renowned Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.
Saguaro National Park
Stop for a Photo Op at the Saguaro National Park
Tohono Chul
Lunch or stroll through Tohono Chul Park. Desert plants are used in preparations for your meal if you chose to dine... savor the taste of the Sonoran desert.
Gates Pass
Drive through the beautiful Pass, acquaint yourself with the beauty of the historic pass
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Walk through and take in the culture of the flora and fauna of the World Renowned Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.
Saguaro National Park
Stop for a Photo Op at the Saguaro National Park
Mission San Xavier del Bac
Visit historic San Xavier del Bac Mission nestled on the Indian reservation of the Tohono O'odham Indian Tribe. Visit the tribal gift shop and arts center.
Gates Pass
Drive through the beautiful Pass, acquaint yourself with the beauty of the historic pass
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Walk through and take in the culture of the flora and fauna of the World Renowned Arizona Sonora Desert Museum.
Saguaro National Park
Stop for a Photo Op at the Saguaro National Park
Mission San Xavier del Bac
Visit historic San Xavier del Bac Mission nestled on the Indian reservation of the Tohono O'odham Indian Tribe. Visit the tribal gift shop and arts center.
Перевал Ворота
Проехать через красивый перевал, познакомиться с красотой исторического перевала
Музей пустыни Аризона-Сонора
Прогуляйтесь и познакомьтесь с культурой флоры и фауны всемирно известного музея пустыни Аризоны Сонора.
Национальный парк Сагуаро
Остановка для фотосессии в национальном парке Сагуаро
Миссия Сан-Ксавьер-дель-Бак
Посетите историческую миссию Сан-Ксавьер-дель-Бак, расположенную в индейской резервации индейского племени Тохоно О'одхам. Посетите племенной сувенирный магазин и центр искусств.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (4)
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Jul 2022
What an amazing experience touring through the Sonoran desert, the lushest desert in the world. I loved the entire tour, which covered a vast expanse of the region. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to see something that can only be experienced in this region of the world.
Jul 2022
You need at least 2 weeks to see everything because there's so much to cover and see and do in Arizona south Arizona and then you got North Arizona so you need at least 2 weeks to see everything maybe a month if you have the time you need to see the son you need to see the Grand canyon you need to see all the Indian tribe reservations but is very beautiful and lots of exotic animals like coyotes boom up mountain lions puma while mountain lions coyotes it was just a wonderful experience and if you have someone there that you know you could stay with will save you lots and lots of money but lodging is affordable motel 6 they allow pets it was a great experience and will be back soon bye
Jun 2022
Wonderful tour. Highly recommend. Take the guided tour at the park. Arrive early to avoid the heat. Kids will be entertained and educated as well. We will return again in the future our driver, Mike, was entertaining and educational, and passionate about the area. Get the cactus pear lemonade at the bistro!,

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