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Мемориальный тур 11 сентября с входным билетом в музей

Explore the site where the Twin Towers once stood on this poignant tour through the events and actions of September 11th, 2001. Join a local New York City guide on this moving experience around the 9/11 Memorial as you explore many of the structures comprising it and hear tales of tragedy and hope from the day that forever changed America. Your tour comes with priority access tickets into the 9/11 Memorial Museum, where you can continue unraveling the story of that fateful day at your own pace.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sun 30 Mar
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Начинается с $65.00
Sun 30 Mar
Начинается с $65.00
Что включено
Professional local English-speaking guide
Professional local English-speaking guide
Professional local English-speaking guide
Professional local English-speaking guide
Professional local English-speaking guide
Использование шлема
Local English-speaking guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • The tour is in English.
  • This is a walking tour. Guests should be able to walk at a moderate pace without difficulty.
  • We are able to accomodate guests with mobility impairment or wheelcharis, please make sure to email our Guest Experience team at the time of your booking for proper arrangements.
  • The museum portion of this tour is self-guided to give you time on your own.
  • Walks and Devour comply with all local government regulations. Please refer to local government guidelines for the most up to date information.
Что ожидать
Get an inside perspective on the events that have shaped NYC history and culture.
St. Paul's Chapel
Founded in 1766, St. Paul's Chapel is part of the Trinity Wall Street parish.
St. Peter's Church
Roman Catholic parish with three historic and beautiful downtown NYC places of worship. St. Peter's Church is the first Catholic parish in New York State.
FDNY Memorial Wall
View the landmarks and memorials that commemorate the attacks, including the bronze Firefighters Memorial.
Winter Garden
Admire the Winter Garden, an indoor garden situated inside the World Financial Center, across from the World Trade Center.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
This experience includes tickets to the 9/11 Museum to visit on your own after the conclusion of your Memorial tour.
American Express 11 Tears Memorial
See a landmark memorial to those killed in the attacks.
Trinity Church
See the Trinity Church, near the intersection of Broadway and Wall Street.
Brookfield Place
A great place to shop in in Lower Manhattan's Battery Park City.
The Oculus
Marvel at the futuristic World Trade Center transportation hub, designed by Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava.
Get an inside perspective on the events that have shaped NYC history and culture.
St. Paul's Chapel
Founded in 1766, St. Paul's Chapel is part of the Trinity Wall Street parish.
St. Peter's Church
Roman Catholic parish with three historic and beautiful downtown NYC places of worship. St. Peter's Church is the first Catholic parish in New York State.
FDNY Memorial Wall
View the landmarks and memorials that commemorate the attacks, including the bronze Firefighters Memorial.
Winter Garden
Admire the Winter Garden, an indoor garden situated inside the World Financial Center, across from the World Trade Center.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
This experience includes tickets to the 9/11 Museum to visit on your own after the conclusion of your Memorial tour.
American Express 11 Tears Memorial
See a landmark memorial to those killed in the attacks.
Trinity Church
See the Trinity Church, near the intersection of Broadway and Wall Street.
Brookfield Place
A great place to shop in in Lower Manhattan's Battery Park City.
The Oculus
Marvel at the futuristic World Trade Center transportation hub, designed by Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava.
Get an inside perspective on the events that have shaped NYC history and culture.
St. Paul's Chapel
Founded in 1766, St. Paul's Chapel is part of the Trinity Wall Street parish.
St. Peter's Church
Roman Catholic parish with three historic and beautiful downtown NYC places of worship. St. Peter's Church is the first Catholic parish in New York State.
FDNY Memorial Wall
View the landmarks and memorials that commemorate the attacks, including the bronze Firefighters Memorial.
Winter Garden
Admire the Winter Garden, an indoor garden situated inside the World Financial Center, across from the World Trade Center.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
This experience includes tickets to the 9/11 Museum to visit on your own after the conclusion of your Memorial tour.
American Express 11 Tears Memorial
See a landmark memorial to those killed in the attacks.
Trinity Church
See the Trinity Church, near the intersection of Broadway and Wall Street.
Brookfield Place
A great place to shop in in Lower Manhattan's Battery Park City.
The Oculus
Marvel at the futuristic World Trade Center transportation hub, designed by Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava.
Get an inside perspective on the events that have shaped NYC history and culture.
St. Paul's Chapel
Founded in 1766, St. Paul's Chapel is part of the Trinity Wall Street parish.
St. Peter's Church
Roman Catholic parish with three historic and beautiful downtown NYC places of worship. St. Peter's Church is the first Catholic parish in New York State.
FDNY Memorial Wall
View the landmarks and memorials that commemorate the attacks, including the bronze Firefighters Memorial.
Winter Garden
Admire the Winter Garden, an indoor garden situated inside the World Financial Center, across from the World Trade Center.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
This experience includes tickets to the 9/11 Museum to visit on your own after the conclusion of your Memorial tour.
American Express 11 Tears Memorial
See a landmark memorial to those killed in the attacks.
Trinity Church
See the Trinity Church, near the intersection of Broadway and Wall Street.
Brookfield Place
A great place to shop in in Lower Manhattan's Battery Park City.
The Oculus
Marvel at the futuristic World Trade Center transportation hub, designed by Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava.
Get an inside perspective on the events that have shaped NYC history and culture.
St. Paul's Chapel
Founded in 1766, St. Paul's Chapel is part of the Trinity Wall Street parish.
St. Peter's Church
Roman Catholic parish with three historic and beautiful downtown NYC places of worship. St. Peter's Church is the first Catholic parish in New York State.
FDNY Memorial Wall
View the landmarks and memorials that commemorate the attacks, including the bronze Firefighters Memorial.
Winter Garden
Admire the Winter Garden, an indoor garden situated inside the World Financial Center, across from the World Trade Center.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
This experience includes tickets to the 9/11 Museum to visit on your own after the conclusion of your Memorial tour.
American Express 11 Tears Memorial
See a landmark memorial to those killed in the attacks.
Trinity Church
See the Trinity Church, near the intersection of Broadway and Wall Street.
Brookfield Place
A great place to shop in in Lower Manhattan's Battery Park City.
The Oculus
Marvel at the futuristic World Trade Center transportation hub, designed by Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava.
Узнайте изнутри о событиях, которые повлияли на историю и культуру Нью-Йорка.
Часовня Святого Павла
Часовня Святого Павла, основанная в 1766 году, является частью прихода Тринити-Уолл-Стрит.
Церковь Святого Петра
Римско-католический приход с тремя историческими и красивыми храмами в центре Нью-Йорка. Церковь Святого Петра — первый католический приход в штате Нью-Йорк.
Мемориальная стена FDNY
Посмотрите достопримечательности и мемориалы, посвященные терактам, в том числе бронзовый Мемориал пожарных.
Зимний сад
Полюбуйтесь Зимним садом, крытым садом, расположенным во Всемирном финансовом центре, напротив Всемирного торгового центра.
Национальный мемориал и музей 11 сентября
Этот опыт включает в себя билеты в музей 11 сентября, которые вы можете посетить самостоятельно после завершения вашего мемориального тура.
Мемориал American Express 11 слез
Посмотрите знаковый мемориал погибшим в терактах.
Троицкая церковь
См. Троицкую церковь, недалеко от пересечения Бродвея и Уолл-стрит.
Брукфилд Плейс
Отличное место для покупок в районе Бэттери-Парк-Сити в Нижнем Манхэттене.
Полюбуйтесь футуристическим транспортным узлом Всемирного торгового центра, спроектированным испанским архитектором Сантьяго Калатравой.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
St. Peter's Church
Meet at St. Peter’s Church to learn how people gathered there awaiting news of their loved ones, and to mourn, pray and offer support. See poignant handmade memorials that are a constant reminder that 9/11 was a crippling personal tragedy for thousands of New Yorkers, as well as a global event.
St. Paul's Chapel
See the small church in the shadows of the Twin Towers, and hear the moving stories of it supported the victims and their families as a round-the-clock relief station for a full 9-months after the tragedy. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The Oculus
A shopping center and transportation hub, The Oculus was an essential part of the plans to rebuild after the 9/11 tragedy. While your tour group will not enter The Oculus, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
FDNY Memorial Wall
Pause to honor the firefighters who bravely responded to the tragedy and lost their lives trying to save others.
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine
The only house of worship to be destroyed when the Twin Towers fell. While your tour group will not enter the church, your guide will share how you can visit later on your own.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Next, go to Ground Zero to see the stunning 9/11 Memorial Pools, built in the footprint of the twin towers. Read the inscriptions of all the names of those who perished there. Your guide will give a more personal account of the tragedy, taking you to Fireman’s Memorial and the Survivor Tree. Hear incredible stories of courage and loss that unfolded right where you stand. End with a self-guided tour of the 9/11 Museum with a pre-reserved ticket which provides space for your own thoughts as you look at items salvaged from the wreckage, and read harrowing personal stories.
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Политика отмены
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (161)
Dec 2024
Kevin was great! Knowledgeable, articulate who set the scene brilliantly with the right mix of historical detail and by relating many personal and human (and canine!) experiences. Two hours well spent. I would highly recommend this tour
Dec 2024
Wonderful tour guide by “JF”, made the experience powerful and thoroughly informative. Recommend you allow plenty of time to take in the whole trip as there is a lot to appreciate.
Dec 2024
Definitely glad we did this tour instead of just doing the memorial and museum on our own. It was so much more meaningful to hear all of the personal stories and see all of the different areas of Ground Zero affected by the events of Sept 11.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2024
Hey Amy, Thank you for sharing your experience! We're so glad to hear that the tour added meaning to your visit and helped bring the stories and events of 9/11 to life. It’s wonderful that you were able to explore the different areas of Ground Zero with a deeper understanding. We truly appreciate your feedback and hope to welcome you on another impactful tour in the future! Warm wishes, Andrii Walks & Devour Tours

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