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Музей Уитни и входной билет Эдварда Хоппера в Нью-Йорк

Музей Уитни — дом Нью-Йорка для современного искусства Соединенных Штатов. Расположенный в оживленном районе Митпэкинг на Манхэттене, музей представляет работы живых художников наряду с любимыми произведениями Эдварда Хоппера, Джорджии О'Киф, Джейкоба Лоуренса, Александра Колдера и многих других.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
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Начинается с $25.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $25.00
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Whitney Museum of American Art Admission
Free daily tours
Whitney Museum of American Art Admission
Free daily tours
Whitney Museum of American Art Admission
Free daily tours
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99 Gansevoort Street,
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  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
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  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
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  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
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  • Главным приоритетом Whitney является здоровье и благополучие наших посетителей и сотрудников. Мы принимаем повышенные меры предосторожности для вашей безопасности, в том числе: работаем на пониженной мощности; усиление мер по очистке; проведение ежедневных медицинских осмотров персонала; и требование к персоналу носить маски для лица.
Что ожидать
Whitney Museum of American Art
As the preeminent institution devoted to the art of the United States, the Whitney Museum of American Art presents the full range of 20th century and contemporary American art, with a special focus on works by living artists. The Whitney is dedicated to collecting, preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting American art, and its collection—the finest holding of twentieth-century American art in the world—is it’s key resource. The Museum's signature exhibition, the Biennial, is the country's leading survey of the most recent developments in American art. Designed by architect Renzo Piano and situated between the High Line and the Hudson River, the Whitney's new building vastly increases the Museum’s exhibition and programming space, providing the most expansive view ever of its unsurpassed collection of modern and contemporary American art. Enjoy iconic works by Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollack, and Georgia O'Keeffe in natural light filled galleries and sweeping views of Manhattan on the Museum’s outdoor observation decks. The Whitney welcomes you to the Meatpacking District, a 20 square-block neighborhood with a bustling community of artists, galleries, restaurants, and nightlife. The Museum is steps from the High Line, Chelsea Market, and a short walk from Greenwich Village, where the Museum was founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney in 1930.
Whitney Museum of American Art
As the preeminent institution devoted to the art of the United States, the Whitney Museum of American Art presents the full range of 20th century and contemporary American art, with a special focus on works by living artists. The Whitney is dedicated to collecting, preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting American art, and its collection—the finest holding of twentieth-century American art in the world—is it’s key resource. The Museum's signature exhibition, the Biennial, is the country's leading survey of the most recent developments in American art. Designed by architect Renzo Piano and situated between the High Line and the Hudson River, the Whitney's new building vastly increases the Museum’s exhibition and programming space, providing the most expansive view ever of its unsurpassed collection of modern and contemporary American art. Enjoy iconic works by Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollack, and Georgia O'Keeffe in natural light filled galleries and sweeping views of Manhattan on the Museum’s outdoor observation decks. The Whitney welcomes you to the Meatpacking District, a 20 square-block neighborhood with a bustling community of artists, galleries, restaurants, and nightlife. The Museum is steps from the High Line, Chelsea Market, and a short walk from Greenwich Village, where the Museum was founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney in 1930.
Whitney Museum of American Art
As the preeminent institution devoted to the art of the United States, the Whitney Museum of American Art presents the full range of 20th century and contemporary American art, with a special focus on works by living artists. The Whitney is dedicated to collecting, preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting American art, and its collection—the finest holding of twentieth-century American art in the world—is it’s key resource. The Museum's signature exhibition, the Biennial, is the country's leading survey of the most recent developments in American art. Designed by architect Renzo Piano and situated between the High Line and the Hudson River, the Whitney's new building vastly increases the Museum’s exhibition and programming space, providing the most expansive view ever of its unsurpassed collection of modern and contemporary American art. Enjoy iconic works by Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollack, and Georgia O'Keeffe in natural light filled galleries and sweeping views of Manhattan on the Museum’s outdoor observation decks. The Whitney welcomes you to the Meatpacking District, a 20 square-block neighborhood with a bustling community of artists, galleries, restaurants, and nightlife. The Museum is steps from the High Line, Chelsea Market, and a short walk from Greenwich Village, where the Museum was founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney in 1930.
Whitney Museum of American Art
As the preeminent institution devoted to the art of the United States, the Whitney Museum of American Art presents the full range of 20th century and contemporary American art, with a special focus on works by living artists. The Whitney is dedicated to collecting, preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting American art, and its collection—the finest holding of twentieth-century American art in the world—is it’s key resource. The Museum's signature exhibition, the Biennial, is the country's leading survey of the most recent developments in American art. Designed by architect Renzo Piano and situated between the High Line and the Hudson River, the Whitney's new building vastly increases the Museum’s exhibition and programming space, providing the most expansive view ever of its unsurpassed collection of modern and contemporary American art. Enjoy iconic works by Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollack, and Georgia O'Keeffe in natural light filled galleries and sweeping views of Manhattan on the Museum’s outdoor observation decks. The Whitney welcomes you to the Meatpacking District, a 20 square-block neighborhood with a bustling community of artists, galleries, restaurants, and nightlife. The Museum is steps from the High Line, Chelsea Market, and a short walk from Greenwich Village, where the Museum was founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney in 1930.
Whitney Museum of American Art
As the preeminent institution devoted to the art of the United States, the Whitney Museum of American Art presents the full range of 20th century and contemporary American art, with a special focus on works by living artists. The Whitney is dedicated to collecting, preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting American art, and its collection—the finest holding of twentieth-century American art in the world—is it’s key resource. The Museum's signature exhibition, the Biennial, is the country's leading survey of the most recent developments in American art. Designed by architect Renzo Piano and situated between the High Line and the Hudson River, the Whitney's new building vastly increases the Museum’s exhibition and programming space, providing the most expansive view ever of its unsurpassed collection of modern and contemporary American art. Enjoy iconic works by Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollack, and Georgia O'Keeffe in natural light filled galleries and sweeping views of Manhattan on the Museum’s outdoor observation decks. The Whitney welcomes you to the Meatpacking District, a 20 square-block neighborhood with a bustling community of artists, galleries, restaurants, and nightlife. The Museum is steps from the High Line, Chelsea Market, and a short walk from Greenwich Village, where the Museum was founded by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney in 1930.
Музей американского искусства Уитни
Как выдающееся учреждение, посвященное искусству Соединенных Штатов, Музей американского искусства Уитни представляет весь спектр американского искусства 20-го века и современного искусства, уделяя особое внимание работам ныне живущих художников. Музей Уитни занимается коллекционированием, сохранением, интерпретацией и экспонированием американского искусства, и его коллекция — лучшее собрание американского искусства двадцатого века в мире — является его ключевым ресурсом. Выставка подписи музея, Биеннале, является ведущим в стране обзором самых последних событий в американском искусстве. Спроектированное архитектором Ренцо Пьяно и расположенное между Хай-Лайн и рекой Гудзон, новое здание Уитни значительно увеличивает выставочное и программное пространство музея, предоставляя самый обширный вид на его непревзойденную коллекцию современного американского искусства. Наслаждайтесь знаковыми работами Эдварда Хоппера, Джексона Поллака и Джорджии О'Кифф в залах с естественным освещением и потрясающими видами на Манхэттен с открытых смотровых площадок музея. The Whitney приветствует вас в районе Meatpacking District площадью 20 квадратных кварталов с оживленным сообществом художников, галерей, ресторанов и ночных клубов. Музей находится в нескольких шагах от Хай-Лайн, рынка Челси и в нескольких минутах ходьбы от Гринвич-Виллидж, где музей был основан Гертрудой Вандербильт Уитни в 1930 году.
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Dec 2022
The exhibit was far too crowded. Staggered times of entry would have made actually seeing Hopper’s work a lot better and n better are for an enriching experience.
Dec 2022
The Hopper show was amazing. It included paintings I have only seen in books and some I had never seen. The watercolors were a revelation.
Dec 2022
Currently housing an Edward Hopper exhibition which is pretty amazing. Vast collection of Hoppers work, mostly focused on life as it was in New York City. The museum did a great job on the display of his work, plenty of space around the popular pieces so everyone can enjoy.

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