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"Woody" - Набор Mt Rushmore (общедоступный)

"Вуди" - пакетный тур на гору Рашмор (общедоступный)
Гора Рашмор/Crazy Horse/Custer State Park и многое другое

Чем наш пакет "Вуди" на гору Рашмор отличается от всех остальных?
* Мы включаем - Iron Mtn Road (косички мосты и туннели с односторонним движением)
* Пикник на берегу озера включен в стоимость
​ * Наши гости никогда не торопятся. . . и фургоны никогда не бывают переполнены
* У Вуди есть складной верх, который обеспечивает исключительный панорамный вид
* У вас будет возможность «с близкого расстояния» безопасно рассмотреть бизонов, оленей, антилоп, снежных баранов и многое другое . . . путешествуя в наших полноразмерных фургонах "Woody" с индивидуальными кожаными сиденьями у окна и центральными проходами.
* Мы делаем много остановок для отдыха, а гиды информируют вас о расположении туалетов по маршруту.
* Великолепные панорамные виды и фотосессии без необходимости выходить из фургона. Наслаждайтесь турами на свежем воздухе и знаменитым солнцем Южной Дакоты.
Тур включает в себя: воду в бутылках, закуски и сэндвич-ланч для пикника. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь приносить свою еду и напитки, если хотите.
Город: Рапид Сити
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $299.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $299.00
Что включено
Local guide
Bottled water
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Sub choice: ham or turkey (or you may bring your own lunch &...
Local guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Детский тариф применяется только при совместном проживании с 2 платящими взрослыми
  • >
  • Дети должны быть в сопровождении взрослого.
  • Минимальный возраст употребления алкоголя — 21 год.
  • Доступны вегетарианские блюда. При необходимости сообщите об этом при бронировании.
  • Работает в любых погодных условиях, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответственно
  • Маски для лица предоставляются путешественникам
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонала
  • Социальное дистанцирование на протяжении всего опыта
  • li>
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • li>
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
  • Прививка от COVID-19 требуется для гидов
  • Гиды носят маски, где это требуется или требуется. Никаких объятий - никаких рукопожатий - никаких обид :о)
Что ожидать
Iron Mountain Road
We travel through the iconic one-way tunnels and pigtail bridges . . . stopping for photo ops from inside the van.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Here we will spend an hour plus. Your guide will lead you through the monument, explaining the history and pointing out the best places to explore on your own. ​Including: Presidential Trail Lincoln Borglum Museum Sculptor's Studio ​Gift Shop
Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse is not only the largest carving in the world it also has over 14,000 pieces of Native American art. You will first view the very important movie . . . it will help you understand what Crazy Horse is all about. Afterwards your guide will lead you through the building, sharing the history and important facts. "Dynamite and Dream" Movie ​ The Indian Museum of North America
Stockade Lake
This is a picture perfect setting for our picnic lunch (included). Peaceful, tranquil and quiet.
Wildlife Loop Road
Custer Park is 71,000 acres and is the largest State Park in the US. You will tour the most important locations and see an abundance of wildlife (14,000 head of bison and deer/antelope/elk/prairie dogs/cayotes and more. We stop for feeding the Begging Burros (we have snacks). And we make many restroom breaks and a lot of photo ops. No need to exit the van . . . just stand and you get 360 degree views. Woody Vans have individual leather reclining window seats, center aisle and 10 ft sliding top. Open-Close as needed to make for great viewing and guest comfort.
Custer State Park Visitor Center
Opened in 2022. This locations displays an amazing amount of information about the Bison/Buffalo . . . and had many hands on exhibits. And also a short stop at the Historic State Game Lodge.
Iron Mountain Road
We travel through the iconic one-way tunnels and pigtail bridges . . . stopping for photo ops from inside the van.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Here we will spend an hour plus. Your guide will lead you through the monument, explaining the history and pointing out the best places to explore on your own. ​Including: Presidential Trail Lincoln Borglum Museum Sculptor's Studio ​Gift Shop
Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse is not only the largest carving in the world it also has over 14,000 pieces of Native American art. You will first view the very important movie . . . it will help you understand what Crazy Horse is all about. Afterwards your guide will lead you through the building, sharing the history and important facts. "Dynamite and Dream" Movie ​ The Indian Museum of North America
Stockade Lake
This is a picture perfect setting for our picnic lunch (included). Peaceful, tranquil and quiet.
Wildlife Loop Road
Custer Park is 71,000 acres and is the largest State Park in the US. You will tour the most important locations and see an abundance of wildlife (14,000 head of bison and deer/antelope/elk/prairie dogs/cayotes and more. We stop for feeding the Begging Burros (we have snacks). And we make many restroom breaks and a lot of photo ops. No need to exit the van . . . just stand and you get 360 degree views. Woody Vans have individual leather reclining window seats, center aisle and 10 ft sliding top. Open-Close as needed to make for great viewing and guest comfort.
Custer State Park Visitor Center
Opened in 2022. This locations displays an amazing amount of information about the Bison/Buffalo . . . and had many hands on exhibits. And also a short stop at the Historic State Game Lodge.
Iron Mountain Road
We travel through the iconic one-way tunnels and pigtail bridges . . . stopping for photo ops from inside the van.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Here we will spend an hour plus. Your guide will lead you through the monument, explaining the history and pointing out the best places to explore on your own. ​Including: Presidential Trail Lincoln Borglum Museum Sculptor's Studio ​Gift Shop
Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse is not only the largest carving in the world it also has over 14,000 pieces of Native American art. You will first view the very important movie . . . it will help you understand what Crazy Horse is all about. Afterwards your guide will lead you through the building, sharing the history and important facts. "Dynamite and Dream" Movie ​ The Indian Museum of North America
Stockade Lake
This is a picture perfect setting for our picnic lunch (included). Peaceful, tranquil and quiet.
Wildlife Loop Road
Custer Park is 71,000 acres and is the largest State Park in the US. You will tour the most important locations and see an abundance of wildlife (14,000 head of bison and deer/antelope/elk/prairie dogs/cayotes and more. We stop for feeding the Begging Burros (we have snacks). And we make many restroom breaks and a lot of photo ops. No need to exit the van . . . just stand and you get 360 degree views. Woody Vans have individual leather reclining window seats, center aisle and 10 ft sliding top. Open-Close as needed to make for great viewing and guest comfort.
Custer State Park Visitor Center
Opened in 2022. This locations displays an amazing amount of information about the Bison/Buffalo . . . and had many hands on exhibits. And also a short stop at the Historic State Game Lodge.
Iron Mountain Road
We travel through the iconic one-way tunnels and pigtail bridges . . . stopping for photo ops from inside the van.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Here we will spend an hour plus. Your guide will lead you through the monument, explaining the history and pointing out the best places to explore on your own. ​Including: Presidential Trail Lincoln Borglum Museum Sculptor's Studio ​Gift Shop
Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse is not only the largest carving in the world it also has over 14,000 pieces of Native American art. You will first view the very important movie . . . it will help you understand what Crazy Horse is all about. Afterwards your guide will lead you through the building, sharing the history and important facts. "Dynamite and Dream" Movie ​ The Indian Museum of North America
Stockade Lake
This is a picture perfect setting for our picnic lunch (included). Peaceful, tranquil and quiet.
Wildlife Loop Road
Custer Park is 71,000 acres and is the largest State Park in the US. You will tour the most important locations and see an abundance of wildlife (14,000 head of bison and deer/antelope/elk/prairie dogs/cayotes and more. We stop for feeding the Begging Burros (we have snacks). And we make many restroom breaks and a lot of photo ops. No need to exit the van . . . just stand and you get 360 degree views. Woody Vans have individual leather reclining window seats, center aisle and 10 ft sliding top. Open-Close as needed to make for great viewing and guest comfort.
Custer State Park Visitor Center
Opened in 2022. This locations displays an amazing amount of information about the Bison/Buffalo . . . and had many hands on exhibits. And also a short stop at the Historic State Game Lodge.
Iron Mountain Road
We travel through the iconic one-way tunnels and pigtail bridges . . . stopping for photo ops from inside the van.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Here we will spend an hour plus. Your guide will lead you through the monument, explaining the history and pointing out the best places to explore on your own. ​Including: Presidential Trail Lincoln Borglum Museum Sculptor's Studio ​Gift Shop
Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse is not only the largest carving in the world it also has over 14,000 pieces of Native American art. You will first view the very important movie . . . it will help you understand what Crazy Horse is all about. Afterwards your guide will lead you through the building, sharing the history and important facts. "Dynamite and Dream" Movie ​ The Indian Museum of North America
Stockade Lake
This is a picture perfect setting for our picnic lunch (included). Peaceful, tranquil and quiet.
Wildlife Loop Road
Custer Park is 71,000 acres and is the largest State Park in the US. You will tour the most important locations and see an abundance of wildlife (14,000 head of bison and deer/antelope/elk/prairie dogs/cayotes and more. We stop for feeding the Begging Burros (we have snacks). And we make many restroom breaks and a lot of photo ops. No need to exit the van . . . just stand and you get 360 degree views. Woody Vans have individual leather reclining window seats, center aisle and 10 ft sliding top. Open-Close as needed to make for great viewing and guest comfort.
Custer State Park Visitor Center
Opened in 2022. This locations displays an amazing amount of information about the Bison/Buffalo . . . and had many hands on exhibits. And also a short stop at the Historic State Game Lodge.
Iron Mountain Road
We travel through the iconic one-way tunnels and pigtail bridges . . . stopping for photo ops from inside the van.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Here we will spend an hour plus. Your guide will lead you through the monument, explaining the history and pointing out the best places to explore on your own. ​Including: Presidential Trail Lincoln Borglum Museum Sculptor's Studio ​Gift Shop
Crazy Horse Memorial
Crazy Horse is not only the largest carving in the world it also has over 14,000 pieces of Native American art. You will first view the very important movie . . . it will help you understand what Crazy Horse is all about. Afterwards your guide will lead you through the building, sharing the history and important facts. "Dynamite and Dream" Movie ​ The Indian Museum of North America
Stockade Lake
This is a picture perfect setting for our picnic lunch (included). Peaceful, tranquil and quiet.
Wildlife Loop Road
Custer Park is 71,000 acres and is the largest State Park in the US. You will tour the most important locations and see an abundance of wildlife (14,000 head of bison and deer/antelope/elk/prairie dogs/cayotes and more. We stop for feeding the Begging Burros (we have snacks). And we make many restroom breaks and a lot of photo ops. No need to exit the van . . . just stand and you get 360 degree views. Woody Vans have individual leather reclining window seats, center aisle and 10 ft sliding top. Open-Close as needed to make for great viewing and guest comfort.
Custer State Park Visitor Center
Opened in 2022. This locations displays an amazing amount of information about the Bison/Buffalo . . . and had many hands on exhibits. And also a short stop at the Historic State Game Lodge.
Железная горная дорога
Мы путешествуем по легендарным туннелям с односторонним движением и мостам с косичками. . . остановка для фотосессии изнутри фургона.
Национальный мемориал на горе Рашмор
Здесь мы проведем час с лишним. Ваш гид проведет вас через памятник, объяснив историю и указав лучшие места для самостоятельного изучения. В том числе: Президентская тропа Музей Линкольна Борглума Мастерская скульптора Сувенирный магазин
Мемориал Сумасшедшей Лошади
Crazy Horse — это не только самая большая резьба в мире, но и более 14 000 произведений искусства коренных американцев. Сначала вы посмотрите очень важный фильм. . . это поможет вам понять, что такое Crazy Horse. После этого ваш гид проведет вас по зданию, поделившись историей и важными фактами. фильм «Динамит и мечта» Индийский музей Северной Америки
Озеро частокол
Это идеальное место для нашего пикника (входит в комплект). Мирный, спокойный и тихий.
Дорога дикой природы
Кастер-парк площадью 71 000 акров является крупнейшим государственным парком в США. Вы совершите поездку по наиболее важным местам и увидите множество диких животных (14 000 голов бизонов и оленей, антилоп, лосей, луговых собачек, кайотов и других). Мы останавливаемся, чтобы покормить осликов-попрошаек (у нас есть закуски). И мы делаем много перерывов на уборку и много фотосессий. Нет необходимости выходить из фургона. . . просто встаньте, и вы получите обзор на 360 градусов. В фургонах Woody есть отдельные кожаные откидные сиденья у окна, центральный проход и 10-футовый сдвижной верх. Открывайте-закрывайте по мере необходимости, чтобы обеспечить отличный обзор и комфорт для гостей.
Центр посетителей государственного парка Кастер
Открыт в 2022 году. В этом месте представлено огромное количество информации о бизонах/буйволах. . . и имел много рук на выставках. А также короткая остановка в Historic State Game Lodge.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (53)
Sep 2022
All of it. Our driver Charlie was fantastic. Very knowledgeable and enthusiastic. I would recommend this tour to anyone.
Sep 2022
Mike and Joe were excellent tour guides. Very knowledgeable and personable. Highlights of course were seeing heards of buffalo, elk, and of course the beautiful majestic Mount Rushmore. With the vehicle vehicle having open sides it made for great sightseeing. Would highly recommend this trip for anyone.
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Howdy Bruce - Thank you for your kind review. I'm glad you enjoyed your tours with Mike and Joe. They both have been with us for several years and really enjoy sharing the scenery and history of the Hills. I hope you have a chance to return to see more. Be Well - Rich
Sep 2022
Julie was a wonderful guide and very knowledgeable of the area. Would highly recommend to anyone!!! She was very prepared with water and snacks!!
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Howdy Christine - Thank you for you kind review. Julie is new with us this year but is a world traveler with experience in guiding elsewhere. We are very pleased she's on our team. I'm glad you enjoyed your Bison Tour with her. Be Well - Rich

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