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Аудио-тур по Йеллоустоуну и Гранд-Титону

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Город: Йеллоустонский Национальный Парк
Thu 13 Mar
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Thu 13 Mar
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Yellowstone National Park
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Grand Teton National Park
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Fountain Paint Pot
If you want to see all four types of thermal features in one spot, then make sure to stop in at Fountain Paint Pot. Here you get to see hot springs, geysers, mud pots and fumaroles. A larger carpark and easy 0.6 mile boardwalk loop make it very accessible for all.
Lamar Valley
This wide, broad valley is a mecca for serious wildlife watchers. Bison, elk, bears, wolves, antelopes and otters are just a few of the species you might spot in this rich wildlife habitat.
Mammoth Hot Springs
There are approximately 50 hot springs at Mammoth Hot Springs, divided into two terraces, Upper and Lower. The springs are constantly changing and have built an impressive variety of travertine terraces, cascading pools, and sometimes colorful mounds. There are boardwalks that allow you to get close, with excellent photo locations on the Lower Terrace. And there is a short driving loop to follow along through the Upper Terrace. Liberty Cap is the most striking formation that stands like a guard for the area. It's a tall, slender mound that is no longer connected to a hot water source. Mammoth is also the location of many visitor services and the Visitor Center and Museum for this corner of the Park.
Artists Paintpots
For just a short unpaved trail and boardwalk loop of just over 1 mile with 125 feet of elevation, Artist Paintpots sure packs a punch, with numerous hot springs, geysers, a fumarole and of course mudpots. Through the steam, notice the mudpots stained with iron oxide, creating a pretty pastel palette of colors any artist would be happy to work with. As you follow the trail it slowly climbs to the top of the loop, which provides a great view back out over the thermal area.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful is without a doubt the most famous geyser in the entire Park - and with good reason. Since we have been watching it, it's erupted spectacularly every 60 - 90 minutes or so. So not quite on the hour as the myth suggests, but as the most predictable geyser in the Park, it is still close to being "nature's time piece".
Upper Geyser Basin
The largest and most concentrated of the geyser basins located in Yellowstone and home to Old Faithful, but there are another 150 geysers to visit in this basin too. Check in at the visitor center for prediction times for multiple geysers, and plan your route exploring the basin to try and time your visit to see a variety of eruptions. Explore the 2 mile round trip paved path from Old Faithful Lodge to Morning Glory Pool, stopping at Castle Geyser, Daisy Geyser and Riverside Geyser along the way.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring is the largest hot spring in Yellowstone. It's colorful microbial mats of red, orange, yellow and green around the edges of the pool contrast the deep blue center center of the pool. There's an extensive boardwalk that allows you to see the colors up close, but there can often be steam blowing off the spring that might cloud any photos. See it from above on the the Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail, just south of Midway Geyser Basin. Enter the small Fairy Falls Parking lot and walk the .6 mile with slight elevation of 100 feet to the overlook. Midway Geyser Basin / Grand Prismatic Spring is only a short 7 mile drive from Old Faithful, so it's a natural segway for your day. It's also one of the most photographed, and busy, spots in the National Park, so arrive early or late to avoid the crowds.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Incredible forces have carved a 20 mile, up to 1200 foot deep canyon along the path of the Yellowstone River. The carving action of the Yellowstone River has also created 2 magnificent waterfalls inside the canyon. There are 2 aspects to see both the Upper and Lower Falls from, with multiple viewpoints for each. You will want to take in as many of these different views as your time allows.
Tower Fall
The Tower Fall viewpoint is just a short walk from the car park. The falls are slender, dropping 132 feet from Tower Creek into the Yellowstone River. What makes them special is that the top of the falls is scattered with volcanic spires. This scene was captured in a painting and submitted as a part of the initial pitch to have Yellowstone declared a National Park. There is a steep trail that continues past the viewpoint. NPS recommends not accessing this trail at times and if the sign is in place, the trail is not recommended. In fact, the best view is the one from the top viewpoint.
Roaring Mountain
At its peak in the early 1900's the many fumaroles that cover Roaring Mountain could be heard for miles. But just as impressive to this day are the many noisy steam vents - fumaroles - that force out of the mountain. In the right conditions it can sound like a jet engine. Also along the same section of road, unique conditions created Obsidian Cliffs where veins of volcanic glass formed. Tools created by Native Americans, with glass taken from this site, have been found as far away as Canada and Ohio.
St. John's Episcopal Church
A small log chapel originally built to provide service to the staff and visitors of nearby ranches. Spiritual inspiration is easily provided by the window behind the altar perfectly framing the Teton Mountain Range. The chapel still operates as an Episcopal (Anglican Communion) Church.
Jackson Lake
Jackson Lake is one of the best outdoor recreation areas to visit during the summer months. Interesting to note the dramatic contrast in style architect Gilbert Stanley employed when designing the Jackson Lake Lodge. This new modern international style, using mass produced materials like concrete and glass had not been seen previously in a National Park, which had developed a reputation for building lodges in what was described as a rustic arts and crafts styling.
Boiling River
Boiling River is one of only two areas where you can soak in Yellowstone. It is closed in Spring/early Summer due to the fast current and dangerous high water. There is no lifeguard and some microorganisms live the warm water, so be sure and check current conditions before you go. Please note you can only soak in the river and not in the hot spring.
Cunningham Cabin
A view to be envious of, but maybe not the tough lifestyle for those who lived inside. This was home to settlers John and Margaret Cunningham of the Bar Flying U Ranch. As one of the few original structures still standing and with this stunning backdrop, it makes for one of the iconic photo opportunities in Grand Teton.
Menor's Ferry Historical Trail
Menors Ferry was a cable ferry operated by its namesake William Menor, and for a quarter century starting in the late 1800s, was the only way to get across the Snake River without traveling for miles in either direction. A working replica of the ferry has been rebuilt along with the general store he operated. It's filled with artifacts and memorabilia from the time. A fun short stop.
Moose Wilson Road
Drive slowly along the road connecting the town of Moose and Teton Village, the accommodation base for the Jackson Hole Ski Area. Keep your eyes peeled for both black and grizzly bears, moose and deer through the trees and marshy habitats. The Laurance S Rockefeller Preserve facility is also found along this road. This road is closed to RVs and longer trailers (23 feet+).
Mormon Row Historic District
Mormons were among the earliest settlers in the valley of Jackson Hole and they worked cooperatively, at one stage 27 homesteads clustered together. To this day water drains through the irrigation ditches dug by hand. The two most photogenic structures that remain are barns that belonged to two Moulton brothers on neighboring properties. The perfect photo lines up the barns, with the Grand Teton peaks in the background.
Signal Mountain Summit Road
It's just a short 5 mile drive from Teton Park Road to the top of Signal Mountain. This is the easiest way to access an elevated viewpoint inside the valley that is Jackson Hole. There are two excellent viewpoints at the summit that provide perspective of how vast the valley is, and how it appears to be completely ringed by mountain ranges. RVs and trailers are prohibited on this road.
Snake River Overlook
The Snake River Overlook has to be the most famous view in the Park. In 1942 Ansel Adams captured this stunning image of the Snake River, the Teton Range and a moody sunset. The image was used as a marketing piece to attract visitors to the Grand Tetons.
Jenny Lake
Jenny Lake is the most popular and busiest part of the park. The lake was formed as a depression caused by giant glaciers that once sat above it. Take a ride across Jenny Lake by boat (tickets available at the dock) and then enjoy the short walk to Hidden Falls.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
Located on the shores of Yellowstone Lake, the West Thumb Geyser Basin can be less congested that other areas of the Park and offers some unique thermal features including Fishing Cone Hot Spring. While tiny, it was a landmark for years after a famous incident, that happened while expedition member Walter Trumbum was reeling a fish onshore. With the final swing, the fish unhooked and fell right into the spring. "For a moment it darted about with wonderful rapidity, as if seeking an outlet. Then it came to the top, dead, and literally boiled." It became quite the attraction until some were badly burned trying to replicate and eventually prohibited as an unhealthy and dangerous practice. Another of the highlights along the trail is Abyss Pool, noted for its depth of 53 feet which you can imagine continuing forever along its sloped walls through a dazzling shade of blue. Large wildlife, like elk, are often seen wandering between the hot pools and geysers at West Thumb.
Yellowstone National Park
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Grand Teton National Park
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Fountain Paint Pot
If you want to see all four types of thermal features in one spot, then make sure to stop in at Fountain Paint Pot. Here you get to see hot springs, geysers, mud pots and fumaroles. A larger carpark and easy 0.6 mile boardwalk loop make it very accessible for all.
Lamar Valley
This wide, broad valley is a mecca for serious wildlife watchers. Bison, elk, bears, wolves, antelopes and otters are just a few of the species you might spot in this rich wildlife habitat.
Mammoth Hot Springs
There are approximately 50 hot springs at Mammoth Hot Springs, divided into two terraces, Upper and Lower. The springs are constantly changing and have built an impressive variety of travertine terraces, cascading pools, and sometimes colorful mounds. There are boardwalks that allow you to get close, with excellent photo locations on the Lower Terrace. And there is a short driving loop to follow along through the Upper Terrace. Liberty Cap is the most striking formation that stands like a guard for the area. It's a tall, slender mound that is no longer connected to a hot water source. Mammoth is also the location of many visitor services and the Visitor Center and Museum for this corner of the Park.
Artists Paintpots
For just a short unpaved trail and boardwalk loop of just over 1 mile with 125 feet of elevation, Artist Paintpots sure packs a punch, with numerous hot springs, geysers, a fumarole and of course mudpots. Through the steam, notice the mudpots stained with iron oxide, creating a pretty pastel palette of colors any artist would be happy to work with. As you follow the trail it slowly climbs to the top of the loop, which provides a great view back out over the thermal area.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful is without a doubt the most famous geyser in the entire Park - and with good reason. Since we have been watching it, it's erupted spectacularly every 60 - 90 minutes or so. So not quite on the hour as the myth suggests, but as the most predictable geyser in the Park, it is still close to being "nature's time piece".
Upper Geyser Basin
The largest and most concentrated of the geyser basins located in Yellowstone and home to Old Faithful, but there are another 150 geysers to visit in this basin too. Check in at the visitor center for prediction times for multiple geysers, and plan your route exploring the basin to try and time your visit to see a variety of eruptions. Explore the 2 mile round trip paved path from Old Faithful Lodge to Morning Glory Pool, stopping at Castle Geyser, Daisy Geyser and Riverside Geyser along the way.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring is the largest hot spring in Yellowstone. It's colorful microbial mats of red, orange, yellow and green around the edges of the pool contrast the deep blue center center of the pool. There's an extensive boardwalk that allows you to see the colors up close, but there can often be steam blowing off the spring that might cloud any photos. See it from above on the the Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail, just south of Midway Geyser Basin. Enter the small Fairy Falls Parking lot and walk the .6 mile with slight elevation of 100 feet to the overlook. Midway Geyser Basin / Grand Prismatic Spring is only a short 7 mile drive from Old Faithful, so it's a natural segway for your day. It's also one of the most photographed, and busy, spots in the National Park, so arrive early or late to avoid the crowds.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Incredible forces have carved a 20 mile, up to 1200 foot deep canyon along the path of the Yellowstone River. The carving action of the Yellowstone River has also created 2 magnificent waterfalls inside the canyon. There are 2 aspects to see both the Upper and Lower Falls from, with multiple viewpoints for each. You will want to take in as many of these different views as your time allows.
Tower Fall
The Tower Fall viewpoint is just a short walk from the car park. The falls are slender, dropping 132 feet from Tower Creek into the Yellowstone River. What makes them special is that the top of the falls is scattered with volcanic spires. This scene was captured in a painting and submitted as a part of the initial pitch to have Yellowstone declared a National Park. There is a steep trail that continues past the viewpoint. NPS recommends not accessing this trail at times and if the sign is in place, the trail is not recommended. In fact, the best view is the one from the top viewpoint.
Roaring Mountain
At its peak in the early 1900's the many fumaroles that cover Roaring Mountain could be heard for miles. But just as impressive to this day are the many noisy steam vents - fumaroles - that force out of the mountain. In the right conditions it can sound like a jet engine. Also along the same section of road, unique conditions created Obsidian Cliffs where veins of volcanic glass formed. Tools created by Native Americans, with glass taken from this site, have been found as far away as Canada and Ohio.
St. John's Episcopal Church
A small log chapel originally built to provide service to the staff and visitors of nearby ranches. Spiritual inspiration is easily provided by the window behind the altar perfectly framing the Teton Mountain Range. The chapel still operates as an Episcopal (Anglican Communion) Church.
Jackson Lake
Jackson Lake is one of the best outdoor recreation areas to visit during the summer months. Interesting to note the dramatic contrast in style architect Gilbert Stanley employed when designing the Jackson Lake Lodge. This new modern international style, using mass produced materials like concrete and glass had not been seen previously in a National Park, which had developed a reputation for building lodges in what was described as a rustic arts and crafts styling.
Boiling River
Boiling River is one of only two areas where you can soak in Yellowstone. It is closed in Spring/early Summer due to the fast current and dangerous high water. There is no lifeguard and some microorganisms live the warm water, so be sure and check current conditions before you go. Please note you can only soak in the river and not in the hot spring.
Cunningham Cabin
A view to be envious of, but maybe not the tough lifestyle for those who lived inside. This was home to settlers John and Margaret Cunningham of the Bar Flying U Ranch. As one of the few original structures still standing and with this stunning backdrop, it makes for one of the iconic photo opportunities in Grand Teton.
Menor's Ferry Historical Trail
Menors Ferry was a cable ferry operated by its namesake William Menor, and for a quarter century starting in the late 1800s, was the only way to get across the Snake River without traveling for miles in either direction. A working replica of the ferry has been rebuilt along with the general store he operated. It's filled with artifacts and memorabilia from the time. A fun short stop.
Moose Wilson Road
Drive slowly along the road connecting the town of Moose and Teton Village, the accommodation base for the Jackson Hole Ski Area. Keep your eyes peeled for both black and grizzly bears, moose and deer through the trees and marshy habitats. The Laurance S Rockefeller Preserve facility is also found along this road. This road is closed to RVs and longer trailers (23 feet+).
Mormon Row Historic District
Mormons were among the earliest settlers in the valley of Jackson Hole and they worked cooperatively, at one stage 27 homesteads clustered together. To this day water drains through the irrigation ditches dug by hand. The two most photogenic structures that remain are barns that belonged to two Moulton brothers on neighboring properties. The perfect photo lines up the barns, with the Grand Teton peaks in the background.
Signal Mountain Summit Road
It's just a short 5 mile drive from Teton Park Road to the top of Signal Mountain. This is the easiest way to access an elevated viewpoint inside the valley that is Jackson Hole. There are two excellent viewpoints at the summit that provide perspective of how vast the valley is, and how it appears to be completely ringed by mountain ranges. RVs and trailers are prohibited on this road.
Snake River Overlook
The Snake River Overlook has to be the most famous view in the Park. In 1942 Ansel Adams captured this stunning image of the Snake River, the Teton Range and a moody sunset. The image was used as a marketing piece to attract visitors to the Grand Tetons.
Jenny Lake
Jenny Lake is the most popular and busiest part of the park. The lake was formed as a depression caused by giant glaciers that once sat above it. Take a ride across Jenny Lake by boat (tickets available at the dock) and then enjoy the short walk to Hidden Falls.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
Located on the shores of Yellowstone Lake, the West Thumb Geyser Basin can be less congested that other areas of the Park and offers some unique thermal features including Fishing Cone Hot Spring. While tiny, it was a landmark for years after a famous incident, that happened while expedition member Walter Trumbum was reeling a fish onshore. With the final swing, the fish unhooked and fell right into the spring. "For a moment it darted about with wonderful rapidity, as if seeking an outlet. Then it came to the top, dead, and literally boiled." It became quite the attraction until some were badly burned trying to replicate and eventually prohibited as an unhealthy and dangerous practice. Another of the highlights along the trail is Abyss Pool, noted for its depth of 53 feet which you can imagine continuing forever along its sloped walls through a dazzling shade of blue. Large wildlife, like elk, are often seen wandering between the hot pools and geysers at West Thumb.
Yellowstone National Park
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Grand Teton National Park
As the audio guides play commentary based on your gps location, you can create your own itinerary along the tour route(s) to match your interests and schedule. Or you can use our trip planners for our suggestions on half, full or multi day itineraries. Some of the many highlights are listed below;
Fountain Paint Pot
If you want to see all four types of thermal features in one spot, then make sure to stop in at Fountain Paint Pot. Here you get to see hot springs, geysers, mud pots and fumaroles. A larger carpark and easy 0.6 mile boardwalk loop make it very accessible for all.
Lamar Valley
This wide, broad valley is a mecca for serious wildlife watchers. Bison, elk, bears, wolves, antelopes and otters are just a few of the species you might spot in this rich wildlife habitat.
Mammoth Hot Springs
There are approximately 50 hot springs at Mammoth Hot Springs, divided into two terraces, Upper and Lower. The springs are constantly changing and have built an impressive variety of travertine terraces, cascading pools, and sometimes colorful mounds. There are boardwalks that allow you to get close, with excellent photo locations on the Lower Terrace. And there is a short driving loop to follow along through the Upper Terrace. Liberty Cap is the most striking formation that stands like a guard for the area. It's a tall, slender mound that is no longer connected to a hot water source. Mammoth is also the location of many visitor services and the Visitor Center and Museum for this corner of the Park.
Artists Paintpots
For just a short unpaved trail and boardwalk loop of just over 1 mile with 125 feet of elevation, Artist Paintpots sure packs a punch, with numerous hot springs, geysers, a fumarole and of course mudpots. Through the steam, notice the mudpots stained with iron oxide, creating a pretty pastel palette of colors any artist would be happy to work with. As you follow the trail it slowly climbs to the top of the loop, which provides a great view back out over the thermal area.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful is without a doubt the most famous geyser in the entire Park - and with good reason. Since we have been watching it, it's erupted spectacularly every 60 - 90 minutes or so. So not quite on the hour as the myth suggests, but as the most predictable geyser in the Park, it is still close to being "nature's time piece".
Upper Geyser Basin
The largest and most concentrated of the geyser basins located in Yellowstone and home to Old Faithful, but there are another 150 geysers to visit in this basin too. Check in at the visitor center for prediction times for multiple geysers, and plan your route exploring the basin to try and time your visit to see a variety of eruptions. Explore the 2 mile round trip paved path from Old Faithful Lodge to Morning Glory Pool, stopping at Castle Geyser, Daisy Geyser and Riverside Geyser along the way.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Grand Prismatic Spring is the largest hot spring in Yellowstone. It's colorful microbial mats of red, orange, yellow and green around the edges of the pool contrast the deep blue center center of the pool. There's an extensive boardwalk that allows you to see the colors up close, but there can often be steam blowing off the spring that might cloud any photos. See it from above on the the Grand Prismatic Overlook Trail, just south of Midway Geyser Basin. Enter the small Fairy Falls Parking lot and walk the .6 mile with slight elevation of 100 feet to the overlook. Midway Geyser Basin / Grand Prismatic Spring is only a short 7 mile drive from Old Faithful, so it's a natural segway for your day. It's also one of the most photographed, and busy, spots in the National Park, so arrive early or late to avoid the crowds.
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Incredible forces have carved a 20 mile, up to 1200 foot deep canyon along the path of the Yellowstone River. The carving action of the Yellowstone River has also created 2 magnificent waterfalls inside the canyon. There are 2 aspects to see both the Upper and Lower Falls from, with multiple viewpoints for each. You will want to take in as many of these different views as your time allows.
Tower Fall
The Tower Fall viewpoint is just a short walk from the car park. The falls are slender, dropping 132 feet from Tower Creek into the Yellowstone River. What makes them special is that the top of the falls is scattered with volcanic spires. This scene was captured in a painting and submitted as a part of the initial pitch to have Yellowstone declared a National Park. There is a steep trail that continues past the viewpoint. NPS recommends not accessing this trail at times and if the sign is in place, the trail is not recommended. In fact, the best view is the one from the top viewpoint.
Roaring Mountain
At its peak in the early 1900's the many fumaroles that cover Roaring Mountain could be heard for miles. But just as impressive to this day are the many noisy steam vents - fumaroles - that force out of the mountain. In the right conditions it can sound like a jet engine. Also along the same section of road, unique conditions created Obsidian Cliffs where veins of volcanic glass formed. Tools created by Native Americans, with glass taken from this site, have been found as far away as Canada and Ohio.
St. John's Episcopal Church
A small log chapel originally built to provide service to the staff and visitors of nearby ranches. Spiritual inspiration is easily provided by the window behind the altar perfectly framing the Teton Mountain Range. The chapel still operates as an Episcopal (Anglican Communion) Church.
Jackson Lake
Jackson Lake is one of the best outdoor recreation areas to visit during the summer months. Interesting to note the dramatic contrast in style architect Gilbert Stanley employed when designing the Jackson Lake Lodge. This new modern international style, using mass produced materials like concrete and glass had not been seen previously in a National Park, which had developed a reputation for building lodges in what was described as a rustic arts and crafts styling.
Boiling River
Boiling River is one of only two areas where you can soak in Yellowstone. It is closed in Spring/early Summer due to the fast current and dangerous high water. There is no lifeguard and some microorganisms live the warm water, so be sure and check current conditions before you go. Please note you can only soak in the river and not in the hot spring.
Cunningham Cabin
A view to be envious of, but maybe not the tough lifestyle for those who lived inside. This was home to settlers John and Margaret Cunningham of the Bar Flying U Ranch. As one of the few original structures still standing and with this stunning backdrop, it makes for one of the iconic photo opportunities in Grand Teton.
Menor's Ferry Historical Trail
Menors Ferry was a cable ferry operated by its namesake William Menor, and for a quarter century starting in the late 1800s, was the only way to get across the Snake River without traveling for miles in either direction. A working replica of the ferry has been rebuilt along with the general store he operated. It's filled with artifacts and memorabilia from the time. A fun short stop.
Moose Wilson Road
Drive slowly along the road connecting the town of Moose and Teton Village, the accommodation base for the Jackson Hole Ski Area. Keep your eyes peeled for both black and grizzly bears, moose and deer through the trees and marshy habitats. The Laurance S Rockefeller Preserve facility is also found along this road. This road is closed to RVs and longer trailers (23 feet+).
Mormon Row Historic District
Mormons were among the earliest settlers in the valley of Jackson Hole and they worked cooperatively, at one stage 27 homesteads clustered together. To this day water drains through the irrigation ditches dug by hand. The two most photogenic structures that remain are barns that belonged to two Moulton brothers on neighboring properties. The perfect photo lines up the barns, with the Grand Teton peaks in the background.
Signal Mountain Summit Road
It's just a short 5 mile drive from Teton Park Road to the top of Signal Mountain. This is the easiest way to access an elevated viewpoint inside the valley that is Jackson Hole. There are two excellent viewpoints at the summit that provide perspective of how vast the valley is, and how it appears to be completely ringed by mountain ranges. RVs and trailers are prohibited on this road.
Snake River Overlook
The Snake River Overlook has to be the most famous view in the Park. In 1942 Ansel Adams captured this stunning image of the Snake River, the Teton Range and a moody sunset. The image was used as a marketing piece to attract visitors to the Grand Tetons.
Jenny Lake
Jenny Lake is the most popular and busiest part of the park. The lake was formed as a depression caused by giant glaciers that once sat above it. Take a ride across Jenny Lake by boat (tickets available at the dock) and then enjoy the short walk to Hidden Falls.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
Located on the shores of Yellowstone Lake, the West Thumb Geyser Basin can be less congested that other areas of the Park and offers some unique thermal features including Fishing Cone Hot Spring. While tiny, it was a landmark for years after a famous incident, that happened while expedition member Walter Trumbum was reeling a fish onshore. With the final swing, the fish unhooked and fell right into the spring. "For a moment it darted about with wonderful rapidity, as if seeking an outlet. Then it came to the top, dead, and literally boiled." It became quite the attraction until some were badly burned trying to replicate and eventually prohibited as an unhealthy and dangerous practice. Another of the highlights along the trail is Abyss Pool, noted for its depth of 53 feet which you can imagine continuing forever along its sloped walls through a dazzling shade of blue. Large wildlife, like elk, are often seen wandering between the hot pools and geysers at West Thumb.
Йеллоустонский Национальный Парк
Поскольку аудиогиды воспроизводят комментарии в зависимости от вашего местоположения GPS, вы можете создать свой собственный маршрут по маршруту (маршрутам) тура, который соответствует вашим интересам и расписанию. Или вы можете воспользоваться нашими планировщиками поездок, чтобы получить предложения по полудневным, полным или многодневным маршрутам. Некоторые из многих основных моментов перечислены ниже;
Национальный парк Гранд-Титон
Поскольку аудиогиды воспроизводят комментарии в зависимости от вашего местоположения GPS, вы можете создать свой собственный маршрут по маршруту (маршрутам) тура, который соответствует вашим интересам и расписанию. Или вы можете воспользоваться нашими планировщиками поездок, чтобы получить предложения по полудневным, полным или многодневным маршрутам. Некоторые из многих основных моментов перечислены ниже;
Горшок с краской для фонтана
Если вы хотите увидеть все четыре типа термальных особенностей в одном месте, обязательно зайдите в Fountain Paint Pot. Здесь вы увидите горячие источники, гейзеры, грязевые котлы и фумаролы. Большая автостоянка и легкая петля дощатого настила длиной 0,6 мили делают его очень доступным для всех.
Ламар Вэлли
Эта широкая, широкая долина является Меккой для серьезных наблюдателей за дикой природой. Бизоны, лоси, медведи, волки, антилопы и выдры — вот лишь некоторые из видов, которых вы можете встретить в этой богатой среде обитания диких животных.
Мамонтовые горячие источники
В Mammoth Hot Springs около 50 горячих источников, разделенных на две террасы, Верхнюю и Нижнюю. Источники постоянно меняются и создали впечатляющее разнообразие травертиновых террас, каскадных бассейнов, а иногда и красочных насыпей. Есть дощатые настилы, которые позволяют вам приблизиться, с отличными местами для фото на Нижней террасе. И есть короткая автомобильная петля, чтобы следовать по Верхней террасе. Кепка Свободы — самое яркое образование, стоящее на страже территории. Это высокая стройная насыпь, которая больше не связана с источником горячей воды. Мамонт также является местом расположения многих служб для посетителей, а также Центра для посетителей и музея в этом уголке парка.
Всего за короткую грунтовую тропу и петлю дощатого настила чуть более 1 мили с высотой 125 футов, Artist Paintpots, безусловно, обладает ударом, с многочисленными горячими источниками, гейзерами, фумаролами и, конечно же, грязевыми котлами. Сквозь пар обратите внимание на грязевые горшки, окрашенные оксидом железа, создающие красивую пастельную палитру цветов, с которой любой художник был бы счастлив работать. Когда вы идете по тропе, она медленно поднимается к вершине петли, откуда открывается прекрасный вид на термальную зону.
Старый Верный
Old Faithful, без сомнения, самый известный гейзер во всем парке — и не зря. С тех пор, как мы наблюдали за ним, он эффектно извергался каждые 60-90 минут или около того. Так что не совсем по часам, как предполагает миф, но, как самый предсказуемый гейзер в парке, он все же близок к тому, чтобы быть «часами природы».
Верхний бассейн гейзеров
Самый большой и наиболее концентрированный из гейзерных бассейнов расположен в Йеллоустоне и является домом для Old Faithful, но в этом бассейне есть еще 150 гейзеров, которые стоит посетить. Зайдите в центр для посетителей, чтобы узнать время предсказания нескольких гейзеров, и спланируйте свой маршрут, исследуя бассейн, чтобы попытаться рассчитать время вашего визита, чтобы увидеть различные извержения. Исследуйте 2-мильный маршрут туда и обратно от Old Faithful Lodge до бассейна Morning Glory, останавливаясь по пути у Castle Geyser, Daisy Geyser и Riverside Geyser.
Большая призматическая пружина
Большой призматический источник — самый большой горячий источник в Йеллоустоне. Красочные микробные коврики красного, оранжевого, желтого и зеленого цветов по краям бассейна контрастируют с темно-синим центром в центре бассейна. Там есть обширный променад, который позволяет вам увидеть цвета вблизи, но часто из источника может идти пар, который может омрачить любые фотографии. Взгляните на него сверху на Гранд-призматической обзорной тропе, к югу от бассейна Мидуэй-Гейзер. Войдите на небольшую парковку Fairy Falls и пройдите 0,6 мили с небольшой высотой 100 футов до обзорной площадки. Бассейн Midway Geyser Basin /Grand Prismatic Spring находится всего в 7 милях от Old Faithful, так что это естественный сегвей для вашего дня. Это также одно из самых фотографируемых и оживленных мест в Национальном парке, поэтому приезжайте пораньше или поздно, чтобы избежать толпы.
Гранд-Каньон Йеллоустона
Невероятные силы вырезали каньон длиной 20 миль и глубиной до 1200 футов вдоль пути реки Йеллоустоун. Резьба по реке Йеллоустоун также создала 2 великолепных водопада внутри каньона. Есть 2 аспекта, с которых можно увидеть как Верхний, так и Нижний водопад, с несколькими точками обзора для каждого. Вам захочется осмотреть столько разных видов, сколько позволит ваше время.
Падение башни
Смотровая площадка Tower Fall находится всего в нескольких минутах ходьбы от автостоянки. Водопад тонкий, падает на 132 фута от Тауэр-Крик в реку Йеллоустоун. Что делает их особенными, так это то, что вершина водопада усеяна вулканическими шпилями. Эта сцена была запечатлена на картине и представлена ​​как часть первоначального предложения объявить Йеллоустоун национальным парком. Мимо смотровой площадки продолжается крутая тропа. NPS рекомендует время от времени не пользоваться этой тропой, и если знак установлен, тропа не рекомендуется. На самом деле, лучший вид — тот, что с верхней точки обзора.
Ревущая гора
На его пике в начале 1900-х многие фумаролы, которые покрывают Ревущую гору, можно было услышать за многие мили. Но не менее впечатляют и по сей день многочисленные шумные паровые жерла - фумаролы, которые вырываются из горы. В правильных условиях он может звучать как реактивный двигатель. Также вдоль того же участка дороги в уникальных условиях образовались обсидиановые скалы, где образовались прожилки вулканического стекла. Инструменты, созданные коренными американцами из стекла, взятого с этого места, были найдены даже в Канаде и Огайо.
Епископальная церковь Святого Иоанна
Небольшая бревенчатая часовня, изначально построенная для обслуживания персонала и посетителей близлежащих ранчо. Окно за алтарем, прекрасно обрамляющее горный хребет Тетон, легко дарит духовное вдохновение. Часовня до сих пор действует как епископальная (англиканская) церковь.
Джексон Лейк
Озеро Джексон — одно из лучших мест для отдыха на открытом воздухе в летние месяцы. Интересно отметить резкий контраст в стиле, который архитектор Гилберт Стэнли использовал при проектировании Jackson Lake Lodge. Этот новый современный международный стиль с использованием материалов массового производства, таких как бетон и стекло, ранее не встречался в национальном парке, который заработал репутацию благодаря строительству домиков в том, что было описано как деревенский стиль декоративно-прикладного искусства.
Кипящая река
Кипящая река — одно из двух мест, где можно понежиться в Йеллоустоуне. Весной/началом лета он закрыт из-за быстрого течения и опасного паводка. Там нет спасателя, а в теплой воде живут некоторые микроорганизмы, поэтому перед поездкой обязательно проверьте текущие условия. Обратите внимание, что купаться можно только в реке, а не в горячем источнике.
Хижина Каннингема
Вид, которому можно позавидовать, но, возможно, не жесткий образ жизни для тех, кто жил внутри. Это был дом для поселенцев Джона и Маргарет Каннингем из бара Flying U Ranch. Будучи одним из немногих сохранившихся оригинальных строений, и с таким потрясающим фоном, он является одной из знаковых возможностей для фотографирования в Гранд-Титоне.
Историческая тропа Менорского парома
Menors Ferry был канатным паромом, которым управлял его тезка Уильям Менор, и в течение четверти века, начиная с конца 1800-х годов, это был единственный способ пересечь реку Снейк, не путешествуя на мили в любом направлении. Рабочая копия парома была восстановлена ​​вместе с магазином, которым он управлял. Он наполнен артефактами и памятными вещами того времени. Веселая короткая остановка.
Мус Уилсон Роуд
Медленно езжайте по дороге, соединяющей город Мус и Тетон-Виллидж, базу для размещения горнолыжного курорта Джексон-Хоул. Следите за черными медведями и гризли, лосями и оленями на деревьях и болотистых местах обитания. Вдоль этой дороги также находится заповедник Лоренса С. Рокфеллера. Эта дорога закрыта для RV и более длинных прицепов (более 23 футов).
Исторический район Мормон Роу
Мормоны были одними из первых поселенцев в долине Джексон-Хоул, и они работали совместно, на одном этапе 27 усадеб были сгруппированы вместе. По сей день вода стекает по вырытым вручную арыкам. Две самые фотогеничные постройки — это амбары, принадлежавшие двум братьям Моултон на соседних участках. На идеальном фото видны амбары на фоне пиков Гранд-Титон.
Сигнальная гора Саммит-роуд
Всего в 5 милях от Титон-Парк-роуд до вершины Сигнальной горы. Это самый простой способ получить доступ к возвышенной смотровой площадке внутри долины Джексон-Хоул. На вершине есть две отличные смотровые площадки, которые дают представление о том, насколько обширна долина и как она кажется полностью окруженной горными хребтами. На этой дороге запрещено движение внедорожников и трейлеров.
Вид на реку Снейк
Вид на Снейк-Ривер, пожалуй, самый известный вид в парке. В 1942 году Ансель Адамс сделал этот потрясающий снимок реки Снейк, хребта Тетон и угрюмого заката. Изображение использовалось в качестве маркетингового материала для привлечения посетителей в Гранд-Титон.
Дженни Лейк
Озеро Дженни — самая популярная и оживленная часть парка. Озеро образовалось как впадина, вызванная гигантскими ледниками, которые когда-то располагались над ним. Прокатитесь по озеру Дженни на лодке (билеты можно приобрести в доке), а затем насладитесь короткой прогулкой до Хидден-Фолс.
Бассейн гейзера Вест-Тамб
Расположенный на берегу озера Йеллоустоун, бассейн гейзеров Вест-Тамб может быть менее перегружен, чем другие районы парка, и предлагает некоторые уникальные термальные особенности, включая горячий источник Рыбацкая конуса. Несмотря на то, что он был крошечным, он был достопримечательностью в течение многих лет после известного инцидента, который произошел, когда участник экспедиции Уолтер Трамбум вылавливал рыбу на берегу. С последним взмахом рыба сорвалась с крючка и упала прямо в родник. «На мгновение он метался с удивительной скоростью, словно ища выход. Затем он поднялся наверх, мертвый и буквально закипел». Это стало довольно привлекательным, пока некоторые не сильно обгорели, пытаясь воспроизвести, и в конечном итоге были запрещены как нездоровая и опасная практика. Еще одним из основных моментов на тропе является бассейн Бездны, известный своей глубиной 53 фута, который, как вы можете себе представить, вечно продолжается вдоль его наклонных стен через ослепительный оттенок синего. Крупных диких животных, таких как лоси, часто можно увидеть бродящими между горячими бассейнами и гейзерами в Вест-Тамбе.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (4)
Nov 2022
The best $15 I have ever spent. It really maximized my trip to Yellowstone and saw many things I easily would have missed. No service in the park and the all worked flawlessly and automatically plays when you drive using gps location. Knowledgeable, great educational narrator and truly was an amazing experience when using in Yellowstone. It was like having a tour guide in the car. Worth 10x what it costs. Trust me, buy it and use it. You will be so glad you did!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2022
Hi Nick, Thanks for the high praise! We're delighted to hear how much you enjoyed touring offline through Yellowstone with our audio tour, and hope to join you on the road again soon.
Sep 2022
Love the audio tours. It was easy to set up and the audio followed my trip through Yellowstone and Teton perfectly. Very informative.
Aug 2022
The audio tour was incredible. We got so many insights and stories. Loved that we could start anywhere in the park and the narration would sync to our location and guide us they. We were guided to many parts of the park we would of missed without the tour. So much more flexible than a bus tour and just as much info. Will absolutely use them again for future tours. You won’t be disappointed!!!
Ответ от хоста
Sep 2022
Hi Bill, thanks for choosing our audio tour for your road trip through Yellowstone and Grand Teton. We're so glad to hear that you enjoyed the touring flexibility and commentary, and hope to join you on the road again soon.

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