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Аудиотур по Йеллоустонскому национальному парку для самостоятельного вождения

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Город: Йеллоустонский Национальный Парк
Thu 13 Mar
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Начинается с $14.99
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $14.99
Что включено
Offline use: No cell signal or wifi required. Offline GPS Map & route. Stop-to-stop direction.
Private tour in your/rental car: No group. Take breaks for photos/ snacks/hikes. Go at your own pace
Don’t miss a thing: Full itinerary, travel tips, professionally narrated hidden stories, video, text
Flexible schedule: Use any day, any time. Travel over multiple days or on next trip. Never expires.
Good value: Buy just one per car. Don’t pay for each person. Save money compared to a bus tour.
App on your phone: A link to download the Action Guide app. Password for your tours. Preview at home
Easy to use: Stories play automatically by GPS. Hands-free. Get HELP all day: Call, Chat or Email.
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Как это работает: после бронирования тура вы получите текстовое/электронное письмо. с инструкциями. Загрузите приложение (при хорошем Wi-Fi/сигнале) и используйте свой уникальный пароль для доступа к своим турам. Чтобы начать тур, перейдите в Начальную точку и запустите приложение. Звук запускается автоматически. Придерживайтесь маршрута тура и ограничения скорости для получения наилучших впечатлений. Обратите внимание, что никто не встретит вас в начальной точке.
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  • >Ничего не упустите: с приложением вы получите все: полный маршрут, советы путешественникам, профессионально озвученные аудиоистории, сценарий рассказа, изображения, видео, глубокие погружения, скрытые жемчужины, захватывающие места, рекомендации для походов, приключений, мероприятия, походы и направление с остановками.
  • Частный тур: вы можете использовать его в своем автомобиле или арендованном автомобиле. Не беспокойтесь о группах или толпе. Запустите приложение тура на своем телефоне. И будет направлять вас шаг за шагом. Вы можете останавливаться на столько перерывов, сколько захотите. Сделайте перерыв на фотографии в Instagram и сделайте перерыв на обед/перекус. Отправляйтесь в поход. Тур будет ждать вас и начнется, когда вы начнете снова. Вы даже можете сделать тур в течение нескольких дней. Идите в своем собственном темпе.
  • Простота в использовании: истории начинают воспроизводиться сами по себе, как только активируется GPS. Он вообще не требует использования ваших рук. Вы можете получить ПОМОЩЬ по телефону, в чате или по электронной почте в любое время дня.
  • Не в сети: во время гастролей нет необходимости в сотовом сигнале или Wi-Fi. GPS-карта приложения работает в автономном режиме.
  • Истечение срока действия/начать снова: тур будет длиться до конца вашей жизни на вашем телефоне. Его можно использовать в любой день вашей следующей поездки.
  • Используйте фотографии для фотокниги: создайте фотокнигу, используя чистые (без скопления людей) изображения каждого места в приложении, чтобы сделать поездку незабываемой. Все фотографии и правильная последовательность готовы для использования в приложении.
  • Социальные сети: делитесь чистыми (без толпы) изображениями с друзьями/родными.
  • Поддерживаемые устройства включают iPhone с iOS 13 и выше, телефоны Android с версией 9 и выше, а также все планшеты и iPad с поддержкой сотовой связи.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски для лица
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Что ожидать
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
Йеллоустонский Национальный Парк
Йеллоустонский национальный парк — это зона отдыха в дикой природе площадью почти 3500 квадратных миль на вершине вулканического очага. В основном в Вайоминге, парк также распространяется на части Монтаны и Айдахо. В Йеллоустоуне есть впечатляющие каньоны, альпийские реки, густые леса, горячие источники и бурлящие гейзеры, в том числе самый известный — Старый Верный.
Бассейн гейзера Вест-Тамб
Первым в этой части парка находится бассейн гейзеров West Thumb, один из крупнейших бассейнов гейзеров Йеллоустона, который обладает некоторыми поистине замечательными геотермальными особенностями.
Шошонское озеро
Ваш маршрут пролегает мимо озера Шошон, прекрасного уединенного маленького участка дикой природы с отличной пешеходной тропой.
Старый Верный
Old Faithful, расположенный рядом, является одной из самых известных достопримечательностей Йеллоустона не просто так. Этот огромный гейзер настолько надежен, что когда-то его называли «часами вечности»!
Река Огненная дыра
Вы слышали о джакузи, но как насчет горячей реки? Это именно то, что вы найдете на реке Файрхол, реке, которая естественным образом нагревается близлежащим горячим источником.
Большая призматическая пружина
Тогда вы сможете припарковаться и увидеть Grand Prismatic вблизи. Это ошеломляюще огромный горячий источник с кольцами шокирующего цвета, окружающими его. Это одна из достопримечательностей Йеллоустона, которую нельзя пропустить!
Горшок с краской для фонтана
Далее идет горшок с краской для фонтана, чудесно красочный глиняный горшок, который постоянно бурлит и перестраивается благодаря вулканической силе под ним.
Информационный центр для посетителей Западного Йеллоустона
Вы увидите Информационный центр для посетителей западного входа, если войдете в парк через город Западный Йеллоустоун.
Гиббон ​​Фолс
После этого вы найдете водопад Гиббон, один из самых легкодоступных водопадов в парке. В отличие от многих водопадов, которые требуют длительных походов по каменистым тропам, этот можно увидеть с дороги!
Ваш маршрут приведет вас к горшкам с краской художника, еще одному набору красочных глиняных горшков с дощатым настилом, который проведет вас мимо не только горшков с краской, но и группы небольших гейзеров. Это место, которое обязательно нужно увидеть.
Бассейн Норрис Гейзер
Следующий бассейн гейзеров, который вы достигнете, — это бассейн гейзеров Норрис, самый старый и самый горячий бассейн гейзеров в Йеллоустоне, температура которого измеряется до 459 градусов ниже поверхности!
Лебединое озеро Квартиры
Далее идут Лебединое озеро. Это не только отличное место для наблюдения за дикой природой, но и родина одной из восьми волчьих стай Йеллоустона!
Мамонтовые горячие источники
После этого вы увидите Мамонтовые горячие источники, одну из самых живописных достопримечательностей Йеллоустона. Но эти террасные горячие источники не только идеально подходят для фотографий — они также привлекают местную популяцию лосей!
Кипящая река
Если вы войдете с северного входа, вы пройдете еще одну нагретую реку, называемую Кипящей рекой. Не беспокойтесь о названии — на самом деле это довольно приятная температура!
Арка Рузвельта
Арка Рузвельта — рустированная триумфальная арка у северного входа в Йеллоустонский национальный парк в Гардинере, штат Монтана, США. Построенный под наблюдением армии США в форте Йеллоустоун, его краеугольный камень был заложен президентом Теодором Рузвельтом в 1903 году.
Туристический центр и музей Олбрайта
Туристический центр Олбрайт находится рядом с теми, кто въезжает с севера, и это отличное место, где можно остановиться, чтобы перекусить или отдохнуть в туалете.
Водопад Ундина
Далее идет водопад Ундина, 60-футовый водопад, названный в честь фей из немецкого фольклора.
Призрачный водопад
Прямо напротив водопада Ундина находится тропа, ведущая к 80-футовому Призрачному водопаду, еще одному из почти 350 водопадов Йеллоустона!
Ламар Вэлли
По дороге вы проедете долину Ламар. Эта долина — лучшее место в Йеллоустоуне, где можно увидеть культовую дикую природу парка. Вы почти наверняка увидите здесь бизонов, и, возможно, вам даже повезет, и вы увидите неуловимых волков!
Гора Уошберн
Гора Уошберн высотой 10 243 фута — выдающаяся горная вершина хребта Уошберн в Йеллоустонском национальном парке, штат Вайоминг. Пик был назван в 1870 году в честь Генри Д. Уошберна, руководителя экспедиции Уошберн-Лэнгфорд-Доан.
Район деревни Каньон
Далее вы пройдете через Каньон-Виллидж, странный полугород, где многие рабочие Йеллоустона живут во время работы в парке. Он предлагает весело взглянуть на то, на что похожа жизнь сотрудников парка!
Точка вдохновения
Продолжая, вы прибудете в Inspiration Point, самую популярную смотровую площадку вдоль Гранд-Каньона Йеллоустона. Вид здесь просто не имеет себе равных нигде в парке.
Хейден Вэлли
Далее идет Хейден-Вэлли, которая предлагает заглянуть в прошлое. Хотя сегодня это пышная зеленая долина, когда-то она была на дне озера!
Те, кто входит с востока, войдут через восточный вход в парк в Коди.
Йеллоустонское озеро
Наконец, вы прибудете к озеру Йеллоустоун, самому большому высокогорному озеру в Северной Америке. В этом нетронутом озере слишком холодно, чтобы купаться, но оно идеально подходит для пикника или даже прогулки на лодке!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (44)
Oct 2022
This was a Great alternative to the $350 per person tours available at Yellowstone. We just had a couple of glitches but other then that it worked well even in airport mode.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m thrilled that my tour of Yellowstone added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I’ll look into those oddities and fix them for future travelers. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.
Oct 2022
This has to be the best idea that was ever thought of!!! Once downloaded, the tour is very accurate on location without internet access. It was very thorough and extremely educational. Had we not used this self-driving audio tour, we would have not known where to go or know what we were looking at. I highly recommend this tour!!!!!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m thrilled that my tour of Yellowstone added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.
Oct 2022
Loved the audio tour. It’s nice to do things at your own pace and you can pick and choose which places to stop or skip. Nice history lessons behind the stops, I learned a lot of interesting facts. One tip would be to start the tour before you lose internet service in remote park areas. I downloaded the offline map but since I did not start the tour before going into the park and losing internet connection, I could not open the app. This happened for the Yellowstone audio tour, same company, but I was able to use the grand Teton audio tour with no problem. I also like that the tour is mine to keep and I can reuse whenever. Great inexpensive alternative to spending a couple hundred bucks on a hired in-person tour.
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2022
Thanks so much for your feedback, Porsh! That flexibility is one of the best features of our self-guided tour. I'm thrilled that my tour of Yellowstone National Park added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.

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