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Visite audio autonome du parc national de Yellowstone

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Découvrez la puissance brute et la beauté de la nature au parc national de Yellowstone. Cette énorme caldeira volcanique a capturé l'imagination américaine pendant des décennies grâce à ses geysers explosifs, ses sources chaudes prismatiques et ses cascades étonnantes. Abritant certains des seuls bisons et loups sauvages du continent, ce parc est incontournable.

La visite peut commencer à n'importe quelle entrée du parc. En raison d'un mauvais signal dans le parc, téléchargez AVANT l'arrivée et utilisez le MODE HORS LIGNE. Notez les fermetures de routes sur le site Web du parc.

Dans les 30 minutes, nous vous enverrons deux éléments : un mot de passe unique et une application. Téléchargez l'application sur votre téléphone, entrez le mot de passe et téléchargez la visite. Lorsque vous arrivez, rendez-vous au premier arrêt, lancez l'application et suivez les instructions!

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Ce n'est pas un billet d'entrée aux attractions le long la route. Vérifiez les règles de pandémie et les heures d'ouverture avant votre visite.
Ville: le parc national de Yellowstone
Thu 13 Mar
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À partir de $14.99
Thu 13 Mar
À partir de $14.99
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Ce qui est inclu
Offline use: No cell signal or wifi required. Offline GPS Map & route. Stop-to-stop direction.
Private tour in your/rental car: No group. Take breaks for photos/ snacks/hikes. Go at your own pace
Don’t miss a thing: Full itinerary, travel tips, professionally narrated hidden stories, video, text
Divertissement en direct
Good value: Buy just one per car. Don’t pay for each person. Save money compared to a bus tour.
App on your phone: A link to download the Action Guide app. Password for your tours. Preview at home
Easy to use: Stories play automatically by GPS. Hands-free. Get HELP all day: Call, Chat or Email.
Information additionnelle
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Comment ça marche : une fois que vous avez réservé une visite, vous recevrez un SMS/e-mail avec des consignes. Téléchargez l'application (avec un bon wifi/signal) et utilisez votre mot de passe unique pour accéder à vos visites. Pour commencer la visite, rendez-vous au point de départ et lancez l'application. Le son démarre automatiquement. Respectez l'itinéraire et la limite de vitesse pour la meilleure expérience. Veuillez noter que personne ne vous attendra au point de départ.
  • Bon rapport qualité-prix Achetez un seul circuit pour l'ensemble du véhicule au lieu de prendre le bus et de payer pour chaque personne. Vous constaterez une économie importante. Connectez votre téléphone aux haut-parleurs de voiture par un fil ou Bluetooth. Profitez de la visite en écoutant ensemble pendant que vous conduisez.
  • Horaire flexible : une fois l'application/la visite sur votre téléphone, vous pouvez l'utiliser n'importe quel jour et à tout moment. Vous pouvez l'utiliser sur plusieurs jours. Et utilisez-le également lors de votre prochain voyage ici. Cette visite n'expire jamais.
  • Aperçu de la visite : vous pouvez l'utiliser avant le voyage à la maison (fortement recommandé), l'utiliser pendant le voyage et l'utiliser après votre retour.
  • Ne manquez rien : vous obtiendrez tout avec l'application - un itinéraire complet, des conseils de voyage, des histoires audio racontées par des professionnels, un scénario, des images, des vidéos, des plongées profondes, des trésors cachés, des lieux passionnants, des recommandations pour des randonnées, des aventures, activités, randonnées et direction étape par étape.
  • Tour privé : vous pouvez l'utiliser dans votre voiture ou votre voiture de location. Pas de soucis pour les groupes ou les foules. Démarrez l'application de visite sur votre téléphone. Et il vous guidera pas à pas. Vous pouvez vous arrêter pour autant de pauses que vous le souhaitez. Faites une pause pour les photos Instagram et faites une pause pour le déjeuner/les collations. Faire une randonnée. La visite vous attendra et commencera lorsque vous recommencerez. Vous pouvez même faire le tour sur plusieurs jours. Allez à votre rythme.
  • Facile à utiliser : les histoires se jouent dès que le GPS est activé. Il ne nécessite aucune utilisation de vos mains. Vous pouvez obtenir de l'AIDE en appelant, en discutant ou en envoyant un e-mail à tout moment de la journée.
  • Hors ligne : il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir un signal cellulaire ou une connexion Wi-Fi pendant la visite. La carte GPS de l'application fonctionne hors ligne
  • Expiration/reprise : la visite durera le reste de votre vie sur votre téléphone. Il peut être utilisé n'importe quel jour de votre prochain voyage.
  • Utilisez des images pour un livre photo : créez un livre photo en utilisant des images d'application propres (pas de foule) de chaque endroit pour faire un voyage mémorable. Toutes les photos et la séquence correcte sont prêtes dans l'application pour que vous puissiez les utiliser.
  • Médias sociaux : partagez des images nettes (sans foule) avec vos amis/votre famille.
  • Les appareils pris en charge incluent les iPhones avec iOS 13 et supérieur, les téléphones Android avec la version 9 et supérieure et toutes les tablettes et iPads compatibles cellulaires.
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
À quoi s'attendre
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park is a nearly 3,500-sq.-mile wilderness recreation area atop a volcanic hot spot. Mostly in Wyoming, the park spreads into parts of Montana and Idaho too. Yellowstone features dramatic canyons, alpine rivers, lush forests, hot springs, and gushing geysers, including its most famous, Old Faithful.
West Thumb Geyser Basin
First in this section of the park is the West Thumb Geyser Basin, one of Yellowstone's largest geyser basins which features some truly remarkable geothermal features.
Shoshone Lake
Your route takes you next past Shoshone Lake, a lovely secluded little patch of wilderness with a great hiking trail to boot.
Old Faithful
Old Faithful, up next, is one of Yellowstone's most famous attractions for a reason. This huge geyser is so reliable it was once referred to as "eternity's timepiece"!
Firehole River
You've heard of hot tubs, but how about a hot river? That's exactly what you'll find at Firehole River, a river naturally heated by a nearby hot spring.
Grand Prismatic Spring
Then you'll be able to park and see Grand Prismatic up close. It's a staggeringly huge hot spring with rings of shocking color encircling it. This is one of Yellowstone's can't-miss attractions!
Fountain Paint Pot
Next up is the Fountain Paint Pot, a wonderfully colorful mud pot which is constantly burbling and rearranging itself thanks to the volcanic power underneath it.
West Yellowstone Visitor Information Center
You'll see the West Entrance Visitor Information Center if entering the park via the town of West Yellowstone.
Gibbon Falls
After that you'll find Gibbon Falls, one of the park's most easily accessible waterfalls. Unlike many falls, which require long hikes down rocky trails, this one can be seen from the road!
Artists Paintpots
Your route takes you next to the Artist's Paint Pots, another set of colorful mud pots featuring a boardwalk which takes you past not only the paint pots, but also a bunch of small geysers as well. This is a must-see spot.
Norris Geyser Basin
The next geyser basin you'll reach is the Norris Geyser Basin, the oldest, hottest geyser basin in Yellowstone, with temperatures measured up to 459 degrees below the surface!
Swan Lake Flats
Up next are the Swan Lake Flats. These aren't just a great place to spot wildlife, they're also the birthplace of one of Yellowstone's eight wolf packs!
Mammoth Hot Springs
After that, you'll see Mammoth Hot Springs, one of Yellowstone's most picturesque features. But these terraced hot springs aren't just perfect for photos--they're also a huge draw for the local elk population!
Boiling River
If entering from the north entrance, you'll pass another heated river called the Boiling River. Don't worry about the name, though--it's actually quite a pleasant temperature!
Roosevelt Arch
The Roosevelt Arch is a rusticated triumphal arch at the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Gardiner, Montana, United States. Constructed under the supervision of the US Army at Fort Yellowstone, its cornerstone was laid down by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903.
Albright Visitor Center and Museum
The Albright Visitor Center is up next for those entering from the north, and it's a great place for anyone to stop for snacks or a restroom break.
Undine Falls
Up next are the Undine Falls, a 60-foot waterfall named after fairies from German folklore.
Wraith Falls
Just across from Undine Falls is a trailhead leading to the 80-foot Wraith Falls, another of Yellowstone's nearly 350 waterfalls!
Lamar Valley
As you drive, you'll pass Lamar Valley next. This valley is the best place in Yellowstone to spot the park's iconic wildlife. You'll almost definitely see bison here, and might even get lucky and catch sight of some elusive wolves!
Mount Washburn
Mount Washburn, elevation 10,243 feet, is a prominent mountain peak in the Washburn Range in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The peak was named in 1870 to honor Henry D. Washburn, leader of the Washburn–Langford–Doane Expedition.
Canyon Village Area
Next, you'll pass through Canyon Village, the strange, semi-town where many of Yellowstone's workers live during their time at the park. It offers a fun glimpse into what life is like for the park employees!
Inspiration Point
Continuing on, you'll arrive at Inspiration Point, the most popular of the overlooks along Yellowstone's Grand Canyon. The vista here is simply unmatched anywhere else in the park.
Hayden Valley
Up next is Hayden Valley, which offers a glimpse into the past. Though it's a lush green valley today, it was once at the bottom of a lake!
Those entering from the east will enter through the park's East Entrance in Cody.
Yellowstone Lake
Finally, you'll arrive at Yellowstone Lake, the largest high elevation lake in North America. This pristine lake is too cold to swim in, but it makes the perfect place for a picnic or even a boat ride!
le parc national de Yellowstone
Le parc national de Yellowstone est une zone de loisirs sauvage de près de 3 500 miles carrés au sommet d'un point chaud volcanique. Principalement dans le Wyoming, le parc s'étend également dans certaines parties du Montana et de l'Idaho. Yellowstone comprend des canyons spectaculaires, des rivières alpines, des forêts luxuriantes, des sources chaudes et des geysers jaillissants, y compris son plus célèbre, Old Faithful.
Bassin de geyser du pouce ouest
Le premier dans cette section du parc est le West Thumb Geyser Basin, l'un des plus grands bassins de geyser de Yellowstone qui présente des caractéristiques géothermiques vraiment remarquables.
Lac Shoshone
Votre itinéraire vous emmène ensuite au-delà du lac Shoshone, un charmant petit coin de nature sauvage isolé avec un excellent sentier de randonnée pour démarrer.
Vieux fidèle
Old Faithful, ensuite, est l'une des attractions les plus célèbres de Yellowstone pour une raison. Cet énorme geyser est si fiable qu'on l'appelait autrefois "l'horloge de l'éternité" !
Rivière Firehole
Vous avez entendu parler des spas, mais que diriez-vous d'une rivière chaude ? C'est exactement ce que vous trouverez à Firehole River, une rivière naturellement chauffée par une source chaude à proximité.
Grand ressort prismatique
Ensuite, vous pourrez vous garer et voir Grand Prismatic de près. C'est une source chaude incroyablement énorme avec des anneaux de couleurs choquantes qui l'entourent. C'est l'une des attractions incontournables de Yellowstone !
Pot de peinture fontaine
Vient ensuite le Fountain Paint Pot, un pot de boue merveilleusement coloré qui bouillonne et se réorganise constamment grâce à la puissance volcanique en dessous.
Centre d'information touristique de West Yellowstone
Vous verrez le centre d'information touristique de l'entrée ouest si vous entrez dans le parc via la ville de West Yellowstone.
Chutes Gibbons
Après cela, vous trouverez Gibbon Falls, l'une des chutes d'eau les plus facilement accessibles du parc. Contrairement à de nombreuses chutes, qui nécessitent de longues randonnées sur des sentiers rocailleux, celle-ci est visible depuis la route !
Pots d'artistes
Votre itinéraire vous emmène à côté des pots de peinture de l'artiste, un autre ensemble de pots de boue colorés avec une promenade qui vous emmène non seulement devant les pots de peinture, mais aussi un tas de petits geysers. C'est un endroit incontournable.
Bassin de geyser de Norris
Le prochain bassin de geyser que vous atteindrez est le Norris Geyser Basin, le bassin de geyser le plus ancien et le plus chaud de Yellowstone, avec des températures mesurées jusqu'à 459 degrés sous la surface !
Appartements du lac des cygnes
Ensuite, les Swan Lake Flats. Ce ne sont pas seulement un endroit idéal pour observer la faune, c'est aussi le lieu de naissance de l'une des huit meutes de loups de Yellowstone !
Sources chaudes de mammouth
Après cela, vous verrez Mammoth Hot Springs, l'une des caractéristiques les plus pittoresques de Yellowstone. Mais ces sources chaudes en terrasses ne sont pas seulement parfaites pour les photos, elles attirent également énormément la population locale d'élans !
Rivière bouillante
Si vous entrez par l'entrée nord, vous passerez devant une autre rivière chauffée appelée Boiling River. Ne vous inquiétez pas pour le nom, c'est en fait une température assez agréable !
Arc de Roosevelt
L'arc de Roosevelt est un arc de triomphe rustique situé à l'entrée nord du parc national de Yellowstone à Gardiner, dans le Montana, aux États-Unis. Construit sous la supervision de l'armée américaine à Fort Yellowstone, sa pierre angulaire a été posée par le président Theodore Roosevelt en 1903.
Centre d'accueil et musée d'Albright
Le centre d'accueil des visiteurs d'Albright est le suivant pour ceux qui arrivent du nord, et c'est un endroit idéal pour quiconque s'arrête pour des collations ou une pause toilettes.
Chutes d'Ondine
Ensuite se trouvent les chutes d'Undine, une chute d'eau de 60 pieds nommée d'après des fées du folklore allemand.
Chutes spectrales
Juste en face des chutes d'Undine se trouve un sentier menant aux chutes Wraith de 80 pieds, une autre des près de 350 chutes d'eau de Yellowstone !
Vallée de Lamar
En conduisant, vous passerez ensuite par Lamar Valley. Cette vallée est le meilleur endroit de Yellowstone pour observer la faune emblématique du parc. Vous verrez presque certainement des bisons ici, et pourriez même avoir de la chance et apercevoir des loups insaisissables !
Mont Washburn
Le mont Washburn, d'une altitude de 10 243 pieds, est un sommet de montagne important dans la chaîne Washburn dans le parc national de Yellowstone, dans le Wyoming. Le pic a été nommé en 1870 en l'honneur d'Henry D. Washburn, chef de l'expédition Washburn-Langford-Doane.
Canyon Village
Ensuite, vous traverserez Canyon Village, l'étrange semi-ville où vivent de nombreux travailleurs de Yellowstone pendant leur séjour au parc. Il offre un aperçu amusant de la vie des employés du parc !
Point d'inspiration
En continuant, vous arriverez à Inspiration Point, le plus populaire des points de vue le long du Grand Canyon de Yellowstone. La vue ici est tout simplement inégalée ailleurs dans le parc.
Vallée de Hayden
La prochaine étape est Hayden Valley, qui offre un aperçu du passé. Bien que ce soit une vallée verdoyante aujourd'hui, elle était autrefois au fond d'un lac !
Ceux qui entrent par l'est entreront par l'entrée est du parc à Cody.
Lac Yellowstone
Enfin, vous arriverez au lac Yellowstone, le plus grand lac d'altitude d'Amérique du Nord. Ce lac immaculé est trop froid pour nager, mais c'est l'endroit idéal pour un pique-nique ou même une promenade en bateau !
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Commentaires (44)
Oct 2022
This was a Great alternative to the $350 per person tours available at Yellowstone. We just had a couple of glitches but other then that it worked well even in airport mode.
Réponse de l'hôte
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m thrilled that my tour of Yellowstone added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I’ll look into those oddities and fix them for future travelers. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.
Oct 2022
This has to be the best idea that was ever thought of!!! Once downloaded, the tour is very accurate on location without internet access. It was very thorough and extremely educational. Had we not used this self-driving audio tour, we would have not known where to go or know what we were looking at. I highly recommend this tour!!!!!
Réponse de l'hôte
Oct 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback! I’m thrilled that my tour of Yellowstone added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.
Oct 2022
Loved the audio tour. It’s nice to do things at your own pace and you can pick and choose which places to stop or skip. Nice history lessons behind the stops, I learned a lot of interesting facts. One tip would be to start the tour before you lose internet service in remote park areas. I downloaded the offline map but since I did not start the tour before going into the park and losing internet connection, I could not open the app. This happened for the Yellowstone audio tour, same company, but I was able to use the grand Teton audio tour with no problem. I also like that the tour is mine to keep and I can reuse whenever. Great inexpensive alternative to spending a couple hundred bucks on a hired in-person tour.
Réponse de l'hôte
Oct 2022
Thanks so much for your feedback, Porsh! That flexibility is one of the best features of our self-guided tour. I'm thrilled that my tour of Yellowstone National Park added to your learning and that you enjoyed it. I also have 100 other self-guided tours for other parks, scenic drives, cities, and historic sites in the US — hopefully, you’ll get the chance to try them next time! Also, just to remind you, the tour you bought is yours for a lifetime. So, you can listen to it at home or on your next visit.

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