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1/4-дневни породични рафтинг у Дурангу

Истражите доњу реку Анимас у Дурангу на овом полудневном породичном рафтингу кроз град. Доњи Анимас је популарна река за посетиоце и локално становништво. Стекните јединствен поглед на Дуранго кроз брзаке, уживајте у ужини поред реке и доживите живописну лепоту јужно од града. Веслајте заједно са водичем или се завалите и опустите се док водич обавља сав посао. Научите историју региона и приче о локалним традицијама док доживљавате рафтинг реком Дуранго, Колорадо. Рафтинг на Доњем Анимасу у Дурангу нуди одличну благу опцију путовања за узраст од 4 и више година.
Цити: Дуранго
Mon 18 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $75.21
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $75.21
Шта је укључено
Сигурносна оријентација пре путовања
Укључене су накнаде за приступ рекама и земљишту
Повратни превоз из главне канцеларије
Бесплатан паркинг
Бесплатне јакне и кациге (по жељи)
Одлично одржавана опрема
Вође путовања у просеку пређу 2.000 речних миља
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 4 године<ли>Изнајмљивање мокрих одела и чизама за мокро одело се топло препоручује до јуна
Шта да очекујете
Благи до дивљи рафтинг и туре џиповима
Ово је место састанка за обилазак.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (422)
Jul 2012
I stumbled across the Mild 2 Wild website while planning our family vacation. What a great find! The booking agent helped me decide on which packages to choose based on our children's ages and she hit the nail on the head! We chose to ride the bus up the Million Dollar Highway and ride the train back from Silverton to Durango. This was perfect as our 5 and 11 year old (as well as mom!) were starting to get "antsy" by the end of the 3+ hour train trip. There was no way it would have been as enjoyable if we had done round trip on the train. They also made sure that since we were only riding one way on the train that we had the best, most scenic seats on the open air car!! We also chose to take the Lower Animas rafting trip the next day. This was loads of fun for the entire family!! Our rafting guide, Sam, was amazing. Although the people at the company are very laid back, they know their business and every aspect of both excursions was professional and well planned. I would definitely recommend Mild 2 Wild to friends and family.
Jul 2012
My family and I are fortunate enough to visit beautiful Durango about twice a year. We try to go both in the summer and winter. Everytime we visit during in the summer we make it a priority to take a rafting trip with Mild to Wild. Over the years we have done many of the different stretches of river surrounding Durango. My absolute favorite trip is the two day Upper Animas. Both days are action packed and full of excitement. The camp site was put together well, and we were impressed very impressed with the hospitality. We had a very good time sitting around the camp fire getting to know all of the guides and other customers. At no point in the duration of the trip did I question my safety or the guides. I would recommend this trip for anyone who wants to experience the great outdoors and have fun!
Apr 2012
We took part in a half-day trip, and it was truly worth it. Our guide was excellent at getting us through some great water. Our daughter (age 7 1/2 at the time) was thrilled with each approaching rapid and begged for more. There was another family on the raft with us. It was a pleasure to meet them and share the ride! After the rafting we were transported back to the main sales office where we were able to purchase pictures taken on our ride. TOTALLY worth it!!! I'm so glad I went ahead and bought the pictures because they captured the fun for us. We come up to Durango every other year, and I suspect that we'll partake in another river trip next time around!
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2012
Hi there! We are so glad to hear all with Mild to Wild was totally worth it! Thanks for choosing us and for your time in making a post! We have lots of fun on Facebook and do lots of giveaways - you might even win a free raft trip for your trip back this summer! If you want to request your same guide, ask at the time of reservation. See you soon!

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