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1/4-дневни породични рафтинг у Дурангу

Истражите доњу реку Анимас у Дурангу на овом полудневном породичном рафтингу кроз град. Доњи Анимас је популарна река за посетиоце и локално становништво. Стекните јединствен поглед на Дуранго кроз брзаке, уживајте у ужини поред реке и доживите живописну лепоту јужно од града. Веслајте заједно са водичем или се завалите и опустите се док водич обавља сав посао. Научите историју региона и приче о локалним традицијама док доживљавате рафтинг реком Дуранго, Колорадо. Рафтинг на Доњем Анимасу у Дурангу нуди одличну благу опцију путовања за узраст од 4 и више година.
Цити: Дуранго
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $75.21
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $75.21
Шта је укључено
Сигурносна оријентација пре путовања
Укључене су накнаде за приступ рекама и земљишту
Повратни превоз из главне канцеларије
Бесплатан паркинг
Бесплатне јакне и кациге (по жељи)
Одлично одржавана опрема
Вође путовања у просеку пређу 2.000 речних миља
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост је 4 године<ли>Изнајмљивање мокрих одела и чизама за мокро одело се топло препоручује до јуна
Шта да очекујете
Благи до дивљи рафтинг и туре џиповима
Ово је место састанка за обилазак.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (422)
Sep 2011
While on a trip to Colorado we decided to check into rafting and so approached Mild to Wild in Durango asking how the rafting was, or was it too late in the season. They said it was great, exciting and that there was lots of white water yet and not to sit at the front if you didn't want to get totally wet. We sat at the front and didn't get wet. In fact the whole trip was no more than a float down the river through town. The only 'excitement' was getting stuck on a few rocks the river was so low. Since we had specifically asked, we felt that we were mislead as to the level of the experience. It may have been fine for a family with very young children in the raft behind us. Also, our guide did nothing to try to make the trip a little more exciting as they did in the other raft even after commenting on it. The trip was to include a snack which was only a few pieces of oranges and a granola bar each and was at a park at a sewage plant which stank very badly and was disgusting. They should be aware of this with their experience and arrange a better break location. All in all a disappointing afternoon.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2011
We sincerely apologize that you did not find the trip to your liking! We do our best to let our guests know the Lower Animas in August is a mild trip for ages 4-84 and to encourage those looking for more excitement to try the inflatable kayaks, which offer a more intermediate adventure. To address the issue of snack, the park where we stop is host to many Durango festivals and provides various amenities such as flush toilets, picnic area and scenic views which we feel is important to provide for guests. That being said, there can be rare days when the treatment plant is especially pungent during operation and apologize if that was the case and the guides did not choose to reload and snack elsewhere. We greatly appreciate all feedback from guests on our trips and will use your comments as reason to review all customer communications as we strive to provide accurate trip information concerning the ever-changing conditions of the river. We strive to provide the fun and exceptional vacation experience that guests deserve and again, apologize that you did not have that experience. We would be happy to apply the cost of your trip to another more adventurous and wilderness trip with us another season and hope you will take us up on this offer!
Jul 2011
My wife, teen aged sons, and I called M2W in the morning and scheduled a half-day kayak trip on the Animas River in Durango. We considered a raft trip, but decided on the kayak trip, as we were looking for a more interactive trip/outing. The river flow the day we went was approximately 900 cfs, which turned out to be great - not to rough/intimidating, but also high/strong enough to provide a fun, exciting, well-paced ride. Our guide, Zach, was great, as he was helpful, attentive, and patient with my boys. Overall, we would definitely recommend this as a great activity for active, adventurous families.
Mar 2011
I've lived in Durango for 26 years and ever since MILD TO WILD came into town that is who I recommend to my visitors. My family of four have rafted with them and we always are impressed by the competent staff and owners on site who are always making sure safety, fun and a great time is had by all! I was worried the first time with my little twin boys and the owner, Molly, made sure that our guide knew a "nervous mother" was on board and they did EVERYTHING to make our first raft trip a great one! We'll be back for sure!

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