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2-сатни обилазак Монтереја и Пацифик Гровеа

Фантастичан поглед на океан на сваком кораку. Ово је једна од најбољих обалних вожњи било где! Најзначајније су историјске зграде Монтереја, поглед на луку Фисхерман'с Вхарф, Цаннери Ров, Ловер'с Поинт и многе невероватне станице са погледом. Упознајте се са јеленима (под условом да су напољу), пешчаним динама и чемпресима. Плус погледајте Пацифиц Грове, укључујући центар града и историјске знаменитости, ако лептири дозвољавају.
Цити: Монтереј и Кармел
Mon 06 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $155.00
Mon 06 Jan
Са почетком у $155.00
Шта је укључено
Резервоар за гас
Изнајмљивање туристичких аутомобила вођених ГПС-ом
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње услужне природе<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Возачи морају да имају 20 година или старији и мора приложити важећу возачку дозволу<ли>Минимална старост је 4 године; деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Цена је по аутомобилу; изаберите 1 одраслу особу по обиласку аутомобила у тренутку резервације (до 2 путника по аутомобилу)<ли>Сви изнајмљивачи морају бити у стању да прочитају, разумеју и потпишу образац за ослобађање од одговорности и одрицање од одговорности<ли>Максимално тежина је 400 фунти (180 кг) по аутомобилу; сваки возач мора да буде испод 200 фунти (90 кг) или да вози сопствени аутомобил<ли>Максимална висина путника је 6 стопа 3 инча (190 цм)<ли>Један члан сваке групе мора да представи кредитна картица и лична карта коју је издао државни орган; ове информације ће се користити само у случају оштећења или губитка имовине
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (39)
Oct 2021
Ok experience, but would not do again. It was difficult to hear the narration over the sound of the engine. The route was good with a stop at the lighthouse. But it's hard to stop and park since the car didn't go backwards out of a parking spot. The ending was really difficult since the gps enabled directions cut off and then restarted the route from the beginning. And driving was a right-hand/forearm work out due to the design. Glad we did it, but would do it again.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
The car is a scooter design so if you have never ridden a scooter, clearly it is not for you. Always good to read the description on the website and look at the attached videos which are very clear on how they operate and what is involved.All information is VERY clear.
Oct 2021
The view and and bonding experience the vehicle provided were exceptional. We could not hear the gps over the engine most of the time and the tablet seemed outdated and cheap. It constantly lagged behind even when we did hear it. For a place charging what they charge, I hope they get with the times on their technology side. On the other hand, the date was Oct 3rd, 2021 and we were helped by a very obese feminine like fellow who was extremely rude and bossy. We arrived when another group of strangers arrived. A couple and their 2 children. Me and my gf both age 26 were treated with extreme favoritism and it seemed as if the large guy who helped up felt a certain way toward us simply for being younger and not with children. We misheard a part of the instructions and he got visibly annoyed when he asked what we were doing g as if mistakes don’t happen. He then walked by us as we returned and said put you helmets by the door and said nothing else to us and continued to cater his wants toward the other group. We left feeling confused and most dissatisfied. I don’t think he should be working there and the Asian-like woman who was working with him seemed to be put on the back burner when it came to speaking or being involved with most of the process.
Sep 2021
My hubby and I rented the little roadster we went on a narrated tour of Monterey then we went thru cannery row and along the ocean stopping taking pictures as we went. Going along the ocean in roadster you hear feel and smell the ocean it was surreal. We will do it again. We did lose our narrator (IPad). I guess it got hot so I would shade the tablet if you get out to take pictures sit by beach along the way. FortunatelyI had address and phone took me back. Also we saw live deer through out town.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thanks for the nice compliments, we are glad you had a good time and hope to see you again soon..

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