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2 сата Шем Крик Сафари тура кајаком

Истражите најславнији поток Чарлстона морским кајаком да бисте видели домаће дивље животиње и научили о локалној историји. Док весламо поред мочвара обложених каменицама и спуштамо се поред чамаца са шкампима, видећемо животиње попут добрих делфина, пеликана, чапљи и још много тога. У летњим месецима, ламанти и морске корњаче зову и овај поток домом! Водичи за обалне експедиције воде вас у ову авантуру, а истовремено се постарају да искуство буде безбедно и забавно за све узрасте.
Цити: Моунт Плеасант
Sun 23 Feb
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Са почетком у $52.00
Sun 23 Feb
Са почетком у $52.00
Шта је укључено
Професионални водич са сертификатима кајака, спасиоца и прве помоћи
Опрема за кајак (морски кајак, весло, лични уређај за плутање)
Сува торба (да се телефон и личне ствари не поквасе)
2-часовна еко тура кајаком са водичем
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седите у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особље<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Плаћени боравак -политика код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Схем Цреек Парк
Историјски Шем Крик је једно од најпознатијих места у Чарлстону и познато је по својим чамцима са шкампима, ресторанима са морским плодовима и дивљим животињама. Добри делфини посећују овај поток и често ће пробити само неколико метара од вашег кајака. Током лета, ламантини зову Шем Крик домом, а главате корњаче повремено искоче изнад површине. Док пролазите поред чамаца са шкампима и мочвара обложених остригама, видите луку Чарлстон и хоризонт Светог града. Нетфлик приказује филмове Оутер Банкс на Шем Крику и ваш водич може да вам покаже позната места на којима се Погуес друже!
Политика отказивања
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (41)
Nov 2022
The sunrise tour on Shem creek was absolutely beautiful! We saw plenty of birds and kayaked to a little island where we found lots of shark teeth. We also kayaked through the estuaries which was calm and pretty. Great adventure and our tour guide Graham was very informative and awesome. Will definitely do it again.
Peter S
Nov 2022
I just returned from my first Dominick House weekend trip to Bull's Island. Putting aside for a moment that we enjoyed 3 days and 2 nights on a 5,000 acre National Wildlife Refuge, I wanted to share a little about the Coastal Expeditions guides and all they did to make the trip fabulous. Annie and Abbi have the logistics mastered. Everything was in place where it was supposed to be, when it was supposed to be. All us guests had to think about was enjoying the trip. The meals were delicious and hearty. We even had a couple meals in the field. Abbi's chili would have been good in the dining room. Dished out on a dike overlooking thousands of waterfowl, it was memorable! The trip was non-stop action. I've been on tours where an outing was followed by a couple hours of sitting around. Not the case with this group. Although we had the option of sitting out any excursion, we could be on the go as much as we wanted. Annie had us on the trailer at 6 a.m. to catch sunrise on the beach and out after dark to listen for owls and stargaze. We burned a lot of calories, which was good, because the 2nd breakfast (yup--second breakfast) featured homemade sausage gravy, biscuits, eggs, and your choice of blueberry, chocolate chip, or plain pancakes. I found it easiest to have one of each. Captain Chris is the human equivalent of Siri for low-country culture and natural history. I don't think there is anything he doesn't know. Hey Chris, What are those shells sticking out of the mud? Chris: those are oysters, one of the four building blocks of the saltmarsh... Hey Chris, Why is it called a "bald" eagle? Chris: the bald eagle, Latin name Haliaeetus leucocephalus, has a white head that looks featherless at a distance. I came away from the trip filled with fun facts about Bull's Island and its history. Annie, Abbi, and Chris were at least as enthusiastic about the experiences as the guests were. Our group of 14 was a pleasure to be with. Chatting at dinner was as much fun as touring the island. I would be delighted to have this group of guests over for Thanksgiving dinner to continue the dialogue. Did I mention the wildlife? We saw deer, a black coyote, raccoons, bobcats, fox squirrels. On one sunset cruise we floated in the creek with the only noise coming from the exhalations of a close-by bottlenose dolphin and the clacking of clapper rails in the marsh. Bald eagles, peregrine falcon, and ducks galore were just a few of the 107 species of birds we recorded. Would I take this trip again? Haliaeetus I would! (Sorry--you'll have to take the trip yourself to understand what this means.)
Nov 2022
Coastal Expeditions is a must thing to do while in Charleston! We loved every part of the tour, especially our amazing tour guide Abbi. She was extremely knowledgeable about the wildlife of Shem Creek and made great conversation. She was very inclusive, friendly, and helpful! All the staff was extremely welcoming and helpful. The equipment is very nice, new and clean. You can tell they take great care of the property and equipment! I highly recommend this tour to anyone!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2022
Hi there! Thank you so much for exploring with us on Shem Creek. Abbi is so awesome and we are so grateful that she is part of our team. Hope to see y'all again another time!

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