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2-сатни излет кајаком од воде до вина из Цоттонвоод-а

Веома јединствена тура у Аризони која комбинује забаву кајаком низ реку Верде са дегустацијом вина! У пустињи ИМА воде и вина уз ову ексклузивну турнеју од воде до вина.
Цити: Седона
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $129.99
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $129.99
Шта је укључено
Накнаде за слетање и објекте
$20,00 Кредит за дегустацију вина по особи (дегустације вина, храна или поклони)
Употреба кајака на надувавање, весла и ПФД-а
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Река Верде
Класична тура од воде до вина почиње са отприлике сат и по вожње кајаком на надувавање по сликовитом делу реке Верде са довољно падобрана и пушака да додају мало узбуђења без мршављења перја. Ваше путовање реком завршава се у сенци огромних дрвећа Цоттонвоод на ушћу Оак Цреек-а у реку Верде. Овде идете шљунковитом стазом кроз винограде до тосканске сеоске куће у Алцантара Винеиардс за уживање у дегустацији вина
Виногради и винарија Алцантара
Виногради Алцантара су омиљени на Винској стази долине Верде, са награђиваним винима и љубазним сомелијерима који ће вас водити кроз дегустацију. Сваки купац добија кредит од 20 долара (укључен у цену) за дегустацију вина, храну или поклоне.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (250)
Oct 2022
Staff were friendly to start. Shuttled to start point and it began to thunder. Some participants voiced concerns but were told by shuttle driver that rain would hold off until after we would be off the river. A severe thunderstorm with hail, strong winds and lightening came through while two couples still on the river. The others took shelter in the building where you check in for the trip. When staff finally made sure rest of group off the river and began to put up equipment being blown around, they informed those in the building they needed to leave. At this time there was still torrential rain and lightening and people had to try and run to vehicles parked 75 yards from building. This could have ended very serious for those caught on the river. Found out later that a sever thunderstorm warning had been issued at 12:30p.m. The kayak trip didn't start until 1:00 pm. I can only conclude that the staff were not trained or did not care about the potentially dangerous situation.Held off writing this review as I left a voicemail for owner of business to call me to discuss concerns. I have received no contact.
Katrina F
Oct 2022
This was our second time on this particular kayak trip so we obviously enjoy it. This trip however had a pretty major hiccup that could have been handled much differently by the tour company. Our only complaint really. We checked the website and the trip advisor site to see if pets are allowed for this trip and saw the vineyard posted it to be “pet friendly”. To be sure we tried calling and texting the kayak company with no response (call went unanswered and the text was not answered prior to our trip). We brought our small 4lb dog with us as we were familiar with the river trip as being very mild and easy where small children were welcome even. The tour company checked us in (seeing we had the dog with us) and never once mentioned dogs were not allowed. We boarded the van to the lunch site and after all instruction was completed, as we were going to get onto a kayak is when the kayak company said dogs were not allowed and had to take us back to the tour company (which in all was an hour after our original arrival time). We were able to reset a new trip without losing our money but we lost about 2 hours of our trip that could have been quickly handled upon our initial arrival rather than having the debacle unfold as it did. We just ask the tour company make sure the tour is updated with a no pet policy provision to avoid someone else having waste their time on vacation as we did prior to this trip…thank you.
Oct 2022
Nice river w good flow! They use inflatable kayaks so very forgiving. They do not guide you down the river but very easy instructions.

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