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2-сатни излет кајаком од воде до вина из Цоттонвоод-а

Веома јединствена тура у Аризони која комбинује забаву кајаком низ реку Верде са дегустацијом вина! У пустињи ИМА воде и вина уз ову ексклузивну турнеју од воде до вина.
Цити: Седона
Tue 24 Sep
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Са почетком у $129.99
Tue 24 Sep
Са почетком у $129.99
Шта је укључено
Накнаде за слетање и објекте
$20,00 Кредит за дегустацију вина по особи (дегустације вина, храна или поклони)
Употреба кајака на надувавање, весла и ПФД-а
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Река Верде
Класична тура од воде до вина почиње са отприлике сат и по вожње кајаком на надувавање по сликовитом делу реке Верде са довољно падобрана и пушака да додају мало узбуђења без мршављења перја. Ваше путовање реком завршава се у сенци огромних дрвећа Цоттонвоод на ушћу Оак Цреек-а у реку Верде. Овде идете шљунковитом стазом кроз винограде до тосканске сеоске куће у Алцантара Винеиардс за уживање у дегустацији вина
Виногради и винарија Алцантара
Виногради Алцантара су омиљени на Винској стази долине Верде, са награђиваним винима и љубазним сомелијерима који ће вас водити кроз дегустацију. Сваки купац добија кредит од 20 долара (укључен у цену) за дегустацију вина, храну или поклоне.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (250)
Apr 2021
Anthony and Emily were very welcoming, knowledgeable, and funny. They gave an informative summary regarding the history of the land while driving the group to our drop off location at the start of the float. I was happy to find out that we were in control of how fast or slow we wanted to be on the river. There is no tour guide on the river with us trying to keep everyone grouped together. Anthony and Emily gave us some instruction on where to go to get back to our beach (very easy and obvious when on the river). I found it relaxing to be able to take our time. We saw plenty of wildlife including a large crane, many ducks, and 2 deer! I ended up bringing my phone along with me to take photos and all was well until the end of the float. I floated into the bank and hopped out of my kayak to help my wife out of hers. It was a good minute until I realized that my phone took the plunge when I hopped out. I was able to find my submerged phone. While draining it out and cursing to myself, I was unaware that Anthony had ran to the bus and was kind enough to offer me a bag of rice and a container to hold my waterlogged phone. I'm happy to report that my phone is working just fine. Note to everyone: Bring some sort of waterproof phone case with a lanyard. It's worth it. The winery was very nice as well after an hour and a half float (the river was higher and the current was pretty quick which is normal for March). I'm not much of a wine person so my wife and I split a flight using our included credit and used the rest to buy a bottle for Easter. The wine was tasty and the bottle went over nicely. All in all we had a great experience. Anthony's actions were above and beyond what I expected. Both Anthony and Emily were kind and informative. I highly recommend this mini adventure to all.
David K
Apr 2021
Awesomely fun day on the water! This trip was well worth the time and money. My wife, 17 year old daughter and I took this while on a vacation in Sedona. The staff was excellent and scenery was amazing. At the end, at the winery, we had our samples and a bit of lunch and then walked around and just took in the views. The river is a nice little paddle, the current is strong enough and moves you along, but this is not a whitewater adventure, it is a nice easy paddle.
Apr 2021
It was an easy paddle on river and the scenery was beautiful! All staff were very helpful. Winery was great!

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