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2 Танк Ланаи Цатхедрал Диве

Древни токови лаве створили су запањујући подводни пејзаж на суседном острву Ланаи. Волимо подводну топографију пећина, изданака лаве, пливачких пролаза и лукова, а волећете и ви. Ваш искусни капетан ће одредити локације дана на основу услова, али можете очекивати да зароните познате катедрале Ланаија заједно са другим локацијама. Наше групе су мале и добићете посебну пажњу вашег инструктора који ће вас водити на 2 изузетна зарона и одговорити на сва ваша питања о морском животу.<бр><бр>Наш прилагођени чамац Хоку је најбржи и најбржи удобан чамац који прелази канал. Делфини и китови су чести посетиоци и ми увек станемо када нас поздраве.
Цити: Мауи
Mon 24 Feb
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Са почетком у $288.57
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $288.57
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Сваки гост добија сувенир вишекратну флашу за воду направљену од рециклиране пластике како бисмо помогли да се елиминише пластика за једнократну употребу.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са слабим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Потребан је сертификат о роњењу (Отворена вода или више)<ли>Морају да су ронили у претходних 18 месеци да би учествовати<ли>Минимални узраст од 14 година<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употреба<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (276)
Dec 2022
What an adventure! To sum it up: Pros = highly skilled, enthusiastic, professional, safe, & friendly crew. 1st Cathedral is a world class dive site. Sea life was bustling. Cons = tiny & uncomfortable boats. Lackluster lunch. Awesome dive sites; we only did Wash Rock & 1st Cathedral and the latter was a spiritual experience. I can see why people would get married/proposed to there. We saw a friendly octopus, a giant moray eel chillin on the wall, and many others. Abby was great in her enthusiasm about the wildlife down there. Unfortunately no 2nd Cathedral but I'm assuming that's because conditions were ROUGH that morning! Dive Maui's boats are tiny and it was a completely full boat, so not the most comfortable experience in waves that were literally whipping the boat up and down. Pretty sure everyone got seasick and 3 people fed the fishes... repeatedly. Definitely glad we were on our Bonine regimen. Can't control nature but the crew was AWESOME. Despite a full boat, they split the group up with 2 divemasters (I believe 6 guests per group) and staggered our entries such that the experience didn't feel too crowded. The waves on the surface were so rough that in the process of descending, I lost one of my integrated weight pouches, 4 lbs and all. I let Abby know once we were on the bottom and she was immediately on her way back to the boat to get me a replacement, then we were on our way making up for lost time. Didn't even feel like we missed out on the Cathedral despite my little hiccup! She handled it like a champ. The snacks were bars and rice krispie treats from Costco and the lunches were simple grocery sandwiches from Boar's Head and they ran out of meat sandwiches by the time it was our turn on the handoff. Usually I wouldn't mind a good vegetarian sandwich but without eggplant, mushrooms, or avocado, the veggie sandwich left much to be desired. We rented our gear with Dive Maui and they were pretty basic. Don't love the Aqualung rental BCDs because this is not the first time the integrated weight pocket fell out on a dive, but they're pretty standard wherever you go. I did like the Aqualung Storm fins through renting them here and ended up buying myself a pair for future travels. All in all, if you don't mind struggling a bit for adventure and prioritize the vibes and safety Dive Maui's crew brings, then this is it! If you're looking for a more comfortable/luxury boat diving experience, I'd look somewhere else.
Dec 2022
Dive Maui at Lahaina is definitely downright worth it!!! 2-tank morning dives were super well organized, with a cheerful crew. The entire team was energetic, helpful and responsible. We got to see humpback whales on our way to the dive site, and the cathedral dive was one of my ultimate favourite dives of all time! PS: the “SHOTGUN” part of the lava formation was an exhilarating experience Also, make sure to ask for long fins incase they provide smaller versions, the current can be a challenge to tread
Dec 2022
Fantastic experience! Well organized, left right on time, equipment was all prepared to the specification we submitted ahead of time on their very easy to navigate site. We even got to see some whales en route to the site! Great crew and the instructors were all very experienced. The equipment provided was all in great condition as well. Overall I’d highly recommend this group! As for the dive itself, the cathedral was phenomenal. Just a stunning site with the entry into the cave absolutely taking your breath. A must see for any diver!

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