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26 Крстарење глечером и аутобус из Енкориџа

We make it easy to see it all in one day! Relax on the coach as the driver guide narrates while you enjoy the beauty of Turnagain Arm. On the cruise get ready to view one of the largest concentration of glaciers in Alaska. Weather, ice conditions and wildlife activity changes daily and our captains may adjust the route to provide the best cruise experience while keeping your safety and comfort a top priority. We take pride in ensuring that your time with us is an enjoyable memory that becomes a favorite highlight of your Alaska vacation.

We operate first-class catamarans. Due to their dual hull design, these powerful high-speed catamarans are extremely stable and able to smoothly navigate through the narrow fjords and passages that lead us to the face of massive glaciers. By operating safely and efficiently, Phillips provides a comfortable cruise and our No Seasickness Guarantee assures nervous cruisers the confidence that they will enjoy our cruise without any unpleasant effects.
Цити: Анцхораге
Sat 29 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $336.09
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $336.09
Шта је укључено
Без гаранције за морску болест - Наши катамарани за глатка крстарења и мирне воде залива принца Вилијама.
Јуха од димљеног лососа са дивље Аљаске, крекери од острига, салата од поврћа Јулиенне, штапић са сиром, воћна грицкалица и пеперминт Паттие. Затражите вегетаријански чили или дечији оброк 48 сати пре
АДА Приступачност - Позовите у вези са вашим специфичним потребама како бисмо вам могли помоћи.
Капетани ће пружити професионалну причу током крстарења.
Посуде без дима - Не дозвољавамо било који облик дувана, марихуане, вапе или е-цигарета.
Тоалет на броду
УСБ станице за пуњење су доступне за сваким столом. ВиФи НИЈЕ доступан.
Додатне информације
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Service animals allowed
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Travelers need to ascend/descend 3-5 steps to board coach. Please call for assistance
  • Be mindful of the space around you for social distancing
  • All crew and guests must wear a mask or face covering per current COVID-19 procedures.
Шта да очекујете
Турнагаин Арм Дриве
Путовање између Анцхорагеа и Вхиттиера је спектакуларно путовање. Аутопут Сјуард је означен као Сцениц Биваи који прати обалу Турнагаина док вијуга дуж подножја планина откривајући један задивљујући поглед за другим. Како време буде дозвољавало, успут ће се правити паузе за фотографије.
Меморијални тунел Антона Андерсона
Време путовања од Анцхорагеа до Вхиттиера је 90 минута. Од Гирдвоода до Вхиттиера, оставите 45 минута. Меморијални тунел Антона Андерсона је отворен тридесет минута после сата за приступ Вхиттиеру. Тунел се отвара у сат времена за полазак из Вхиттиер-а, сваки сат до 23:00.
Принц Вилијам Соунд
26 Глациер Цруисе ће пратити руту Харриман експедиције из 1899. године, крстарећи мирним водама залива принца Вилијама да би изблиза видели глечере и дивље животиње. Након крстарења, уђите у аутобус за повратак у Анкориџ.
Вхиттиер Аљаска је капија до залива принца Вилијама. Овај необични приобални град је дом за само 200 становника. Вхиттиер је место где локални становници Аљаске долазе да свирају у Принце Виллиам Соунду за викенд.
Turnagain Arm Drive
Traveling between Anchorage and Whittier, along the Seward Highway which is designated a Scenic Byway that follows the shoreline of Turnagain. The highway winds its way along the base of mountains revealing one stunning view after the next. As time allows, photo stops will be made along the way.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, North America's longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel.
Prince William Sound
The 26 Glacier Cruise takes you up close to glaciers in first-class comfort while cruising the calm waters of Prince William Sound. Watch for marine wildlife and migratory birds during the cruise.
Whittier Alaska is the Gateway to Prince William Sound. This quaint coastal town is home to just 200 residents. After the cruise, step on the coach for your return to Anchorage.
Turnagain Arm Drive
Traveling between Anchorage and Whittier, along the Seward Highway which is designated a Scenic Byway that follows the shoreline of Turnagain. The highway winds its way along the base of mountains revealing one stunning view after the next. As time allows, photo stops will be made along the way.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, North America's longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel.
Prince William Sound
The 26 Glacier Cruise takes you up close to glaciers in first-class comfort while cruising the calm waters of Prince William Sound. Watch for marine wildlife and migratory birds during the cruise.
Whittier Alaska is the Gateway to Prince William Sound. This quaint coastal town is home to just 200 residents. After the cruise, step on the coach for your return to Anchorage.
Turnagain Arm Drive
Traveling between Anchorage and Whittier, along the Seward Highway which is designated a Scenic Byway that follows the shoreline of Turnagain. The highway winds its way along the base of mountains revealing one stunning view after the next. As time allows, photo stops will be made along the way.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, North America's longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel.
Prince William Sound
The 26 Glacier Cruise takes you up close to glaciers in first-class comfort while cruising the calm waters of Prince William Sound. Watch for marine wildlife and migratory birds during the cruise.
Whittier Alaska is the Gateway to Prince William Sound. This quaint coastal town is home to just 200 residents. After the cruise, step on the coach for your return to Anchorage.
Turnagain Arm Drive
Traveling between Anchorage and Whittier, along the Seward Highway which is designated a Scenic Byway that follows the shoreline of Turnagain. The highway winds its way along the base of mountains revealing one stunning view after the next. As time allows, photo stops will be made along the way.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, North America's longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel.
Prince William Sound
The 26 Glacier Cruise takes you up close to glaciers in first-class comfort while cruising the calm waters of Prince William Sound. Watch for marine wildlife and migratory birds during the cruise.
Whittier Alaska is the Gateway to Prince William Sound. This quaint coastal town is home to just 200 residents. After the cruise, step on the coach for your return to Anchorage.
Turnagain Arm Drive
Traveling between Anchorage and Whittier, along the Seward Highway which is designated a Scenic Byway that follows the shoreline of Turnagain. The highway winds its way along the base of mountains revealing one stunning view after the next. As time allows, photo stops will be made along the way.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, North America's longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel.
Prince William Sound
The 26 Glacier Cruise takes you up close to glaciers in first-class comfort while cruising the calm waters of Prince William Sound. Watch for marine wildlife and migratory birds during the cruise.
Whittier Alaska is the Gateway to Prince William Sound. This quaint coastal town is home to just 200 residents. After the cruise, step on the coach for your return to Anchorage.
Turnagain Arm Drive
Traveling between Anchorage and Whittier, along the Seward Highway which is designated a Scenic Byway that follows the shoreline of Turnagain. The highway winds its way along the base of mountains revealing one stunning view after the next. As time allows, photo stops will be made along the way.
Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel
Travel through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, North America's longest shared rail and vehicle tunnel.
Prince William Sound
The 26 Glacier Cruise takes you up close to glaciers in first-class comfort while cruising the calm waters of Prince William Sound. Watch for marine wildlife and migratory birds during the cruise.
Whittier Alaska is the Gateway to Prince William Sound. This quaint coastal town is home to just 200 residents. After the cruise, step on the coach for your return to Anchorage.
Show 25 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (268)
Oct 2024
This day trip was the highlight of our time in Alaska. Being so close to so many glaciers in the boat was incredible! The boat was comfortable, the meal which was included in the price was tasty, and there were plenty of places on the boat to have great views of the glaciers (including from inside, through the windows.) Highly recommended by us, for sure.
Oct 2024
The cruise and view were outstanding. The only thing I would hope Phillip cruises change is put the people who booked/paid early looking foward on the cruise. My wife and I always had to turn our heads or stand up to see what the guide was talking about.. I say this because when I called your office to ask if seats are reserved or first come basis, he told me that the person assigns seats by when it was booked. He told me I would get good seat selection because I was one of the first to book this cruise( made it in May for September). Thx for looking into my suggestion.
Oct 2024
Wonderful cruise great tutorials from bus driver to captain of the ship seen lots of otters sea lions and birds and not to mention lots of glaciers had a wonderful time

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