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3-4-часовни обилазак долине катедрале Капитол Рееф џипом

Провели смо године истражујући јужну Јуту како бисмо вас могли одвести до најневероватнијих погледа и тајних места. <бр>Ово је опција обиласка долине Полудневне катедрале. Сјајан начин да осетите укус залеђине Националног парка Капитол Рееф без временске обавезе целодневног обиласка, што га чини савршеним за породице или групе са ограниченим временом.<бр><бр>Возимо се око 1,25 сати по земљи путеви до култних храмова Сунца и Месеца и Стаклене планине, једне од најлепших, фотогеничних обележја на Капитолском гребену, са доста заустављања на путу да протегнемо ноге и дивимо се сликовитим погледима. Овде проводимо до сат времена, а затим се враћамо истим путем око 1,25 сати. <бр><бр>Најважније<бр>Храмови Сунца и Месеца<бр>Стаклена планина<бр>Долина катедрале<бр>Краљица прања
Цити: Утах
Thu 13 Mar
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Thu 13 Mar
Са почетком у $200.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодна за све физичке нивои фитнеса<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Потребни су водичи за редовно пере руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (29)
Nov 2022
I arranged an all day plus private tour with Sleeping Rainbow Adventures. I wanted to tour Cathedral Valley at Sunrise and the Strike Valley Overlook in the late afternoon. I was an idiot, because I had to drive from Knab to Torrey, mostly in the dark. So I arrived at the Capitol Reef Resort at 11:00. Thank goodness, I ordered a meal for breakfast. Allison picked me up at 5:00, so we could get to Cathedral Valley before sunrise. The light was amazing at sunrise, unfortunately, it lasted only twenty minutes. I was able to get some amazing images during that time. Then, I drove Allison crazy, because I wanted to take images of the dried out river beds. We stopped at few. Then, it was off to the gypsum formation where I captured several images of the formation. Then she drove to different locations where I could capture images of Cathedral Valley and the northern portion of the Waterpocket Fold. Then she took me to the Bentonite Hills, where we were the closest to being at Mars. The colors were amazing. Finally, we crossed the Fremont River to begin the second portion of the tour. I was supposed to switch drivers, but I told Allison that I did not have to be at the Strike Valley Overlook after sunset. So, I did not switch drivers, and it was time to travel the Notom Road. We stopped at several locations, so I could capture many images. Finally, we went up the Burr Trail where I was able to capture images on one of the switchbacks. Finally we arrived at the Strike Valley Overlook Trail. We hiked up the trail until we arrived at the overlook. I have been there before, but it was twenty-nine years prior. We spent at least an hour, so I could capture images. This was the first time, I used a digital camera. Finally we climbed down back to the trailhead. Instead of driving over Boulder Mountain, we traced our way back down the Burr Trail and the Notom Road. She told me that one could run into cows over Boulder Mountain. (I felt really foolish taking that road the night before in complete darkness.) We drove back to my hotel. It was a sixteen hour day of amazing photography. Allison was wonderful and patient with my many stops. I highly recommend Sleeping Rainbow Adventures and Allison.
Oct 2022
It was a great tour and Paul was an excellent guide. He was super knowledgeable, drove well, and looked after everyone's needs. I highly recommend.
Steven U
Oct 2022
It was a special treat to climb into the 4 wheel drive vehicle and leave the driving to Andrew. Very friendly, smart and competent tour guide and driver. Was very impressed with his knowledge of the local geology, flora and fauna. Some of the roads we took looked impassable but were not a major problem for him. We visited many amazing places, incredible photo opportunities. Saw very few people the entire day. Only disappointment was that we only had a few minutes of sunlight by the time we arrived at the temple of the sun and moon.

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