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3-4-часовни обилазак долине катедрале Капитол Рееф џипом

Провели смо године истражујући јужну Јуту како бисмо вас могли одвести до најневероватнијих погледа и тајних места. <бр>Ово је опција обиласка долине Полудневне катедрале. Сјајан начин да осетите укус залеђине Националног парка Капитол Рееф без временске обавезе целодневног обиласка, што га чини савршеним за породице или групе са ограниченим временом.<бр><бр>Возимо се око 1,25 сати по земљи путеви до култних храмова Сунца и Месеца и Стаклене планине, једне од најлепших, фотогеничних обележја на Капитолском гребену, са доста заустављања на путу да протегнемо ноге и дивимо се сликовитим погледима. Овде проводимо до сат времена, а затим се враћамо истим путем око 1,25 сати. <бр><бр>Најважније<бр>Храмови Сунца и Месеца<бр>Стаклена планина<бр>Долина катедрале<бр>Краљица прања
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Sat 04 Jan
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Sat 04 Jan
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Коментара (29)
Oct 2022
We had so much fun on our full day Cathedral Valley Tour with our Wilderness Guide Extraordinaire, Andrew. I reached out to Sleeping Rainbow Adventures. Is email to inquire about a custom tour and Mason called me the next day and helped me figure out the best plan for our day in Capitol Reef. He gave us advice and suggestions for other areas of Utah and a recommendation for a scenic route on our way to Bryce Canyon. So thankful for that! Andrew is so personable and knowledgeable and knew so much about Capitol Reef and the plants and geology inside and outside the park. He kept us interested and entertained throughout the whole 8 hours. We only saw a handful of other people which really made the exploring more fun and a treat after busy Arches the day before. The highlight had to be the sunset picnic at the Temple of the Sun and Moon. We were the only ones there and it was so quiet and peaceful. Highly recommend the boxed lunch option they offer, delicious meal from Wild Rabbit. We will definitely book another tour with Sleeping Rainbow Adventures and will request Andrew. You won’t be disappointed if you book with Sleeping Rainbow. EXCEPTIONAL!
Oct 2022
We had a fantastic half-day tour of remote areas of Capitol Reef with Andrew. He texted us the day before the tour to confirm our meeting place and to give excellent advice about what to wear. Allison texted us the night before the tour with additional information which made us know that the company wanted to make sure we had a good experience. Andrew arrived early at our lodging in Torrey and made sure we had proper gear. On the drive to the hike sites he gave us information about the geology we were seeing on the drive. The tour was supposed to be a slot-canyon tour but Andrew determined that it would not be safe to continue once we reached a certain point, and we appreciated and fully accepted his decision not to proceed. He led us to other areas of the park and for the next 4-5 hours we didn't see another human which made us feel we were getting a tour of areas not often travelled by visitors. Andrew made sure the pace was comfortable and that we stayed hydrated. He was very knowledgeable about the types of rocks and plants we saw, was polite and fun to talk to and our conversations wandered to many topics not only related to the hike. Andrew was pleasant to be with for his personality as well as for his professionalism. We highly recommend Andrew and Sleeping Rainbow Adventures.
Sep 2022
We had the best time while visiting Capitol Reef and that was largely due to Mason and Sleep Rainbow Adventures. The drive into the backcountry was so beautiful. It was nice to have a tour guide to tell us exactly what we were looking at and also be able to soak in the beauty without worrying about driving ourselves. The tour provided us with views we would have never been able to find on our own. We even saw a few creatures. Mason was the perfect guide for us. He was prepared with drinks and snacks for the trip and made great conversation as we drove around. I highly recommend asking him about books, movies and podcasts. Honestly, we couldn't have been happier with our tour. In additional to the Jeep tour, we signed up for a stargazing event. It was such a good time. The Sleeping Rainbow team set up a nice fire beforehand and offered drinks along with s'mores. We were able to get to know the other attendees a bit before the stargazing started which made the time together casual and comfortable. The skies are incredible in this designated dark area. I can't really put it into words. The sky was so clear that looking at it without a telescope would have been fine, but everything we viewed through their telescopes was awesome too. It was educational, but also a lot of fun. I have no doubt we will use Sleeping Rainbow Adventures again in the future.

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