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3-4-часовни обилазак долине катедрале Капитол Рееф џипом

Провели смо године истражујући јужну Јуту како бисмо вас могли одвести до најневероватнијих погледа и тајних места. <бр>Ово је опција обиласка долине Полудневне катедрале. Сјајан начин да осетите укус залеђине Националног парка Капитол Рееф без временске обавезе целодневног обиласка, што га чини савршеним за породице или групе са ограниченим временом.<бр><бр>Возимо се око 1,25 сати по земљи путеви до култних храмова Сунца и Месеца и Стаклене планине, једне од најлепших, фотогеничних обележја на Капитолском гребену, са доста заустављања на путу да протегнемо ноге и дивимо се сликовитим погледима. Овде проводимо до сат времена, а затим се враћамо истим путем око 1,25 сати. <бр><бр>Најважније<бр>Храмови Сунца и Месеца<бр>Стаклена планина<бр>Долина катедрале<бр>Краљица прања
Цити: Утах
Mon 06 Jan
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Mon 06 Jan
Са почетком у $200.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Погодна за све физичке нивои фитнеса<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Потребни су водичи за редовно пере руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (29)
Apr 2022
After an initial attempt to tour Cathedral Valley on our own, we made the very wise decision to call Sleeping Rainbows, our choice based on highly recommended advice from Trip Advisor. We'd give the tour a perfect score. From their flexibility and accommodating our last minute call, to Allison's timely pickup, and her kind, open, knowledgeable sharing (in many subject areas) , and skillful driving, we enjoyed every aspect of our six hours with her. Thank you for the adventure into this stunning part of the world.
Mar 2022
On our visit to Capital Reef NP, we took the opportunity to explore the backcountry with Sleeping Rainbow Adventures. From the initial contact co-founder Allison described all the various Jeep tours around the park. She was excellent in helping us pick the best tour for our group of 7. We selected the full-day tour of the northern part of Capital Reef. This is an off-road Jeep experience on dirt roads which is the best way to experience this portion of the park. Mason, the other co-founder, and Nick took us in two of their new jeeps. We had a blast! The jeeps were clean and comfortable and during our March trip, the roads were in pretty good condition. Both Mason and Allison are very knowledgeable of the surrounding area. Mason was full of fun facts and kept us entertained. Nick was high energy and good spirited - a great addition to the team. Half way through we stopped for lunch at an amazing view overlooking Cathedral valley. We added the box lunch option from Wild Rabbit cafe which was delicious. I would highly recommend this tour and anything less than a full day and you are missing out on some amazing scenery!
Mar 2022
We had an amazing experience during our Jeep tour. The top quality service began when I sent my first inquiry explaining we'd be visiting Capitol Reef as part of our wedding trip for only half a day the weekend before the season really opened. Mason responded promptly and was so friendly and helpful. He helped us choose the perfect 1/2 day tour - Cathedral Valley. Allison was our guide and she was so incredibly generous with her type and knowledge. She answered all of our geeky questions and had resources handy to explain more about the geology and wildlife of the area. She took us to a few spots off the beaten path where we got to see dinosaur fossils, baby hoodoos, and incredible views. When we asked, she also shared some of her experience as a new small business in the outdoor industry and suggested several resources for learning more - I love business owners that are willing to share their knowledge and success! Our tour included snacks, water, and coffee/tea/chocolate, but the sweetest part was that she also shared heart-shaped chocolates to help celebrate our wedding. How's that for personalization! I highly recommend Sleeping Rainbow Adventures.

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