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3-часовни сафари до Великог кањона са обилазницом на улазној капији у 9:30 ујутру

Попните се у прилагођена, удобна, сафари возила са седиштима окренутим напред и великим панорамским прозорима <бр><бр>Идите 4к4 сликовитом рутом око исцрпљујућих саобраћајница на јужној улазној капији – имамо дозволе за шуме од 1993. године! <бр><бр>Погледајте лосове, јелене и ретке врсте птица у њиховом природном окружењу!<бр><бр>Посетите драматични Иавапаи Поинт, Ел Товар Хотел, Лоокоут Студио Виевпоинт, Колб Студио и Бригхт Ангел Траилхеад током овог излета без журбе <бр><бр>Ова интерпретативна тура укључује око 90 минута шетње са водичем (подељено на 2 сегмента) дуж обода Великог кањона (око ¾ миље)<бр><бр>Прелазак и одлазак у централна локација у Тусајану, АРИЗОНА<бр>
Цити: Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $120.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $120.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступни<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли> Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Гранд Цанион Соутх Рим
Проглашен за најбољу и најјединственију турнеју у трајању од 3 сата у Гранд Цаниону. Прошетајте по ободу док ваш локални водич дели обиље информација о Великом кањону, укључујући геолошке формације, стазе, мазге и богату историју. Обилазак укључује преузимање Тусаиана, обилазак јужне улазне капије током ексклузивне 30-минутне екскурзије, разгледање дивљих животиња као што су лосови, јелени, ћурке и јастребови у њиховом природном окружењу и интерпретативне дискусије на изузетним видицима Великог кањона.
Иавапаи Поинт
Водичи деле знање о Великом кањону док гледате у дубину и гледате спектакуларне споменике, реку Колорадо и Фантомски ранч.
Светли анђео траг
Откријте богату историју браће Колб који су изградили свој уметнички атеље изнад Великог кањона и изнад стазе Светлих анђела. Погледајте планинаре и мазге док се спуштају стазом у Велики кањон.
Хопи Хоусе
Обилазак се наставља до Хопи Хоусе, Ел Товар хотела и Бригхт Ангел Лодгеа где ће ваш водич разговарати о овим историјским зградама и историји Гранд Цаниона.
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Коментара (176)
Apr 2021
I cannot imagine a better way to see the Grand Canyon. It was our first time and we had SO MUCH FUN with this tour. We went from spotting wild animals through the back roads in the morning hours to walking up to the massive canyon and seeing the amazing views it has to offer. It was great to skip the line by using this tour company. But the best part was the knowledge and fun that our tour guide provided. Renee- you rock! Walking the south rim and then taking a second stop to take pics along the canyon was just as much fun as driving through the park in the jeep. We loved the experience so much that we considered booking another tour in the evening/afternoon just to hang with Renee all day! 10/10 would recommend to anyone else.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
Thank you for your stellar review of our Safari & Rim Walk tour and your awesome guide Rene! Please look us up next time you come back to the Grand Canyon.
Apr 2021
My husband, our15 yr old granddaughter and I signed up for this tour because it went on the backroads of the Grand Canyon Park, where tourists can't drive their cars. So we knew it wouldn't be crowded. My main concern was that it would be boring, spending up to 2 hours in the pine forest surrounding the rim of the canyon, and only one hour viewing the canyon sunset. Well - Was I ever wrong! Our guide, Colleen, made the 7 people in our open-air safari vehicle, instantly feel like a family group heading for an adventure. Her low key, easy manner hid the amount of knowledge she would share, while she was driving, about the huge ponderosa pine forest and its inhabitants, including the history and culture of the native Americans who lived there, the early colonists, and how the Grand Canyon became a national park. She had lived in the area for many many years, and also shared many stories about the wild animals there, including the elk, mule deer, etc. But, also about.personal encounters with bobcat and mountain lion sightings. She was an absolute joy to have as a guide. She made us laugh, ask questions, think about the enviornment, and understand the significance of the forest and relationship it had with the canyon. The time actually flew by. We stopped and got off to take pictures of animals that we spotted, all the while feeling perfectly safe, as she stood with us, sharing information about the plants and other animals we might see at that location. By the time we reached the point where we were to view the sunset, I was disappointed that our tour was almost over. We all disembarked with the blankets she had provided for us at the beginning of the trip, wrapped around us, and walked with her to the short distance where the viewing of the sunset would occur. She graciously took pictures with our cameras of us with the beautiful sunset in the background, and carefully monitored our safety on the rock. All in all, this tour with Colleen was one of the major highlights of our 7 day trip, which included Bryce and Zion, too. Thank you for such a great experience! Linda Stevenson
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
Hello Linda, Your kind words about our tour and Colleen are much appreciated. We endeavor to make friends with all of our guests and provide them with a casual, no-rushed informative experience. Safe travels and thank you!
Apr 2021
Nathan Let’s talk about Nathan and his fantastic tour of the Grand Canyon! Originally from southern Ohio, Nathan yearned for a different life and relocated to Arizona about 13 years ago. Not after sometime in Phoenix, he found purpose in developing a piece of land up north totally off the grid. His house, which is currently under construction, will be made from dirt and straw to form a monolithic structure. But I digress... Nathan is a tall and burly man who loves people. His signature cowboy hat and comfortable boots are easy to spot. When not discussing local fauna and flora Nathan will be listening with a smile and the occasional chuckle. His lectures were a mismatch to my pitiful ability to retain his knowledge... I recommend some note taking. The fancy postcard of the pig he passed around was a crowd pleaser. Nathan is passionate about the context of northern Arizona. While on the tour, his appreciation for the natural and cultural evolution of the canyon will be sensed immediately. Nathan explores how the indigenous people used the land for hunting and gathering (ask him to show you his beads). The parks most recent history impacted by Mary Colter and resident artists was also discussed in the village. Nathan provided solid tips which maximized our time in the park. He shared the best place to see the sunset and opportunities for star gazing in the dark sky certified park. The mules were discussed at length regarding their perfect safety record navigating the Bright Angel trail and weight restrictions for those of us who enjoy eating. Nathan was happy to take our photos, answer any question we raised and never stopped sharing his spirit. Ask for Nathan and you won’t be disappointed. Oh... and he takes up tips, but his accountant advises a max of $9,999.99.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
Thank your for your great review of our tour and your guide Nathan. Please look us up next time you visit the Grand Canyon!

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