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Ноћни обилазак града Њујорка у трајању од 75 минута двоспратним аутобусом

New York is one of the most thrilling and dynamic cities in the world, our tour cruises you around in our Majestic Orange Double Decker Bus providing you a stunning view of the New York Skyline from every seat right at top New York attractions to see iconic landmarks such as Times Square, Empire State Building, The Brooklyn Bridge and lots more. Sightsee and experience how New York City comes to life after dark, enjoy a guided narration that relates interesting and amusing stories about this historic district during the tour, learn about New York’s colorful history.
Our NYC sightseeing tour provides fascinating views with NYC fun! Don’t worry, we’ll stop for lots of photos with Lady Liberty and the Brooklyn bridge before heading back to the Times Sqaure galaxy of illuminous skylines!

Explore as you desire.
Experience the life in a city that never sleeps.
Are you ready to sightsee in the most iconic ride?
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Wed 02 Apr
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $45.00
Wed 02 Apr
Са почетком у $45.00
Шта је укључено
Сингле Риде
Single Ride
Single Ride
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Шта да очекујете
Меморијална фондација Светског трговинског центра
Погледајте Светски трговински центар и погледајте једну од иконичних знаменитости града. Наш професионални туристички водич вам пружа обилазак са водичем и приповеда историјске приче о свим врхунским атракцијама Њујорка које видите током свог обиласка. Наша тура ће вам помоћи да доживите најупечатљивије искуство вашег разгледања Њујорка.
Емпајер стејт билдинг
Гледајте како Њујорк оживљава након мрака у вечерњем обиласку аутобуса на спрат и пратите узбудљиву руту кроз срце најзанимљивијих места у центру Менхетна. Погледајте висока светла на Тајмс скверу и снимите незаборавне слике светле зграде Емпајер стејт билдинга, уживајте у приповедању нашег професионалног водича током турнеје, научите о живописној историји Њујорка и слушајте о животу у граду који никада не спава.
Бруклински мост
Погледајте Бруклински мост, једну од најпосећенијих њујоршких атракција и погледајте култни оријентир током вашег обиласка. Слушајте историју моста који је променио лице превоза. Сведочите како се најпознатији амерички мост мењао током деценија. Погледајте како се Бруклински мост величанствено надвија над Ист Ривером у Њујорку, повезујући две општине Менхетн и Бруклин.
Кип Слободе
Завалите се, опустите се и уживајте у прелепом погледу на хоризонт Њујорка, док пружате магичан поглед на Кип слободе на Менхетн мосту из нашег двоспратног аутобуса са отвореним погледом који вас награђује неким од најлепших погледа на обрисе града који одузимају дах. Уживајте у приповедању наших професионалних туристичких водича о сваком детаљу.
Манхаттан Бридге
Уживајте у нашем обиласку док се возите на једном од три прелепа моста који повезују Менхетн са Бруклином. Менхетнски мост који је висећи мост који прелази Ист Ривер у Њујорку, повезујући Доњи Менхетн у улици Канал са центром Бруклина у продужетку авеније Флатбуш. Главни распон је дугачак 1.480 стопа, док су каблови за вешање дуги 3.224 стопе. Укупна дужина моста је 6.855 стопа. У ствари, у срцу Њујорка је моћни споменик вашим борбама. Зове се Менхетнски мост. Последња структура првог већег периода градње мостова у граду, Менхетн мост, провео је свој живот у сенци својих импресивних старијих браће и сестара из Еаст Ривера, Вилијамсбург и Бруклински мост.
Вилијамсбуршки мост
Посетите Вилијамсбуршки мост који је био најдужи висећи мост на свету са укупном дужином од 7.308 стопа (2.227 м) када је отворен 1903. године. То је висећи мост у Њујорку преко Ист Ривера који повезује доњу источну страну Менхетна. у улици Деланси.
Погледајте СоХо, кварт у Доњем Менхетну, Њујорк. Од 1970-их, насеље је место многих уметника. Место где претражујете, купујете и доживљавате културу са локалним укусом. Смештен западно од Мале Италије и омеђен улицом Хјустон, Западни Бродвеј и Лафајет улицом, СоХо. СоХо је скраћеница за „јужно од улице Хјустон“. Данас је кварт познат по својим врхунским бутицима, уметницима и архитектури од ливеног гвожђа.
Мала Италија
Поглед на то где су се италијански имигранти преселили у кварт Менхетна касних 1800-их. Тамо где су донели своје обичаје, храну и језик и наслеђе остаје евидентно. Некада велики дом великог дела италијанске популације Њујорка, Мала Италија је постала више ужурбана туристичка дестинација него стамбени кварт.
World Trade Center Memorial Foundation
View World Trade Center and sight one of city's iconic landmark. A guided tour and narrates the historic stories of all the top New York City attractions that you see throughout your tour. Our tour help you make the most memorable experience of your sightseeing in New York.
Empire State Building
Watch New York City come to life after dark on an evening tour by double-decker bus, and follow an exciting route through the heart of Midtown Manhattan’s highlights. See Times Square’s towering lights and capture unforgettable images of the Empire State Building’s bright spire, Enjoy our professional tour guide narration throughout the tour, learn about New York’s colorful history, and hear about life in a city that never sleeps.
Brooklyn Bridge
View The Brooklyn Bridge, one of the most visited New York attractions and see the iconic landmark during your tour. Hear about the history of the bridge that changed the face of transportation. Witness how America's most iconic bridge has changed over the decades. See how the Brooklyn Bridge looms majestically over New York City's East River, linking the two boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Statue of Liberty
Sit back, relax and enjoy breathtaking views of the NYC skyline while providing magical views of the Statue of Liberty on the Manhattan Bridge from our double decker bus open view which reward you with some of the most breathtaking city skyline views. Enjoy our professional tour guides narration of every detail.
Manhattan Bridge
Enjoy our tour as you ride on one of three gorgeous bridges that connect Manhattan to Brooklyn. The Manhattan Bridge which is a suspension bridge that crosses the East River in New York City, connecting Lower Manhattan at Canal Street with Downtown Brooklyn at the Flatbush Avenue Extension. The main span is 1,480 ft long, with the suspension cables being 3,224 ft long. The bridge's total length is 6,855 ft. In fact, in the heart of New York City is a mighty monument to your struggles. It's called the Manhattan Bridge. The last structure of the city's first major period of bridge building, the Manhattan Bridge has spent its life in the shadow of its impressive older East River siblings, the Williamsburg and Brooklyn Bridges.
Williamsburg Bridge
Sightsee the Williamsburg Bridge which was the longest suspension bridge in the world with its total length at 7,308 feet (2,227 m) when it opened in 1903. It is a suspension bridge in New York City across the East River connecting the Lower East Side of Manhattan at Delancey Street.
View SoHo, a neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Since the 1970s, the neighborhood has been the location of many artists'. A place where you browse, shop, and experience culture with a local flavor. Located west of Little Italy and bounded by Houston Street, West Broadway and Lafayette Street, SoHo. SoHo is short for “south of Houston Street.” Today, the neighborhood is famous for its upscale boutiques, artists, and cast-iron architecture.
Little Italy
View where Italian immigrants moved a Manhattan neighborhood in the late 1800s. Where they brought their customs, food and language and heritage remains evident. The once the sprawling home of much of New York City's Italian population, Little Italy has become more of a bustling tourist destination than a residential neighborhood.
World Trade Center Memorial Foundation
View World Trade Center and sight one of city's iconic landmark. A guided tour and narrates the historic stories of all the top New York City attractions that you see throughout your tour. Our tour help you make the most memorable experience of your sightseeing in New York.
Empire State Building
Watch New York City come to life after dark on an evening tour by double-decker bus, and follow an exciting route through the heart of Midtown Manhattan’s highlights. See Times Square’s towering lights and capture unforgettable images of the Empire State Building’s bright spire, Enjoy our professional tour guide narration throughout the tour, learn about New York’s colorful history, and hear about life in a city that never sleeps.
Brooklyn Bridge
View The Brooklyn Bridge, one of the most visited New York attractions and see the iconic landmark during your tour. Hear about the history of the bridge that changed the face of transportation. Witness how America's most iconic bridge has changed over the decades. See how the Brooklyn Bridge looms majestically over New York City's East River, linking the two boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Statue of Liberty
Sit back, relax and enjoy breathtaking views of the NYC skyline while providing magical views of the Statue of Liberty on the Manhattan Bridge from our double decker bus open view which reward you with some of the most breathtaking city skyline views. Enjoy our professional tour guides narration of every detail.
Manhattan Bridge
Enjoy our tour as you ride on one of three gorgeous bridges that connect Manhattan to Brooklyn. The Manhattan Bridge which is a suspension bridge that crosses the East River in New York City, connecting Lower Manhattan at Canal Street with Downtown Brooklyn at the Flatbush Avenue Extension. The main span is 1,480 ft long, with the suspension cables being 3,224 ft long. The bridge's total length is 6,855 ft. In fact, in the heart of New York City is a mighty monument to your struggles. It's called the Manhattan Bridge. The last structure of the city's first major period of bridge building, the Manhattan Bridge has spent its life in the shadow of its impressive older East River siblings, the Williamsburg and Brooklyn Bridges.
Williamsburg Bridge
Sightsee the Williamsburg Bridge which was the longest suspension bridge in the world with its total length at 7,308 feet (2,227 m) when it opened in 1903. It is a suspension bridge in New York City across the East River connecting the Lower East Side of Manhattan at Delancey Street.
View SoHo, a neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Since the 1970s, the neighborhood has been the location of many artists'. A place where you browse, shop, and experience culture with a local flavor. Located west of Little Italy and bounded by Houston Street, West Broadway and Lafayette Street, SoHo. SoHo is short for “south of Houston Street.” Today, the neighborhood is famous for its upscale boutiques, artists, and cast-iron architecture.
Little Italy
View where Italian immigrants moved a Manhattan neighborhood in the late 1800s. Where they brought their customs, food and language and heritage remains evident. The once the sprawling home of much of New York City's Italian population, Little Italy has become more of a bustling tourist destination than a residential neighborhood.
Show 21 више заустављања
Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (204)
Emily I
Jan 2025
Audio was not good or at the correct landmarks. Tour was just one route that then took the same route back so only half the time was the tour guided. The rest of the time we listened to explicit rap music on the radio
Jan 2025
The experience was great except for the wait time. As advertised, the departure time is 7pm. The actual time was 7:30p. So for 30 minutes my family and I sat in the freezing cold. At no time did any of the staff communicate with us. About 10 minutes past the advertised time I had to go find someone to ask when we're we departing.
Dec 2024
We couldn’t get to the bus due to circumstances beyond our control and were denied a refund so will not book with the again

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New York City