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Аеродромски превоз и повратно путовање Хонолулу и Ваикики или терминал за крстарење

Овај локални оператер нуди одличну услугу аеродромског превоза до међународног аеродрома Хонолулу, са својим професионалним возачима и новим моделима возила. Унапред резервисане резервације помажу им да осигурају да ваше искуство путовања на Хавајима може учинити угодним и без муке, тако да не морате да се борите са саобраћајем и непријатностима паркирања на аеродрому. Једноставно резервишите онлајн уз наше приступачне цене и путујте у удобности са Алоха духом.
Цити: Хонолулу
Thu 09 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $31.95
Thu 09 Jan
Са почетком у $31.95
Шта је укључено
Преузимање из хотела у области Ваикики или Хонолулу за полазак
Локални порези
Помоћ за пртљаг
Услуга упознавања по доласку у Хонолулу
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за бебе<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Позовите добављача да договорите одређени изаберите време за трансфер одласка најмање 3 дана пре датума трансфера.<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе.<ли>Возила су доступна за инвалидска колица на склапање, на захтев ако се то обавести у време одласка. резервација. Међутим, возач није у могућности да помогне путницима да се укрцају и искрцају због прописа о осигурању.<ли>Деца млађа од 5 година могу да путују бесплатно све док путују у крилу одраслих.<ли> Превоз седишта за ауто се додатно наплаћује јер се сматра посебним артиклом.<ли>Седишта за бебе су доступна на захтев ако се то обавести приликом резервације (наплаћује се доплата).<ли>Инвалидска колица склопиви, приступачан, обавестите приликом резервације.<ли>сваком путнику су дозвољена 2 комада пртљага и 1 лични предмет без додатних трошкова.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (237)
Mar 2021
BEWARE of using this service if you book through ShuttleFare!!! After arriving in Honolulu and collecting our bags, we called VIP Trans to let them know where to pick us up. Dispatcher said driver would be there in 10-15 minutes. He arrived 30 minutes later! Our return to the airpot was a MAJOR DISASTER!!! We were scheduled for a 6:30 am. pickup. They didn't arrive within 10 minutes, so we called to see when the driver would be arriving. V.I.P. Trans claimed they didn't have us scheduled nor did they have our reservation. They also didn't have a driver in the Waikiki area. REALLY A MAJOR TOURIST AREA. They weren't willing to help us in any way. At 7:00 am we still had no ride to the airport and our plane was scheduled to depart at 9:00. I would NOT recommend using this service unless you call 1-2 days before to verify reservation.
Jul 2020
Nobody was at the airport to pick me up. I called them from the airport and they said that my name was not on their list. But I did confirm my booking. I waited more than 30minutes for them to pick me up. Terrible experience..
Apr 2020
My partner and I traveled the states late 2019 and early 2020. Coming from Australia we stopped over at Hawaii on our way over to mainland and then returning. We therefore used VIP trans for 4x trips. Arrivals from the airport were fine. They found us okay, little late but no problems. Pick ups however, were terrible. Our first pick up they came 45 minutes late after a number of phone calls to the company at 5am in the morning. Very unprofessional and when you need to catch flights being 45minutes late to the airport is not ideal. We should have learnt from this and cancelled our prebooked transfers for later in our holiday. However we had already paid the amount in full and couldn’t get a refund. Our second pick up in late January was even worse. We waited over an hour outside our hotel for them to arrive. Another vip trans came in that time and said that we couldn’t ride on that one because ours was coming. So after over an hour our van came. However there was no seats for us. The car was full and all that was left was one seat that my partner and I were forced to share. We couldn’t even put a seatbelt on, we had to sit sideways as our suitcases had to sit in front of our seat because there was no room for them in the back. After the ride, our driver never even bothered to help us move our suitcases, even though they were trapping us in, so other passengers had to help us get out of the van. This is not the service we thought we had paid for, and I would never recommend to anyone it as it is very unsafe and they clearly do not care about the safety of their passengers.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2020
Aloha, thanks for your feedback. I sincerely apologize to you for what happened and for any inconvenience this may have caused. We take all complaints very seriously and we do our best to resolve any issue you have encountered with us. All our pre-booked reservation comes with 24 hours cancellation policy and we would have been glad to provide you with full refund if you contacted us. Can you email us directly to [email protected] and let us know more details about your experience, to investigate what happened and to take further steps to ensure this won't happen again in the future. Looking forward to hearing back from you. Mahalo,

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