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Дневни обилазак кањона Антилопе и Потковице из Флагстафа

Откријте боје, природну атмосферу и стенске формације кањона Антелопе и Хорсесхое Бенда на оводневном обиласку из Флагстафф Аризоне. Истражићете дубине кањона Антелопе са Навахо водичем и прошетати до Хорсесхое Бенд. Обавезно понесите камеру, јер ћете желети да снимите овај јединствени део америчког пејзажа. Преузимање хотела у Флагстаффу је укључено.
Цити: Флагстафф
Sun 29 Dec
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Са почетком у $279.00
Sun 29 Dec
Са почетком у $279.00
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Пикник ручак на брани Глен Цанион
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>ОБИЛАЗАК ПОЛАЖЕ ИЗ НАШЕ КАНЦЕЛАРИЈЕ У ФЛАГСТАФФ-у, АРИЗОНА. НЕ МОЖЕМО СМЕСТИТИ ГОСТЕ ИЗВАН ФЛАГСТАФА - БЕЗ ИЗУЗЕТКА.<ли>Удобне ципеле за ходање се препоручују.<ли>Имајте на уму да можемо користити горњи или доњи кањон антилопа у зависности од временских услова и услова гужве <ли>Минимални узраст је 5 година. Ова тура НИЈЕ погодна за одојчад или малу децу.<ли>Путници морају бити у могућности да ходају 1,5 миље (2,5 км) преко неравних површина да би учествовали у овој турнеји.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особље
Шта да очекујете
Навахо Натион
Путујте кроз један од најразноврснијих деоница аутопута од Флагстаффа на 7000 стопа, Навахо нације и црвених стена кањона Глен пре него што стигнете у Хорсесхое Бенд
Хорсесхое Бенд
Следеће, иде до Хорсесхое Бенд. Крените пешачењем од приближно 0,75 миље (1,2 км) које ће вас довести до једног од најбољих погледа. На тачки недалеко низводно од бране Глен Цанион, река Колорадо вијуга око каменог рта, стварајући петљу у облику потковице коју воле посетиоци и фотографи из целог света. Док се приближавате ивици, уживајте у предивном погледу. Имајте на уму: укупно ћете препешачити 2 миље (3,2 км); удобне ципеле за ходање се топло препоручују.
Поглед на брану Глен Цанион
Уживајте у невероватним погледима док уживате у ручку за пикник у Глен Цанион Дам Оверлоок.
Кањон Антилопе
У кањону Антелопе пратите свог водича за Навахо кроз уски прорез у земљи где ћете видети извајану литицу од пешчара. Сунчева светлост изнад главе ствара снопове светлости које пролазе у кањон, чинећи га још лепшим. Спустите се мердевинама у дубину кањона да бисте открили више од овог спокојног места и фотографишите уз помоћ свог водича о коришћењу правих подешавања на фотоапарату за светло и најбоље углове за снимање занимљивих снимака. Кањон Антилопе је сан фотографа.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (409)
Liz C
Nov 2017
We are from the uk in our mid sixties, we had a great trip out from flagstaff, we choose this tour company because of the small group tours they offer, the early morning pick up was on time as arranged and the other pick ups all went smoothly. On our two hour drive to horseshoe bend all the various landscapes were explained to us by a very knowledgable Drew our driver and guide for the day, the view at horseshoe bend was exceptional, we had plenty of time to take photos and walk about the area looking at the bend from different angles, there is a steep return walk back up from the bend but drew tells us that work is on going to make the walk easier in the future, a ten minute drive after that took us to the Glen Canyon Dam and the visitor centre which has modern clean facilities where we stopped for our lunch of sandwiches and fruit which was included in the price of the tour, we then moved onto antelope canyon for our last stop of the day, we were handed over to the local guide which was fine, but the main problem being we had to wait in line for one and a half hours to enter the canyon because it was November it was not an issue but durning the summer I wouldn’t risk the wait as there isn’t any shade, I have to say that the tour company has no control over this. The steps down into the canyon are steep but with plenty of hand rails so we didn’t feel unsafe at all and once at the bottom it takes about 30 to 40 minutes to walk through, there are places where it is narrow but you can always see the sky so I didn’t feel closed in at all, the way the water has formed the stone over millions of years is amazing, the guide we had was very knowledgeable about which camera settings to use to get the best photos in the canyon. As you walk through the canyon you gradually ascend so exiting the canyon is easy. The drive back to flagstaff went smoothly with the added bonus of a fantastic sunset, Drew even dropped us off at one of his favourite eating places ( beaver street brewery) where we enjoyed a nice meal and an excellent glass of beer, all in all a great day out with great memories and photos. I would definatley recommend this company and if we are lucky enough to pass this way again I would try one of their other tours as we felt we were looked after and it was value for money.
Ruth H
Nov 2017
What a fantastic day this was - well worth visiting Flagstaff just to do this. Our guide Marcia was really knowledgeable and entertaining - it was a really relaxed little group and made for a great time. Worth it too for a day off, letting someone else do the driving and just enjoying the scenery. The views the entire day were fantastic and the trip into Antelope Canyon the highlight. What a place! Definitely recommended! Thanks Marcia
Ariel N
Nov 2017

Ultimate best adventure tour group I've been to so far! I booked the adventure including both Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend from Flagstaff. You can book this tour if you're staying in Sedona, but limited dates available. So we decided to drive out to Flagstaff and meet/park at their tour office. If you're staying in a local hotel in Flagstaff they can do pick-ups there also.

Our main tour guide and driver was Marcia, and she is definitely one of the best tour guides out there! So knowledgeable about all the area, culture, and whatever else you can think of! You will definitely not get bored while on the bus rides. If you're looking for an educational/informational tour of the area book with Marcia! And if you're worried about bathroom breaks on the long drives and tours there are pit stops we do make and Marcia will sure accommodate other stops.

Our first stop was to Horseshoe Bend and that was absolutely beautiful! The trek out there was fairly short, but lots of sandy hills to get there! But trust me, it's worth it! You get ample to take in the scenery and take pictures if needed. After this part of the tour, we headed over to Glen Canyon Dam for our lunch picnic. We were provided with our choice of sandwiches, pasta salad, and unlimited drinks and snacks/chips.

Second stop was to Lower Antelope Canyon. We were connected with a local Navajo tour guide just for trek through Antelope Canyon named Kyrin. This part was to say ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. It was such a surreal experience and completely stunning! Without a doubt, the best place I've actually experienced. Warning there are some pretty steep areas with ladders and staircases and such narrow spaces/walkways, but totally worth it!

Tour was definitely worth every penny and if I was ever in the area again, I would book another tour with Grand Canyon Adventures!

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