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Аутобусни обилазак Атланте

Уживајте у прелепом појасу Атланте и обиђите Крог Стреет Маркет и Понце Цити Маркет. Посетите Буцкхеад и укрцајте се на нашу турнеју Бакхеад Мансион. Ручајте на пијаци града Понце и обиђите Меморијално место Мартина Лутера Кинга (затворено због пандемије, али ћете обићи спољашњи део Меморијалног места МЛК). Имаћете могућност да изађете из аутобуса на овим локацијама како бисте снимили неколико фотографија и затим се вратили.
Цити: Атланта
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $69.99
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $69.99
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Можете понети инвалидска колица ако се инвалидска колица могу склопити у аутобусу. Наш аутобус нема лифт за инвалидска колица.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују
Шта да очекујете
Национално историјско место Мартина Лутера Кинга млађег
Обилазићемо Национални локалитет Мартина Лутера Кинга млађег пешке око 45 минута.
Сван Хоусе
Проћи ћемо поред Лабудове куће у делу обиласка Бакхед Мансион Тоур-а
Атлантиц Статион
Проћи ћемо поред Атлантик станице док смо на међудржавном аутопуту.
Атланта БелтЛине Еастсиде Траил
Ходаћемо по Белтлинеу око 20 минута
Крог Стреет Маркет
Обилазићемо пијацу у улици Крог око 5 -10 минута пре него што кренемо на Белтлине
Понце Цити Маркет
Зауставићемо се овде на ручку 30 минута.
Атланта СигхтСееинг Бус Тоурс
Наша турнеја почиње и завршава се на овој локацији
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (488)
Anna C
Oct 2017
We moved to ATL recently so it was a very nice way to see the different neighborhoods - that said, a bit surprised at the site breakdown: 1. a lot of time was spent in Buckhead looking at homes - no visit to the beautiful city parks (Grant or Piedmont for example). 2. as important as MLK’s legacy is to the world (and it is), we spent quite a bit of the tour time at that location ... 3. Logistically, the meet place was confusing. luckily, the security guard in front of the ‘mall’ told us where to meet - would have been helpful to have a sign directing folks indoors to the food court!
Diane R
Oct 2017
We covered a lot of ground in a very short time, which was great...BUT the guide talked a LOT and we felt overwhelmed by too much information and a whole lot of talking. It would have been nice to experience some silence as we toured so we could absorb and enjoy what we were seeing better because at times, ti was just too much. Guide was very knowledgeable. Please, no harmonica at the tomb site.
Oct 2017
We've lived in the ATL metro area for about 9 years now and while we've visited some of the sites on this tour, we didn't have the history & overview of the city neighborhoods that we've enjoyed on tours in other cities. When the Groupon came up, I decided to give it a try. Our tour guide was Christine (maybe Christina?) and she was friendly although went on a bit. Corey was our driver & he did a great job navigating the traffic and pulling off to the side of the streets to let us get pictures and good views. The tour started at the MLK sites, which were great. None of our family had visited this area of town before and there is a lot of great history there! We then walked on the Beltline area, which was also terrific. We'll definitely come back and scope that out more later. We drove by several of the up & coming Markets and fun neighborhoods, learning more about those. Our lunch stop at CNN's food court was only 30 minutes though. We raced in, ordered food, scarfed it down and barely had time to use the bathrooms before it was time to get back to the bus! I feel sorry for non-natives who've never visited the CNN center before. After lunch, the tour itself slowed a bit for most of us. In fact, there were several sounds of snoring from our tourgroup. Most of the touring after lunch was around the multi-million dollar homes in Buckhead, which was nice, but would have liked to see the walking portions more spread throughout the day as it was hard to stay awake. We finished our tour well before 1:30 so really could have had more time at CNN. But overall, for the Groupon price, it was a cost-effective way of getting an overview of Atlanta. We now have a better idea of places we'd like to go back and visit, which was our main goal.

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