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Аутобусни обилазак Атланте

Уживајте у прелепом појасу Атланте и обиђите Крог Стреет Маркет и Понце Цити Маркет. Посетите Буцкхеад и укрцајте се на нашу турнеју Бакхеад Мансион. Ручајте на пијаци града Понце и обиђите Меморијално место Мартина Лутера Кинга (затворено због пандемије, али ћете обићи спољашњи део Меморијалног места МЛК). Имаћете могућност да изађете из аутобуса на овим локацијама како бисте снимили неколико фотографија и затим се вратили.
Цити: Атланта
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $69.99
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $69.99
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Национално историјско место Мартина Лутера Кинга млађег
Обилазићемо Национални локалитет Мартина Лутера Кинга млађег пешке око 45 минута.
Сван Хоусе
Проћи ћемо поред Лабудове куће у делу обиласка Бакхед Мансион Тоур-а
Атлантиц Статион
Проћи ћемо поред Атлантик станице док смо на међудржавном аутопуту.
Атланта БелтЛине Еастсиде Траил
Ходаћемо по Белтлинеу око 20 минута
Крог Стреет Маркет
Обилазићемо пијацу у улици Крог око 5 -10 минута пре него што кренемо на Белтлине
Понце Цити Маркет
Зауставићемо се овде на ручку 30 минута.
Атланта СигхтСееинг Бус Тоурс
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Коментара (488)
Oct 2017
Don the tour guide was EXCELLENT, and Corey was a great, careful driver. The amount of information Don knew about Atlanta was amazing. I was really impressed with the volume of information he had committed to memory. He was also very entertaining with his harmonica, as others have written. I've lived here for over 30 years and after taking the tour I'm looking forward to exploring, on my own, more of some of the areas that we toured. We bought our tickets through Groupon at a good price, but don’t expect a typical “hop-on, hop-off tour . A fair amount of time was spent on the bus. You’ll meet early at the 231 building downtown, near the Apparel Mart and board the bus there. Other reviewers mentioned the stops, MLK, CNN and Krog Street.We had lunch at CNN because they had a large food court; and it would have been great to have had an expedited CNN tour, or the full tour at a reduced group rate. The MLK stop was very interesting, albeit brief. Drove around the historic residential area of MLK’s birth home, and walked around The King Center and saw Dr. and Mrs. King’s Tomb, and the church where the service for him was held. I would have enjoyed going through that museum, but it was closed, and we were only able to tour the free museum area. We walked about a mile on the beltway near Krog Market. I enjoyed the outdoor walk, and I would have enjoyed having a little free time to check out the restaurants and retail shops in that revitalized area. What made this tour really great though, was the physical exposure to the city and it’s many “boroughs” (Downtown, Buckhead, 4th Ward, Inman Park, Five Points, Midtown etc.), coupled with the outstanding historical and real time narrative provided by Don. I loved that we drove the length of Peachtree Street from Paces Ferry all the way to downtown. Since I’m normally driving a car when I’m in those congested areas, it was fun to be able to look around and check everything out, without having to worry about the traffic. I would encourage others to take this tour because it was a fun, overall viewing tour of Atlanta. I enjoyed it because I live here and Ron pointed out areas that have changed and been revitalized. I commend this tour group on organizing an educational, and jam-packed tour with interesting narratives and a colorful bus ride and compacting it in four hours. I’m not sure I would recommend this tour for small children, teenagers or adults that are hard of hearing. The verbal part of the tour would be lost on them, and it would be a blur for foreigners. I’m also not sure if there is a handicap ramp on the bus. Other than that, a great way to reacquaint yourself with our great city.
Liz K
Oct 2017
This seemed like a really well-rounded tour of some of the most interesting areas of Atlanta. The tour guides were down to earth and also very knowledgeable about the city and its history--both really nice people. I will definitely come back to Atlanta and bring other friends on the tour. It was a bit difficult to tell where exactly to park and meet, but I was contacted by one of the tour guides when I wasn't there 15 min early and given directions that were very helpful. There were some things we didn't get to see because of construction in the city, but the guides found ways around them and found other things for us to do. These guys have a lot of experience and it shows!
Oct 2017
It was a decent tour for the $37 Groupon. I would have been upset if I had paid full price for this. Confusing about where to meet. Tour guide didn't arrive at our post until about 10 min to departure. We called to see if anyone was coming. Some interesting parts, but tour guide mostly dragged on and kept skipping around topics instead of sticking with a cohesive thought. People were sleeping on our bus by the end of the tour.

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