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Подморница Атлантис Кона - острво Хаваји

Откријте наш свет испод таласа уз Атлантис Субмаринес Кона! Наша пловила на батерије су технолошки најнапредније путничке подморнице на свету. Посебан додатни бонус овог искуства на турнеји је такође видети обалу Коне док се возите нашим чамцем.<бр><бр>Зароните 100 стопа испод површине и искусите морске мистерије Коне, истакнуте величанственим и нетакнутим природним коралним гребеном од 25 јутара башта створена древним током лаве. Место за роњење у Кона посећује фасцинантан морски живот као што су баракуда, жути танг, јегуља и папагај. Погледајте из прве руке како су се потопљени бродови удружили са мајком природом да би створили самоодржива станишта која привлаче и хране морски живот са обала Коне. <бр><бр>
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Mon 21 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $164.39
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $164.39
Шта је укључено
Жива нарација на енглеском коју је обезбедио наш подводни природњак.
Аудио нарација је доступна на јапанском, мандаринском, шпанском и корејском.
Шатл за разгледање до места за роњење подморницама
Роњење са подморнице на подморници са 48 путника
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> Све туре су на енглеском. Слушалице које пружају нарацију на јапанском су доступне на захтев<ли>Деца морају бити висока 36 инча или виша да би се возили подморницом<ли>Деци млађој од 3 године која испуњавају услове од 36 инча је дозвољено да се возе потребно је купити подморницу и дјечију карту.<ли>Актуално вријеме подводног обиласка је 45 минута Вожња шатлом од пристаништа до подморнице и трансфер је 5 минута у оба смјера<ли>Путници морају бити способан да се пење и спушта скоро вертикалним мердевинама да би се укрцао у подморницу<ли>Маске за лице потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице потребне за водиче на јавним местима<ли> Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку
Шта да очекујете
Атлантис Субмаринес Кона
Незаборавно 45-минутно путовање подморницом Атлантис са 48 путника, као што је приказано у телевизијским емисијама Натионал Геограпхица, где гости истражују природни корални гребен од 25 ари и његове морске становнике! Дозволите Атлантис Субмаринес да вам покаже осталих 96% Коне које не можете да видите на други начин. Приуштите себи најлепши и најзанимљивији пејзаж Коне, станишта и изолована блага. Спустићете се 100 стопа у другу верзију раја - ону која је вековима била скривена чак и од људи на Хавајима. Атлантис Субмаринес Кона нуди путовање на подморници од 48 путника. Гости ће открити 18.000 година стар, 25 хектара ободног коралног гребена, који се може похвалити живахним екосистемом. Путници гледају коралне формације и тропске рибе. Слушалице са нарацијом на јапанском, корејском, мандаринском и шпанском доступне су на захтев без додатних трошкова. Наша пратња ће вам помоћи до нашег шатла из наше Атлантис канцеларије који ће вас одвести до подморнице.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (340)
Jul 2022
Our grand daughter loved seeing all of the different kinds of fish , the bubbles,and coral! She rated the experience as cool.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Aloha Donna! Mahalo for your excellent review! It was an honor to welcome you and your family aboard for a deep-sea dive, and we're thrilled to hear you had a great trip! We pride ourselves on offering a unique experience that appeals to all ages, and we're so glad you and your keiki (child) enjoyed getting to see marine life from the comfort of a submarine. Thank you very much for joining us and for sharing kind words. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future aboard one of our submarines and/or the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises for another Atlantis adventure; an underwater journey, sunset cruise, or seasonal whale watch cruise. Feel free to follow us on social media at #atlantishawaii. A hui hou (until next time).
Jul 2022
Our big family group booked this as the last excursion to conclude our Hawaii vacation and it was a massive let down. I will start by saying, the actual submarine and the submarine crew were enjoyable. We didn’t see anything unique except a couple of ship wrecks and the ocean floor didn’t have much going on the day we went sadly. My true issue lies with the horrendous customer service of the staff in the ticketing office. After booking this excursion over 3 months in advance, I received a missed phone call 2 days prior to our trip while at the beach. No voicemails were left and when I tried to return the call, the phone system was down (a common occurrence for this establishment) and the system eventually forwarded the call to the general manager. Once I spoke to him, he mentioned he was away from the office but he didn’t think it was a big deal or anything to be worried about so we went about our day. The following day I received another missed call while out on a snorkel excursion. When I returned that phone call, the girl I spoke to wanted to confirm we had a military ID for the discount we received when we booked, and paid in full, months prior as we needed to show proof during check in. I was out for the day so needed to confirm my family member brought his military ID and once I confirmed that evening I sent an email since their office was closed informing them we were good to go. The day of the submarine tour, while prepping to check out of our condo & head towards Atlantis, I received an email from Kelsey at the office stating that every adult we purchased tickets for needs to have their own valid military ID to receive the discount or the difference would be due during check in. I had absolutely no idea that every adult needed to be military in our group as we were all family and I called in the day I booked to get info and shared how many people would be going and asked if the company provided military discounts and was never told anything of the sort. The woman I spoke to on the phone gave me all of the info I needed and shared the URL required to purchase the tickets and obtain the discount. I didn’t buy the tickets directly though their website, I used the URL the employee provided. When we arrived to check in, Kelsey stated multiple times that we should have known since we booked online and it didn’t matter what the employee said over the phone. She was so incredibly rude, lacked ANY customer service skills, extremely argumentative and was truly just an awful person to deal with. She took zero accountability and just kept repeating herself that we “should have known.” She brought the general manager out to assist but he didn’t seem to know what was going on and provided zero assistance. It was by far the most disappointing experience during our vacation and truly, any vacation I have ever been on. We were forced to pay the difference per person (an expense we were not expecting) and were denied any refund for cancelling as it was within the 24 hour window. It was simply, go and pay us 25% extra or miss out on going or getting money our back. The way they handled this miscommunication was completely baffling to me. We had over 11 excursions booked during this trip and not once did we have an issue whatsoever. I highly recommend you stay away from this company and find something else to do on the island that is more worthwhile, worth the expense and has employees who treat you like decent humans. The overall experience was lackluster and just simply not worth it. I 1000000% regret booking this and would stay far far away.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Aloha and thank you for taking the time to share your review. We are very disappointed to hear that your experience with one of our reservation specialists was less than exceptional. This does not reflect the warm aloha spirit we are dedicated to welcoming our guests with, and we appreciate your valuable feedback as it helps us to address and improve. We will be sure to discuss this matter with our leadership to ensure it does not happen again. Please email us the following information Your first and last name, date and time of your tour, and number of guests booked, directly at [email protected] in order for us to work directly with you and rectify this situation. Mahalo!
Jul 2022
It was a great experience. The crew were very knowledgeable and we saw a lot of fish and a shark! Would recommend it for something different!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Aloha Chris! Mahalo for your review! We're so happy to hear you enjoyed your submarine adventure with us! It is indeed often a once-in-a-lifetime experience to see marine life up close while diving in a real submarine, and we're happy to know you got to see some incredible marine life! We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future aboard one of our submarines and/or the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises for another Atlantis adventure; an underwater journey, sunset cruise, or seasonal whale watch cruise. Feel free to follow us on social media at #atlantishawaii. A hui hou (until next time).

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