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Искуство падобранства у затвореном Балтимору са 2 лета и персонализованим сертификатом

Осетите узбуђење скакања падобраном без искакања из авиона. Истина је! Идите у иФЛИ Балтиморе, врхунски објекат за падобранство у затвореном који покреће најсавременији вертикални аеротунел. Након тренинга, искусићете услове слободног пада уз помоћ инструктора. Није потребно искуство, а након тога можете понети кући персонализовану потврду о лету.
Цити: Балтиморе
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $84.99
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $84.99
Шта је укључено
Сви порези, накнаде и накнаде за руковање
Индивидуално вођење од сертификованог инструктора летења
Обука и употреба све опреме
Два (2) лета за 1 особу
Потврда о успешности летења
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ако претходно имате врат, леђа, срце, повреде или ишчашења рамена, трудни сте или носите тврд гипс – нећете моћи да летите.<ли>Да би својим клијентима и инструкторима пружио безбедно искуство, иФЛИ можда неће моћи да се смести. летачи који теже између 260-300 лбс и неће моћи да приме летаче чија тежина прелази 300 лбс. Приликом пријаве за резервације летова, биће потребна додатна процена локалног особља како би се утврдило да ли се могу сместити летачи између 260-300 фунти и да ли могу да важе додатна ограничења.<ли>Минимална старост је 3 године<ли>Дјеца млађа од 18 година морају имати родитељ или старатељ да потпише своје одрицање.<ли>Препоручује се да носите добро припијене патике на пертле или патике за трчање и удобну одјећу<ли>Ако морате да промените термин након што је ваша резервација направљена, позовите локацију директно. Промене датума и времена резервације се не могу извршити на други начин.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (93)
Jun 2019
I am not that fond of heights to begin with but I plan to eventually sky board so I decided to try iFLY first. I have not slept since I've done because I keep thinking about the fact that I actually did it. And just fyi I am going back to take lesson and to continue to prepare for the real thing. I would not change nothing about my experience at iFLY from the check in process, my instructor, my class time, and then actually flying. I
Apr 2019
My son and I (ages 41 and 70) had done "flights" at this iFly and enjoyed the experience. When I saw how many younger "fliers" there were, my wife and I took our grandchildren (ages 11, 8 and 6) to the facility, and they had a great time! I have to admit, it is a little pricey, ~$70.00 per person for (2) one minute flights (this includes suits, goggles and training, plus the instructors accompanying each person during their flight). Of course there are optional add ons (pix, videos,higher flights,hats,t-shirts,virtual reality, etc. You are first suited up, then given an instructional class to tell you what to expect, and explain the hand signals used for guidance during the flight. It is VERY loud, and earplugs are given out. Wind speed up to 165 mph, so no loose jewelry and longer hair should be pulled back. There are generally ~6-8 in a group of fliers, and my group ranged from 6-70 in age. Basically, you are in a vertical wind tunnel, with a net for a floor and ceiling, and the wind speed to get you in flight is adjusted based on your weight. Most of the time you aren't more than 6 or 7 feet above the floor net. The suits that the fliers of all ages wear have handles on them, so that the instructors have control all of the time, and they don't get fancy; each flight is 1 minute, so much of the time in the first trip is just getting used to the noise and holding yourself horizontal. The second trip is somewhat easier; you know what to expect, and can relax and enjoy it more. If you really like it and can afford it, advanced classes are available in which you can learn flips, turns, etc. I was happy just to do it once, for the experience; it beat jumping out of a plane and worrying about a parachute opening. Grandkids loved it..
Mar 2019
For the price - not worth it. We took my granddaughter and her boyfriend to celebrate his 18th birthday. They don't take you up high UNLESS you pay $9.95 each. For that one minute flight time times two - a good portion of the second flight time was wasted trying to stabilize the flyers to get crappy pictures we paid for and we could have just as well used the ones we took. Plus, they don't even print it out. It's emailed to you. So don't waste your money. You are right there to take pictures or video yourself.. We were there for two hours and that's unacceptable. It was a large group booked for that time slot and they had to stop to let this "extra" kid that paid for 20 minutes to keep popping in and use his time. He is very experienced and he was taken all the to the top which I feel should not happen when beginners are there. It looks spectacular and then they go in and it's basically waist high to the instructor. Very disappointing. I get you need experience but it's a let down in comparison. Not cool!!! We wanted to buy t-shirts at the end and they were more interested in checking in people or chatting amongst themselves. Beware - They just want your money!!!!!

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