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❖ Возите се возом за откривање глечера<бр><бр>❖ Посетите Центар за очување дивљих животиња Аљаске<бр><бр>❖ Плутајте поред ледених брегова на језеру Спенсер Глациер и 7 речних миља низ долину реке Плацер на најсликовитијем путовању реком на Аљасци <бр><бр>Нећете видети више ни једног дана на АК Раилроад-у него на овом путовању. Многи наши гости нам кажу да им је ово најбољи дан на Аљасци.
Цити: Анцхораге
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $385.00
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $385.00
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Укључен ручак. Обавестите нас унапред ако имате ограничења у исхрани или захтеве.
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступна су специјализована седишта за одојчад<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су кућне животиње<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступно у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Превоз возила која се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Вадичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Вакцинација против вируса ЦОВИД-19 је неопходна за водиче<ли>Цхугацх Адвентурес' је била једна од ретких компанија за авантуристичка путовања која је у потпуности и безбедно радила 2020. и 2021. Направили смо опсежан план за ублажавање последица ЦОВИД-19 како бисмо успешно функционисали и за наше путнике и за наше запослене и посвећени смо да наставимо са нашим планом 2023. године.
Шта да очекујете
Центар за заштиту дивљих животиња Аљаске
Узмите кратак шатл до Центра за заштиту дивљих животиња Аљаске за обилазак животиња са водичем и тумачењем. Центар је главна установа за рехабилитацију повређених и напуштених дивљих животиња на Аљасци. АВЦЦ Тоур траје 1,5 сати и укључује шетњу и вожњу како бисте видели животиње. Уз ову туру обезбеђен је и ручак.
Спенцер Глациер
Спенцер Ицеберг Флоат - 2 сата на води на глечеру Спенцер и 7 речних миља низ реку Плацер
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (91)
Elisa S
Jun 2017
Before I even knew what we wanted to do in Alaska Ari took the time to help me plan our trip, where to stay, and what to do. He was extremely informative and made some fantastic suggestions. We did the heli-hiking and rafting tour and had a trip of a lifetime. Everything went very smoothly and was extremely professional. Our guide Erin was amazing! She calmed our nerves as first time helicopter riders and ensured us she would take care of us if we encountered a bear. She was extremely knowledgeable about the area, the wildlife, glaciers, and vegetation, and she made our trip really fun and enjoyable. I highly recommend the heli-hiking tour...you get to see so much and it's just the right amount of hiking and rafting to make it a great day!
Jun 2017
We travelled with kids to Alaska and our first stop was Anchorage. The day was cloudy and rainy but the views from the train (Glacier Discovery) were still okay. The train went from Anchorage and showed multiple viewpoints of Turnagain arm which despite the lack of sunlight, was a beauty all on its own. We had sandwiches in the train as the rain poured heavily as we stopped in Whittier. The guides for the Spencer Glacier raft and river float came in by afternoon and quickly gave us the info on what to expect when we arrive at the whistlestop. We left our hiking shoes on the train and wore their rubber boots. We were fitted with PFDs, and ponchos right at the whistlestop. We had a brief orientation of safety measures and expectations and off we went rafting with out guide. Spencer glacier is beautiful from afar. With multiple icebergs, large and small, I would think it was hard for the guide to maneuver around so we could take pictures. But he did his best and went around an iceberg so we can all have pictures and have a chance to touch it. Next we floated on Placer river. For adventurists looking for a thrill, this would be a disappointment. There are other options like kayaking with hiking from their company. Being with kids (and shivering slightly from the cold rain) though, the relaxing float was just right for us. We saw a bear from afar and lots of different types of birds. Next the guide handed us snacks and warm cocoa. This was a delightful snack esp while it was lightly raining. Overall, the weather could've been better but this is Alaska. Rain is part of the adventure. We all enjoyed having a train ride and rafting along with gorgeous views and a knowledgeable guide from Chugach adventures.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2017
Thank You for your review. No matter the weather, we always have good days at Spencer Glacier and do our best to keep our guests warm & dry. Our Spencer Iceberg & Placer River float is a mellow scenic float trip suitable for all ages and abilities, and a perfect family trip. For more adventure, we recommend joining us on a Glacier Blue Kayak Trip or our Comet Heli Hiking & Rafting Trip. Thanks again for your review & when you make it back to Alaska, call us up again. Ari
Jul 2016
We chose to add the train ride from Anchorage along Turnagain Arm to this raft trip. Fun choice and beautiful scenery on the way to Portage. After the train dropped us off, we were issued rubber boots and lunch; we boarded an old bus and were driven to the shore where we were outfitted with life vests and rain ponchos. We wore layers of clothing, hats and gloves, as we were going to be on the water for hours. Good instruction on how to stay safe (and in the raft--the water is freezing at all times!). Our guide rowed us around the lake amid the icebergs. Very beautiful and surreal! We then floated down the fairly swift river past great scenery. Very fun! It was my husband's first raft trip, and he doesn't like swift water, but he said he had a blast and would do it again. Great investment for an adventure of a lifetime.

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