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Роњење је лако када сте правилно обучени.<бр>Многи људи мисле да им не требају лекције када је у питању роњење јер знају да пливају. Знати пливати није роњење. Зашто бисте први пут желели да идете сами и погодите како да роните, као и да се питате где да идете?<бр><бр>Ми ћемо се побринути за све за вас по једној јединој цени. Ваши часови, изнајмљивање опреме, обилазак, намирнице и сувенири су укључени. Ништа вам више не треба него да стигнете одморни, добро нахрањени и хидрирани.<бр><бр>Ово што ову авантуру чини тако јединственом је зато што су јединствени тренуци у интеракцији са морским светом јединствени за ово место. Свакодневно видимо морске звезде, морске коњиће и хоботницу. Ова створења су територијална, тако да је неопходно имати некога ко зна где да их пронађе.
Цити: Вест Палм Беацх
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $99.99
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини.<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повреде кичме<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са озбиљним здравственим проблемима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (20)
Aug 2022
We had a great time with Laura. She gave clear instructions and ensured that we were comfortable before proceeding. She was able to point out different types of fish that we might have otherwise missed. She took some great pictures to remind us of our trip. Loved having the personal experience - thanks, Laura!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2022
Thank you so much for coming and delighted that you had a wonderful time. Please visit us again in Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale. Be blessed.
May 2022
A lovely time! Laura put together a great outing that met everyone's experience level. She did a great job of making the outing a unique and rewarding time. I would definitely go again! This was a great value for the money.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Thank you so much for coming and writing a review. We did see some spectacular marine life the day you were there in Palm Beach. The Octopi, Sea Stars and Sea Robin. Look forward to your return visit soon.
Apr 2022
I booked this for my children and self not even 24 hours out so canceling wasn’t an option without the tour guide approving it. She reached out that night saying that the site was wrong and the time was different to meet not 8 how the site says but rather 230 in the afternoon. So needless to say our entire day was held up. We get to a random table to meet under a bridge near a playground at a body of water to meet this tour guide. The kids looked at me like are you kidding me you paid $300 for this? I said no she must be just picking us up to take us out on the water to do the snorkel. It looked sketchy, dirty and just an odd place in general to snorkel. The guide showed up and said “you are looking at where you are going to snorkel… what are you going to do leave a bad review?” She was completely unprofessional refused to give me my money back as my kids would not snorkel here.. I am now disputing the charges with my bank because she completed our tour that we never did and it’s turned into a bigger headache than it should have been. Save your money if you are going to snorkel do not do it through this site or person go to a company with more reviews. For this area I do highly recommend the bulk candy store super cool experience and also intercostal jet ski in bouton beach and bouton beach pairasal which we did twice in our stay. I have never written a bad review I am beyond disgusted with my experience with this “snorkeling experience” I paid for and didn’t ever do!
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
For a first-time snorkeler, you do seem to know-it-all about snorkeling. You did NOT consider looking around to see all the other HAPPY snorkelers and scuba divers by your side ready to snorkel and scuba dive in the number One Venue for snorkeling and scuba diving. If you were such an expert, why didn't you rent your own mask, fins and snorkel and go yourself? And we met at a picnic table so I didn't have to put my equipment in the sand to get dirty. You were going to the best spot. https://www.thepalmbeaches.com/diving-snorkeling/dive-snorkel-blue-heron-bridge I have been doing this for beginners for over 20 years and you are the only ignorant person never having snorkeled before to tell me how to run my trips. You're trying very hard to be disparaging by stating that I was taking you to a dirty and sketchy place to snorkel. You have NEVER done snorkeling before so how would you know? You don't know, you obviously come from that part of the country where you have no manners or common sense of decency. You signed up for the snorkeling, I didn't hold a gun to your head and you were told in advance, we walk in from the shore. And yes I do charge people that are more humble and decent than you and want me to be their instructor, tour guide and photographer. Whoever reads your ignorant and inept review, please google the place she has tried to trash. There is no dive shop at a public park so we ALL have to bring our equipment with us as none is provided at the venue. I also offered to take you for free if you didn't see over 1000 fish in the water, which you turned down. Obviously, there is no pleasing you as I offered to take you for free and you still left a liars review. It must really burn you to read all my other 5 STAR REVIEWS BY happy people, (unlike yourself) who had a great time and wonderful pictures, like 'they' said.

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