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Беионд тхе [Либерти] Белл Хистори Валкинг Тоур

Опис:<бр>Погледајте све главне локације у историјском Старом граду и Парку независности, али чујте све из перспективе која се често изоставља из мејнстрим туризма. Истражите калдрмисане улице америчке историјске престонице. Шетња поред Дворане независности, Звона слободе, Елфретхове алеје и више историјских места у Старом граду. Откријте невероватне жене, староседеоце, обојене људе и ЛГБТК људе који су учинили Америку оваквом каква је данас.
Цити: Пхиладелпхиа
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $49.00
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $49.00
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Либерти Белл Центер
Сазнајте више о Контроверзи Председничке куће и чујте о бекству Она Џаџ од Џорџа Вашингтона.
Велцоме Парк
Чујте о односу Вилијама Пена са локалном домородачком заједницом: Ленапе.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (57)
Oct 2021
I would certainly recommend Beyond the Bell tours to anyone! Before this Liberty Bell tour, I had previously been on another Beyond the Bell Tour, which I also loved! Not only are Rebecca and Joey super kind and friendly, but they are super knowledgeable of all things related to their tour. I also really loved how this tour was interactive. At the beginning of the tour, we interacted with other visitors who were at the Liberty Bell, which was a nice addition to the tour. What I also love about Joey and Rebecca's tours, is that they always try to share facts that are unknown to the average person. For example, I learned the Liberty Bell used to be outside but was moved inside, and it was also repositioned so that its crack was only visible from the inside. Furthermore, I also really loved the part of the tour where we learned about the remains of the President House, specifically about Ona Judge (and how her real name was not Oney). Overall, I would 10/10 recommend the Beyond the Bell Tours
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for your thoughtful and engaging review! So glad you enjoyed the tour. Stay in touch!
Oct 2021
The tour was incredible. Rebecca was very knowledgeable and made the tour engaging. Before I went on the tour I only had a basic understanding of what the Liberty Bell is and she helped me learn a lot about it's history and the ways people have used it a symbol over the years. I learned a lot and I appreciated that it felt like we were having a discussion instead of being lectured.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for your thoughtful and engaging review! Stay in touch!
Oct 2021
I loved this experience, which truly does offer a unique perspective on tourism in Philadelphia. Although the Liberty Bell is often regarded as a symbol of national freedom, it was so fascinating and important to complicate this popular understanding. Instead of reproducing the same old and relatively uninteresting story about the Liberty Bell that you could simply read online, this tour focuses more on elevating the unseen and unheard narratives, particularly Oney Judge’s story of enslavement, escape, and freedom as well as the history of queer activism at Independence Park. This tour also offers an honest critique of the President's House monument, in terms of the information included and its design/layout. I had been to the Liberty Bell and the President's House before, but this tour truly felt like an entirely new – and much more accurate – experience. Rebecca and Joey created a safe and welcoming space while also encouraging us to be active and engaged participants in the tour, rather than mere observers. I’m grateful for the opportunity to think critically, and as the title suggests, beyond the history we typically learn in the classroom.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for your thoughtful and engaging review! Stay in touch!

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