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Беионд тхе [Либерти] Белл Хистори Валкинг Тоур

Опис:<бр>Погледајте све главне локације у историјском Старом граду и Парку независности, али чујте све из перспективе која се често изоставља из мејнстрим туризма. Истражите калдрмисане улице америчке историјске престонице. Шетња поред Дворане независности, Звона слободе, Елфретхове алеје и више историјских места у Старом граду. Откријте невероватне жене, староседеоце, обојене људе и ЛГБТК људе који су учинили Америку оваквом каква је данас.
Цити: Пхиладелпхиа
Wed 06 Nov
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Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $49.00
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Коментара (57)
Oct 2021
Rebecca and Joey gave a wonderful tour; it both and engaging and informative. I think it's so crucial to offer alternative tour options that stop, pause and question the very manner in which touring of high-traffic popular "history rich" sights is done in the first place? How is the touristic infrastructure set up? Why are folks so excited about "seeing a piece of history" that is really not historically significant in the ways they are taught with the dominant historical narratives. After all, history itself is told through subjective lenses. Asking those on the tour a series of questions and having a conversation with us made it engaging for sure. I would have perhaps appreciated a little more discussion time/refelction on the positionally of all of those of us taking the tour and the notion of guiding the tour in the first place. Would definitely recommend their services!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Thank you for your thoughtful and engaging review! Stay in touch!
Oct 2021
Rebecca and Joey have struck upon a creative, comprehensive, and essential form of tourism in their Beyond the Bell tour, using their platform as guides to educate visitors not only on the true story and significance behind the Liberty Bell, but on the phenomenon of tourism itself. Rebecca was direct and clear in her descriptions of the Bell’s history, and highlighted its symbolic impact on civil rights movements throughout American history. She made sure to point out the numerous shortcomings of the designed tourist experience at the site, specifically of the monument to enslaved people, which, while incredibly groundbreaking, failed to capture the attention of tourists. The tour’s strongest aspect was its encouragement of the group to observe for ourselves and to interact with the tourist site and the fellow tourists coming to witness the Liberty Bell. We began the tour by taking time to note how others were engaging with the site: Where did people gather? Were they taking pictures or reading plaques? And we asked those waiting to get an up close glimpse of the Bell what they were hoping to get out of their visit and why they came to see the site. This anthropological field work added an incredibly fascinating and unique layer to the Beyond the Bell experience. I highly recommend the Beyond the Bell tour to those who want to dive deeper and get more than just a taste of Philadelphia’s history!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2021
Ahw! Thank you for your thoughtful review! I am so glad you enjoyed the tour and our mission resonated with you. Stay in touch.
Sep 2021
Joey was an awesome tour guide. I loved the content of the tour and I appreciate that he personalized it to what we were interested in. I would definitely check out another one of his tours.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2021
Thank you! Glad you felt the tour was personal and engaging! That's what we strive for. : )

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