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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Wed 25 Sep
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Wed 25 Sep
Са почетком у $53.99
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Хоп-он хоп-офф, опен-топ, обилазак аутобусом за разгледање
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Коментара (1000)
Nov 2019
It's a good way to get an overview of the lay of NY and pick up a few tit bits or two about each key landmark. The tour guides vary somewhat in the information they present and their presentation style. Most were quite informative and entertaining. The upper open deck is the way to go to get a good view of the skyscrapers. I did wait half an hour to get back on the bus after hopping off and then two buses came together. So I decided I wasn't going off again until I had done the whole tour. But that might have been an anomaly. Overall I was quite satisfied with it and was glad I did it being the first time in NY. It helps me see how the other bits fit in together and whether some of these places are worth checking out later. Do this on your first full day of arriving. Allow 3 hours to do the uptown and downtown red and blue lines.
Nov 2019
Bus tours are just line flights. The staff make all the difference. On the 3rd I took the 8.06 bus from stop 6. On the upper deck was Baynes giving us a running commentary as we drove along. He was good. Had a great knowledge of the buildings, knew when they were built and was able to answer questions too. totally a great tour. On the 4th I did the tour that included Central park etc. The tour guide was an African American chap. His commentary was totally absurd. He told us to look Left, "There is a man walking two dogs, look right, there is a delivery truck double parked". Gosh, is this what a tour guide should be telling us?? Only at a very few buildings did he tell us about the building. This included Trump tower. He went on to say that shops sold things that we could not afford. "Oh look at this shop, you cannot afford to buy things there.". How does he know if we can afford or not? Perhaps he could not afford to shop in these places but a tour guide should not insult the passengers by saying they could not afford to buy at these shops. I was glad he had not noticed my Swiss timepiece or he may have said "Look at the 6th Row, we have a millionaire on this bus" LOL. What a dingbat. Big Bus will do well to put in a monitor person, incognito, on their buses to check out the skill of their guides. Guides can make or break the business. 3 stars only, but 5 stars for Baynes.
Nov 2019
The Big Bus tour routes are a great way to see many of the major sites in Manhattan. Having an in-person “narrator/attendant/host” is helpful; the one we had on our downtown tour was very knowledgeable and engaging (perhaps too engaging). Our Uptown tour host (I’ll call her “Helga”) was knowledgeable but difficult to understand at times. She was also not very compassionate to an elderly gentleman who could barely walk. She kept telling him, “Hurry up! Walk faster up the stairs!!!” I mean the guy came in on a battery powered scooter! My issue is with the pickup/drop off locations listed on the map and app by number. We showed up exactly where the map said, in front of the restaurant it said was the pick-up location, and no bus arrived. Another time it said the pickup was in front of the T-Mobile store in Times Square, but there wasn’t a stop there nor was there anywhere a bus COULD stop; they were all on the other side of the street! We finally found a Big Bus representative (which are greatly outnumbered by their competitors) at a stop further away who finally got us on a bus after trying for 50 minutes.

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