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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sun 22 Sep
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Са почетком у $53.99
Sun 22 Sep
Са почетком у $53.99
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Хоп-он хоп-офф, опен-топ, обилазак аутобусом за разгледање
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Коментара (1000)
Sep 2019
I'm sure that some of the tours are nice, but ours wasn't. We bought our tickets online then had an agent close to Times Square print out the tickets to show the driver upon boarding. From the moment we started, it was clear that the guide knew little about the tour. Half the time I couldn't hear him due to the flakey earphone jacks on the bus. I had to keep wiggling the plug to make it work for a while. I even switched seats and earphones and had the same results. He mostly kept saying that the tour was going to be cut short since they couldn't make it to all the stops. He would occasionally point out a site and tell very little about it, then ask if there were any questions (a thousand times). I'm from out west so I know little about NYC. I don't have a clue what to ask. I'm pretty sure that it was his job to tell us about the famous buildings, etc. Maybe we were suppose to just keep pointing and asking "what's that?". When they couldn't even go near Central Park and then stopped and said it was over, I had about had it. He and the driver offered little help. When I got home, I called to ask for a refund or partial refund. They said they would send a link to a form that needed to be filled out. Nothing came in 2 days so I called again. This time they emailed it to me and I filled it out and sent it in. A couple of days later I got a reply stating that my refund was denied because they only skipped a few stops. I would be prepared to feel dissatisfied if you decide to take this tour and don't expect any recourse if you are. I won't be wasting my money with Big Bus again. -Mike
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Good Afternoon roamintheland, We expect our guides to present a commentary that is both informative and enjoyable. We encourage our guides to commentary that is both informative and enjoyable, explaining the history of different buildings and sights, adding information and facts about Manhattan while adding little personal anecdotes from time to time to make the tour their own, however, personal opinions and complaints are unacceptable, and we apologize if it ruined your experience in any way. Please email us a name, description, tour date, route, and time to [email protected], retraining will occur so that all of our agents are equipped with the correct information. That was not our intention, for it is our purpose to provide guests with an enjoyable encounter. We appreciate you letting us know about the headphones as we refer to our passengers to make this necessary changes. We understand your frustration, unfortunately, refunds are processed by the National Administrator and the results are based on reasoning within policy guidelines by a case by case basis. The closures and reroutes were due to city events which are out of our control. Please know whenever we have to change or alter a route, or close a stop completely, we only do so once mandated by the Dept. of Transportation. We post these changes on our website and app under “Service information’ All of our guides and agents are aware of these changes and should be informing customers also. In spite of this, we wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback with us. we've taken your feedback, and the feedback of other reviewers, to heart and ensure we are making some major changes. Kind Regards, BBTNY
Sep 2019
I like to do the double decker bus tours in cities, as you get to see the major sights, and can get on and off if you wish. There are several different companies, and big bus is the most expensive, which they say is because you get a live tour guide. (I haven't been on the others so I don't know). I took the downtown tour bus. Our first guide was almost a little annoying, but I got off at Little Italy. When I got back on a bus later I had a very nice and knowledgeable (also funny) guide named Fozzie. I really enjoyed the rest of my tour. They have an uptown and downtown bus tour. For the one price you can take both, but I think they are about 2 hours each.
Sep 2019
Tour was really disappointing. Timetable was totally random so missed two if the tours (Brooklyn and Harlem) - which is supposed to be one of the main attractions on the tour. Staff were really unhelpful when I asked them to clarify times for tours. Overall, total waste of money and really disappointed.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Good Afternoon Tiredlass, Our tour guides are to be engaging and welcoming, all while presenting a commentary that is both informative and enjoyable. We apologize for lack of communication, we operate on a rotation of 20-25 mins, please keep in mind traffic, with the exception, of the Harlem and Brooklyn, that operate three times daily; 10 am, 12 pm, and 2 pm leaving from the first stop. While this information is posted on all of informational platforms, the staff is to provide this information when requested. Please be assured, it will be reported to the designated department for retraining. We hope you were still able to enjoy your time in New York nonetheless, and this one experience does not deter you from using Big Bus in the future. Kind Regards, BBTNY

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