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Биг Бус Сан Францисцо Хоп-Он-Хоп-Офф Опен Топ Тоур и Алцатраз Цомбо

Погледајте све главне атракције Сан Франциска уз овај специјални обилазак великог аутобуса и комбиновани пакет. Направите сопствени итинерар за разгледање, скачући и силазите по жељи на стајалиштима, укључујући Фисхерман'с Вхарф, мост Голден Гате, Унион Скуаре и Ломбард Стреет. Истражите Саусалито на Саусалито турнеји. Врхунац: посета озлоглашеном затворском острву Алкатраз - обавезно посетите!
Цити: Сан Франциско
Sun 29 Sep
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Са почетком у $135.50
Sun 29 Sep
Са почетком у $135.50
Шта је укључено
Купите 1 сат изнајмљивања бицикла и добијете 1 сат бесплатно у било којој продавници Блазинг Саддлес
Имајте на уму да је датум који сте изабрали датум ваше турнеје по Алкатразу
Повратни трајект од Сан Франциска до острва Алкатраз
Једнодневна хоп-он хоп-офф карта
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Снимљени коментари доступни на енглеском, француском, немачком, шпанском, јапанском, португалском , мандарински, корејски, кантонски и италијански<ли>Да бисте добили карту за острво Алкатраз, морате се пријавити у канцеларију Биг Бус-а (на ваучеру) један дан пре датума обиласка Алцатраза или пре 9:00 на дан вашег Алцатраза Обилазак.<ли>Обавестите приликом резервације да ли је потребна помоћ у инвалидским колицима.<ли>Потребан је ИД са фотографијом. <ли>Имајте на уму да је датум који сте изабрали датум ваше турнеје Алцатраз.<ли>Време ваше турнеје ће бити додељено 10 дана пре датума обиласка. Када време буде додељено, не можемо да уносимо никакве измене, имајте на уму да ће ваш временски унос доделити Алкатраз, што неће моћи да буде лично изабрано
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Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (393)
Nov 2018
We arrived 11/10/18 and the staff person who helped us retrieve our passes that we had purchased online was very helpful. She informed us of things we did not know about the tour, and the best way to utilize it. We were immediately able to get on the bus and start touring the city. Although I had been to SF many times before, I still learned some new things with the different guides we had! We had a great guide on the trolley , at about 3 p.m., into Saaaauuussssaaalliiitttooooo (Sausalito - but that is how he said it to make it fun!) Anyway, he was a great guide we just wish we would have gone there sooner. Cute little town to return to for sure! Our night tour with Alexis was GREAT! She was a great guide, and gave us a lot of great information along the way. During the day, some of the guides were so-so, and some we just unplugged the headphones, because they just liked hearing themselves talk. Anyway, for the most part it was the best way to see the most you could in the short amount of time we were there in SF! Alcatraz tour was great, just wish you could get much earlier times, so you didn't have to break up your day so much.
Nov 2018
Really enjoyed Alcatraz trip, one of the highlights of our California tour. The big bus tour was interesting, the guides were knowledgeable. This combo ticket included a smaller bus tour of Sausalito and the guide on this was very entertaining!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2018
Thank you for your review and thank you for touring with Big Bus San Francisco. We greatly appreciate it.
Oct 2018
We only had one day to see San Francisco and had been recommended the big bus tours. Coming from a small town in Canada I was all for not having to drive around to all the spots we wanted to check out. I emailed a couple weeks before coming to Inquire about our Alcatraz trip and what time we’d be going at, told them our itinerary of staying outside of San Fran the night before and asking what the best way for us to do the tour would be to get the most out of the one day, they emailed back saying they could accommodate a later ferry for us which would allow us the most amount of time spent touring the city. Was super grateful for the helpful responses. I also emailed the night before about a convenient and safe location to park our vehicle (since it would be there all day and have all of our luggage for two weeks in it). I heard back very quickly and was given a couple great recommendations. Going above and beyond the service. The guides we had were awesome. The first one recommended a Japanese restaurant outside of the park we stop at so we checked that out and it was amazing. Then the second guide was super knowledgeable about the city and its history. This is definitely the best way to see San Francisco and get to Alcatraz island. I couldn’t be happier that we booked this trip.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Thank you for touring with Big Bus San Francisco and thank you for your review. We greatly appreciate your recommendation of Big Bus Tours. We are in 19 cities globally.

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