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Биг Бус Васхингтон ДЦ Опен Топ Хоп-Он Хоп-Офф турнеја

Откријте легендарне знаменитости Вашингтона, ДЦ сопственим темпом користећи Хоп он Хоп офф аутобус и једини обилазак Националног тржног центра и Меморијалних паркова који је одобрила Служба Националног парка. Погледајте Меморијале, споменике и још много тога на обиласку Патриот (Црвена рута) да бисте укључили нове станице у Блацк Ливес Маттер Плаза и пристаништу. На броду, купци ће уживати у снимљеним коментарима, укључујући историју Вашингтона, ДЦ и чувене споменике и споменике нације. Купци такође могу испробати једночасовно бесплатно изнајмљивање бицикала од Унлимитед Бикинг-а и приступ мултисензорној дигиталној уметности у Артецхоусе-у
Цити: Васхингтон ДЦ
Wed 25 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $48.60
Wed 25 Sep
Са почетком у $48.60
Шта је укључено
Неограничена Хоп-он, Хоп-он услуга
АРТЕЦХОУСЕ ДЦ Бонус понуда
Једно, два или три дана неограничено хоп-он, хоп-офф аутобуска карта
Снимљени коментар на броду
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Услуга животиње дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Снимљени коментари су доступни на следећим језицима: енглески, шпански, немачки, Италијански, француски, мандарински, јапански и бразилски португалски<ли>Време рада подложно је промени без претходне најаве<ли>Класична једнодневна карта важиће за коришћење истог дана. Карте затражене после 14:00 важиће још један дан од тренутка куповине.<ли>Покажите карту за аутобус на улазу у АРТЕЦХОУСЕ ДЦ да бисте добили 5 УСД попуста на карте у било које време
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Sep 2019
If you are disabled, this bus company does not wAnt you on their buses. My daughter is in a small manual wheelchair and can walk only small distances. A BB employee sold us over $200 USD of tickets and clearly saw she was in a wheelchair. He did not advise us of any restrictions. The next attendant ushered us on to the bus. Still no warning. However once we were on the bus, an employee (?Rodney) told us “ you cannot bring that wheelchair on here”. We were surprised and Advised no one told us otherwise? The employee responded “I know but you cannot bring that on this bus”. We politely asked how do we use the bus service? He replied “ you have to get a different bus”. We were confused. At this point the employee became agitated as we were delaying other passengers getting on board. He kept telling us “you cannot bring that chair on board! “ luckily Steven the tour guide asked Rodney to call management and get an exemption. Thanks Steven for making us feel we were a part of the human race. Rodney - you ruined our day. We have never been so embarrassed and ridiculed with our daughters disability. My daughter still asks why you did not want us on your bus. I am still shaken by your attitude in this day and age. Shame on you and this bus company for “choosing” when a disabled passenger can come on or not. As if their life is not complex enough.
Sep 2019
We had this Bustour booked for July 19th, got our tickets and then waited in line with other people to start the tour. Scheduled Departure 09.00 am. By 09.30 there was still no Bus in sight. After asking a Rep there we got told the Bus is stuck in traffic and will be here in 5-10 minutes. This was going on till 10.30. Still no Bus insight. Our Transfer to the Airport was at 02.00 pm so we were forced to buy tickets with another company for a much higher price, so we could see something of DC at least. We got promised the full refund of the tickets, I am going back and forwards with this company now since July and they refuse to refund the money for a service that was not provided. Where I come from this is considered fraud and I have to lawyer up now. My suggestion stay away as far as you can, there are better options in DC.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Good Evening Hugh, I am very sorry for the inconvenience you faced while touring with us. Please contact us directly via email at [email protected] so we can assist you with your refund request. -Michael-Ann H
Sep 2019
This may be the worst bus hop-on/hop-off we’ve ever taken. Our first bus, ran into another parked bus and the driver seemed new. We had finally gotten on a bus after trying to find a rep for 30ish minutes. Day two: the first bus was almost 25 minutes late, the blue line buses are sparse and always late. We paid $120 for two for two days. I wish we had taken the Trolley.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2019
Good Evening, I am very sorry that this was the experience you had while touring with us. Please contact us directly via email at [email protected] so we can work on rectify this situation for you. -Michael-Ann H

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