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Велико острво зиплине преко водопада КолеКоле

Захтеви за тежину 80лбс-260лбс<бр><бр>Гости морају имати 80лбс-260лбс да би учествовали у активности. За госте који не испуњавају ове услове за тежину неће се рефундирати.<бр><бр>Пријавите се 30 минута пре времена обиласка<бр><бр>Спремите се за узбудљиву авантуру зиплине на Хавајима! Летите изнад каскадних водопада и бујног зеленила на седам различитих зиплине – укључујући један од најдужих зиплине у САД – да бисте уживали у неупоредивим погледима на задивљујући пејзаж Великог острва, океана, планина и џунгле.<бр>Обилазак је осмишљен за све нивое зиплајн искуства. Зиплине почињу са малим и постепено се повећавају у дужини, висини и брзини. Завршава се са нашом последњом линијом која достиже 1/2 миље изнад приватног водопада од 250 стопа!<бр><бр>-СВИ ГОСТИ МОРАЈУ ДА БУДУ 80-260лбс<бр>-Нема повраћаја новца гостима који не испуњавају овај захтев за тежину приликом пријављивања<бр>-Ова активност се налази на острву Хаваји (Велико острво), НЕ Оаху/Хонолулу<бр>-Гости морају да носе затворене ципеле<бр>-Гости се морају пријавити 30 минута пре времена обиласка<бр>-24 сата отказивање полици <бр>
Цити: Велико острво Хаваји
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $198.50
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $198.50
Шта је укључено
Сви гости морају имати најмање 80 фунти и не више од 260 фунти
Тура која се налази на Великом острву Хаваји, НЕ ОАХУ/ХОНОЛУЛУ/ВАИКИКИ
Сва неопходна опрема
Сви гости морају носити затворене ципеле
Професионални инструктор
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се за труднице<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са повредама кичме<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступни у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>ПРИЈАВЉИВАЊЕ 30 МИНУТА ПРЕ ВРЕМЕНА ТУРНЕЈА<ли>Минимална тежина је 80 лбс (36 кг) и максимална тежина је 260 лбс (118 кг)<ли>Гости ће бити измерени приликом пријављивања. Нема повраћаја новца за госте који не испуњавају наше захтеве за тежину приликом пријављивања <ли>Турнеја води РАИН ор СХИНЕ<ли>ГОСТИ МОРАЈУ ДА НОСЕ ЗАТВОРЕНЕ ТИПКЕ ИЛИ ПЛАНИНАРСКЕ ЦИПЕЛЕ<ли>Ако откажете због ЕКСТРЕМНОГ времена, биће вам дата опција алтернативног датума или потпуног повраћаја новца.<ли>Ова активност се налази на острву Хаваји (Велико острво) које је удаљено 30-40 минута лета из Хонолулуа<ли>Гости морају да потпишу Одрицање од одговорности да би учествовали.<ли>Законски старатељ мора потписати да би дозволио деци млађој од 18 година да се затварају.<ли>Не препоручује се гостима са вратом, повреде леђа, колена или зглобова или озбиљна срчана обољења<ли>Гости треба да имају најмање 80 фунти и не више од 260 фунти.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли> Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (525)
Shan L
Nov 2013
This is truly a must do thing when Hilo. Even though I had never been ziplining the wonderful guides made feel at ease. I cannot say enough about our guides Eric and Tony. They were extremely professional and made sure that we felt safe at all times. They were knowledgeable and so very friendly. Seeing the falls from above is a not to be missed experience. I would do it again any time. I was never nervous and loved flying along the line.
Aug 2013

This was one of the coolest things we've done as a family. We have 2 teenagers and a pre-teen and everybody loved it!!! I am afraid of heights but the progression of heights and lengths and the beautiful scenery made me not even think about it. The guides were GREAT!!! They both grew up around Hilo so knew of the history of where we were ziplining. This was definately a highlight of our visit to The Big Island!

Ron T
Sep 2011
Returned to the Big island to visit family and revisit the place I purposed to my wife for our ten year anniversary. Which was at Akaka falls. When we arrived we started looking to plan to visit some new places on the island not ventured by us and in between visits with family and I found the big island zip line tour and it looked like it went over Akaka falls. Told the love of my life this would be freaking awesome to do for our tenth and she flat out said “NO WAY”! we are in our mid 40’s and I was not going to give up that easy; this coming from a gal that can shoot almost any hunting gun, hunt, fish, fillet fish better than me, ride a dirt bike or quad and camp in the middle of now where and not complain when she has to; well you know in the woods. So the family and me worked on her for nearly a week and would you know it the night before our late night flight out she gave in. So a check of the weather for the next day (always give weather checks no more than24-38 hours for accuracy; just trust me I would not like to do this in the rain) and all was good and the tour was booked. We arrived in Honomu for the am tour a little early and was told the guides where out doing there inspection which eased the spouses nerves. When they pulled up six guys got out of this van and headed over for a meet and greet. When they found out we had never been zip lining before the fun kicked up a notch for we where the fresh meat and they just love screamers, this is when we found out the line did not go over Akaka falls but over two falls up stream of Akaka falls for which not many people knew of these falls are there at least none in my family did. Most where local guys and the others were from Maui supervising this local crew, this put the missus back in panic mode and they picked up on it right away and explained that these lines are the newest but have been up for some time and that everyone has plenty of training. They even have taken the local town out on the lines for free, old and young as a meet and greet. So she calmed back down. A few more joke and laughs then we geared up and the guys made every effort to get you comfortable and drove up to the first line which was fun in itself cause it was bumpy and bouncy, a 4X4 wheelers dream. Now this first line is short, just enough to get you used to the gear and comfortable as they explain how safe you’ll be,though they really shouldn’t count this as a line! The second line was through a banana grove and if you’re a good monkey they give you one to eat, the guides felt like they had been good monkeys because they all had bananas in there mouth’s! “NO PUN INTENDED” The next line I do not remember because the last two lines where freaking awesome, you start with learning how to turn yourself left and right so you can turn to see a water fall, then when you get ready to go all you see is this view of the line running through this cut out in over growth, when you get through that growth and BAM big drop off and your flying over this valley and a sweet view of a water fall, “yep” the wife screamed all the way. Now that was very cool till you see the last line and WOW it run what I know is a gulch, you drive through gulches to get to Hilo and this was a freaking gulch three quarters of a mile wide gulch and I dare you not to howl or scream, this was fireworks, you know ewwww, awww then grand finally and your cheering it on! Like take me back I wont to do it again awesome, like next time take my money and just let me do the last line twice kind of awesome!!! And would you guess the love of my life is looking up zip lines on the net when we got home; JUST GO FIGURE, “Hun we can go here or there it’s not too far” I tell her I’m up for it but not sure they would compare to the last zipline in Honomu! If you go, trust it’s worth the money and give to the local economy and have some PU PU’s(food) in town! Also, please give Damian, Dave, Luke, Andy, Sanji and Wheeler a big Mahalo, it was Pili lani!

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