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Једнодневни историјски обилазак црне мачке

Наша дневна историјска тура је прича о пиратима и пуританцима, вештичарењу и рату. Путујемо по граду Салему и делимо приче о његовој невероватној историји. Од својих скромних почетака као града заснованог на идеји мира за све, до места највећег инцидента вјештичарске хистерије у савременом свету, сазнајте како је постао једна од највећих бродских лука у Америци, био домаћин неким од најпознатијих аутора свих времена и сазнајте неке од највећих тајни које овај град може да понуди! <бр><бр>Наша дневна пешачка тура траје око сат и четрдесет пет минута и покрива део центра града вредан миљу. То је лагана шетња, али предлажемо удобну обућу и одећу која одговара годишњем добу. Наше туре су ненаписане и могу се прилагодити посебним областима интересовања сваке групе!
Цити: Салем
Sat 28 Sep
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Са почетком у $28.00
Sat 28 Sep
Са почетком у $28.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке спремности.<ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Оперира у свим временским условима, молимо да се обуците прикладно
Шта да очекујете
Салем Блацк Цат Тоурс
Ваш водич ће вас дочекати у парку Акелрод Валкваи у улици Цхартер 28, поред музеја Пеабоди Ессек, који се налази преко пута Меморијала суђења вјештицама и центра добродошлице на гробљу Олд Буриинг Поинт.
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Коментара (333)
Oct 2016
My husband and I did this tour last night with John and we were so happy with it! John is very enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable about Salem's history. I highly recommend this tour! Just a note- the website says the tour is anywhere between 1- 1/2 hours but we were there for 2. Which was totally fine with us as we didn't have any plans afterwards but just thought I'd share the tidbit for anyone that may be on a tighter schedule. Also, we unfortunately didn't see any ghosts as my husband was hoping to lol but it's okay...maybe the next group will get lucky.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2016
Thank you so very much for your review! We're so glad you had a good tour! Thank you for your note on the description of the time our tours take. The ticket descriptions and the FAQ page had the correct time estimation but the new pages "Historic Day Tours" and "Ghostly Night Tours" did not! We very much appreciate you bringing that to our attention and it has been corrected on our website! We're sorry you didn't see any ghosts! Keep an eye on our website and Facebook as we'll be posting all the ghost photos we've received over the season sometime in November! Thanks again!
Oct 2016
So I just finished writing my review on the witch house with John as one of the tour guides there and how freakin knowledgeable he is, so with that being said... my boyfriend and I get to the meeting spot of where the black cat tour begins and my boyfriend said "how cool would that be if John was our guide" not thinking anything more of it bc we both figured it'd be a long shot but we were pleasantly surprised when John showed up dress to the nines to give the group the tour!! He is so passionate when telling the stories of Salem and if you have a question he definitely has an answer! I plan on returning to Salem next year and I hope to run into him again, John if you're reading this Hi! You were such a pleasure. It's people like you who make history awesome!
Oct 2016
We visited Salem on the first weekend of October and decided to take an evening tour with Black Cat Tours. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable as she lead us through the tour and telling us stories of the history of Salem. If you like walking tours that contain stores based on the history of the area with a few ghost tales thrown in, this is the tour for you.

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