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Бродови за Бостонску чајанку и улаз у музеј

Вратите се у прошлост и видите како је Бостонска чајанка променила америчку историју! Овај бостонски музеј описује низ догађаја који су водили до 16. децембра 1773. године, а затим наставља да демонстрира како је тај судбоносни дан покренуо америчку револуцију. Погледајте Робинсонов ковчег за чај, једину познату преживелу шкрињу са чајем у Бостону и доживите невероватну причу. У Бостонским бродовима и музеју за чајанке, проведите дан истражујући чувене високе бродове, баците судбински чај у луку Бостон, истражите музејске експонате, погледајте задивљујући филм који препричава догађаје тог времена и уживајте у обиласку са пуним водичем!<бр><бр>
Цити: Бостон
Tue 08 Oct
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Tue 08 Oct
Са почетком у $28.72
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Бродови и музеј Бостонске чајанке
Придружите се Синовима и кћерима слободе и поново проживите ноћ 16. децембра 1773. Бостонска чајанка Бродови и музеј је интерактивно, вођено искуство у којем ћете бити део најважнијег догађаја који је водио до америчке револуције. Укрцајте се на реплике једрењака из 18. века и придружите се сународницима у бацању чаја у море! Погледајте једину познату преживјелу шкрињу за чај из те кобне ноћи, Робинсонову шкрињу за чај. Пренесите се у прошлост док гледате мултисензорни филм „Лет ит Бегин Хере“, где ћете бити део поноћне вожње Пола Ревера и бити стављени у битку у којој је испаљен „Пуцањ који се чуо 'око света“. Употпуните своје искуство заустављањем у Абигаил'с Теа Роом на крају вашег обиласка да бисте уживали у мало чаја. МУЗЕЈ ЗАТВОРЕН НА ЗАХВАЛНОСТ И БОЖИЋ
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (885)
Bailey G
Jan 2021
As a lover of all thing history, especially when it comes to American history, I was super excited about paying to walk through the Boston Tea Party Museum. Visiting Boston for the first time, again if you love history, is absolutely an incredible experience. So many things the shaped are country took place right in the heart of the city, including the famous Boston Tea Party. When you first pay admission, you start by jumping into a live action story as if it's the night that these events are taking place. Live actors interact with you as your make your way down to the dock on the first real boat. Once on the boat, and after a bit of history has been given, you get a chance to chuck your very own crate of tea off of the boat (of course there is a rope attached to pull the box back ashore so no waste or pollution is actually going into the harbor). From there you are able to explore the ship and see what these early patriots might have seen as they search for cargo. As you continue through the experience, you do learn more in depth info regarding that night and the surrounding events that took place both before and after that night. After another quick tour of an additional boat, you eventually make your way into a final room to see one of the coolest American History artifacts. In the final room, you get to bestow the last and only surviving tea crate from the night of the Boston Tea Party. As all the men were ordered to destroy every bit of tea cargo they could find without exception, one managed to survive by either being snuck out or floating in tack down the river. Long story short, you can see that someone gained possession of this said crate and it was passed down through their family for many generations until finally being donated to for the purpose of preserving history. Once finished with this room, you are able to exit and visit the gift shop OR you can pay an additional $5.00 to partake in what I thought the best experience of this museum was, which was an unlimited tea tasting of the 5 different teas thrown overboard that night, For an average individual, this may not sound exciting. However, for a history buff wanting to sock in any bit of authentic experience I could get, I thought it was a fun and special way to immerse yourself in that time period. The teas are really good, however there was a tea called Bohea tea which was outstanding (nice smokey flavor that reminds you of sitting around a campfire). Overall, if I could give it 4.5 stars I would. I opt for 4 stars because the actors are a hair cheesy and the museum, while very fun and interactive, only has a small handful of things to physically read about and view. For history loves and families especially, this is certainly a must do stop when you come to Boston. At least if it's once in your life. Some might think history is boring, however the immersive experience brings it to life giving you a real life lesson normally read in black and white.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2021
Hello Bailey, Thank you for the fabulous review. We appreciate you sharing your experience and your feedback about the tour and tea. It is always great to hear from guests like you . We will be sure to share your comments with our whole team.
Nicky W
Nov 2020
This is a necessity if you're visiting Boston. This experience was informative, interactive, and fun. The cast were very knowledgeable and immersive. We also tried recreations of the tea that was tossed in the harbor. It was a great time!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. We love to share guests comments with our employees. Thank you for the recommendation.
Oct 2020
This was a great attraction. Learned some facts about the Tea Party I hadn't known. The enactors were very knowledgeable and encouraged questions and participation. Don't skip Abigale's Tea Room or the tea tasting.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2020
Thank you for the wonderful review. We are so glad you enjoyed your tour and came away with a few unknown facts.

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