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Неограничено коришћење Хоп он Хоп офф током 1 дана<бр><бр>20 заустављања у званичном обиласку града<бр><бр>Погледајте све главне локације у Сан Франциску<бр><бр>1-сатно крстарење подручјем залива и око острва Алкатраз<бр><бр>Истражите град у слободно време<бр><бр>Главне атракције: мост Голден Гејт, парк Голден Гејт, острво Алкатраз, центар града, рибарско пристаниште и још много тога.
Цити: Сан Франциско
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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1 сат крстарења заливом Сан Франциско
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Коментара (25)
Melanie C
Feb 2020
I brought my 9yo son for a quick trip to explore San Francisco. We had one day to pack in as much as we could. We stayed in the Fisherman's Wharf area so we were close to everything. We were fortunate to snag some "cancellation" tickets to see Alcatraz. In the early afternoon I purchased the 1 day Hop-On Hop-Off Bus and San Francisco Bay cruise package. The cruise was great fun and we loved learning more about the area, riding under the Golden Gate Bridge and spying the sea lions and seals. Upon our return we grabbed the last (5pm) Hop-On Hop-Off Bus leaving stop 1. JD was our driver and Dominica was our tour guide. They were fabulous! They explained that although it was hop-on, hop-off that due to it being the last bus of the night if we got off we were on our own to get back. We were so wiped out from our busy day that we were just happy to grab a seat up top, put on our headphones and listen to Dominica as she pointed out the sights and shared her vast knowledge of the city. Halfway through the tour we were the only 2 passengers left and we became fast friends with both JD and Dominca. I would highly recommend this tour. It was one of the highlights of our trip.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
We are so happy to hear you were able to get some last minute tickets to the amazing Alcatraz! Thank you also for giving a shout out to JD & Dominica as we always love to hear the great feedback. Look us up in 130+ cities around the world!
Oct 2019
This will not disappoint if you're a local and have just hung out in your regular spots -- you'll learn new, remember old and just have an incredible view the whole time (from the top of course!0.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2019
Glad to hear you had a good time, come back and visit us soon!
Phyllis S
Jan 2019
I paid for the City and Sea Adventure tickets in advance for my daughter and me. When we arrived, we were able to take the bus tour of San Francisco, but not the boat tour I had paid for. We LOVED the bus tour, which gives patrons a little history of each area of San Francisco, with an excellent view from the open-top bus roof seats. We were allowed to "Hop on and Hop off" and another bus came along regularly to carry us on our way through the rest of the tour. When we went to the boat tour area, we were told that the company had recently changed owners. To get our harbor tour ride, we were told we had to make our way to the main office in a different location. Our other choice was to request a refund, although it didn't sound like it was likely we would receive it. I suggest that if you're interested in these tours, you schedule separately or wait until you arrive to get current information directly from the company.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2019
We are so sorry to hear you were unable to take the boat portion of your package, but we are happy to hear you enjoyed the bus portion. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.

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